(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s time for some real talk. I gotta warn you: if you’re a Christian or a pastor, you may find my words offensive. That’s not my concern. I’m just honest enough to keep things real with you.
I want to address a few of the reasons why I believe more black men don’t attend church. If we really want to be honest about it, most brothers outright reject church and Christianity. And I think I know why… The following are in no particular order. I’m trying to keep this posting as conversational as possible. So lets get right to it…
1. There are way too many gays in leadership roles in black churches!
Yeah I know…the nasty emails and messages will pour in behind this one. But truth often stings when it first bites you. Go to any black church on any particular Sunday morning, and you’re almost guaranteed to see a choir director or minister of music standing before the congregation who seems to walk a bit too lightly in his shoes. And God forbid if you go to a church musical! You can watch the skinny pant-wearers coming in posse deep.
Understand this: NO real man will come to your church if it’s populated by a bunch of wimps and sissies! As a pastor if your church is heavily attended by gay men, maybe you need to check yourself. Why are the gays so attracted to YOUR church? Maybe you want to take a closer look at that and get a little more honest with yourself.
From what I read about Jesus, he surrounded himself with manly men. They were gruff fishermen, dock workers, carpenters, tax collectors, revolutionaries. They were men who weren’t afraid to draw the sword and commence to cutting off ears when the time called for it. These are the kinds of men who were attracted to the ministry of Jesus; and he to them. So why such a dramatic change for us today? It may be offensive to say this but it is what it is…
2. Men need discipline, not hugs and emotion.
What do the black muslims, the military, sports coaches and prison all have in common? Answer: they know what it takes to discipline your sons and turn them into men.They know how to take young men who the world says are hopeless thugs and the scum of the earth, and turn them into unified productive members of a community.
You’ll never see a drill sergeant hugging a new recruit and telling him, “Son, do you know how much you are loved“? But what you will hear one say is something like: “Move your god-blankety-blank-blank over there and give me 100 blankin’ push-ups”! And you know what’s crazy? By the time the drill sergeant has finished training the new recruit, that young man will willingly charge a bunker filled with hostiles, bullets flying in his face and even give up his life for his newfound military family.
When I visit churches nowadays, its evident the focus of most pastors and their ministry is on young single black women with kids. And by young I mean early 20’s to mid 40’s. Most of the preaching is designed to appeal to the female’s sensibilities. “Are you hurting, and feel like you need Jesus to wrap his arms around you?” Too many feel good, gummy-bear messages designed to make people feel good. I’m sorry, but messages like these only turn men away from Jesus.
Men want to be taught. Appeal to our sense of logic and level-headed thinking. Don’t just put on a bunch of happy music and expect the men present to dance their way down to the altar. The only men you’ll be seeing are the ones in the skinny jeans and tight teeshirts.
When was the last time besides Father’s Day you even heard your pastor speak a pro-masculine message? Don’t think too hard… I don’t want you popping a blood vessel! Too many pastors are too busy preaching messages to please their majority female audiences. They’ve become teachers of those with itching ears, preaching false hope of positivity and ‘all will be fine as long as you pay your tithes’, instead of giving those same women the truth that they need. Again: shame on you pastors! I’ve never seen such a bunch of weak-kneed spineless wimps in clergy collars as I see today!
What’s needed is good solid biblically-based teaching. Teach the people how to discipline their lives by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Stop making Jesus out to be some soft pushover and show him to be the strong masculine figure that he truly is! Men need discipline, not a bunch of soft music playing on the organ while the pastor makes an emotional appeal for us to ‘Come to Jesus’. A real dude may walk the aisle and come forward; but what will keep him in the church after that one prayer at the altar? Only solid instruction and discipline will. He needs to be taught how to discipline his life by a new world view and new principles. And I’m sorry to say, but the way most black churches conduct their styles of ministry, this will NEVER happen. Hence why churches are filled with women and kids.
3. Too much emphasis on tithes and offerings.
Let’s keep it 100: if a man smells a scam, you ain’t getting his money! And if he’s married, you ain’t getting his wife’s money either!
Today’s churches have become maniacal about money. I recently watched a minister on tv spend 30 minutes convincing people that Jesus had a house. Who gives a cookie crisp?! But it was an attempt to convince people to focus on the idea of giving money to the minister to get money back from God.
Understand that when you mention things like: Sowing your seed, a financial harvest, money cometh, and other such popular phrases, you immediately push smart, rational thinking men away. He smells a scam. It’s the punchline he’s been waiting for. “Aha“, he declares. “I knew there was an angle!” You’re not getting a man’s money without first getting his heart. And you’ll never get his heart if you focus too much on his wallet. The best way to get a man’s heart is to be the kind of leader he’ll willingly follow. Then if you ask for 10% of his income to finance church projects, he’ll have no problem doing so.
These are just a few of the many other things I’ve observed over the years: things that seem to keep more real men away from the church. There will definitely be a part 2 in the near future.
This is the kind of stuff I’m referring to with this article: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1689863/meek-mill-bet-apology-boycott-ends.jhtml
This pastor has a history trying to capture the spotlight for himself: http://thegrio.com/2012/04/21/in-new-book-call-tyrone-pastor-advises-single-black-women-to-stay-single/
And he’s not alone. I hear this tome in black churches across America. This is that ‘throw the black man under the bus to save the black woman’ mess that will ensure a man-free church for years to come.
Dudes like this just further alienate black men from the church, leaving sisters lonely, single and vulnerable for easy exploitation by pastors who pander to women for monetary gain. Its insidious. Its borderline demonic. And it needs to be addressed and called out.
Most Black men Refuse to Be lectured and feel they don’t need to hear the same shuck and Jive every Sunday morning… also men respect men of action not So called men of God, who haven’t proven that they will put their life on the line for the sake of the PEOPLE….. Also men Recognize::: Game Recognize Game and the Black Preacher is certainly Platongue games…
Well said Sankofa
Any males that object to Mack’s separation of masculinity from the effeminising influence and negative transformation of masculine energy to feminine energy, particularly in the church, are themselves the major enablers of this experiment. This is a society that fears a masculine man, unless he is dying under enemy fire. Only then is his manhood celebrated….until he comes home and then he is now a threat, a loose cannon if you will.
I feel your list didn’t include the loser. The cat who just came out of a 12 step program and has transferred his addictive dependency on illicit substances and replaced them with the church. His attendance is not based on faith but fear of relapsing. Because of this fear, he becomes more evangelical than Paul himself.
There is also the gash man. He of the pussy hunter profile, who, like a rooster in a chicken coop, struts his stuff for those lonely women on the lookout for a single non effeminate male in the church that they can fix up and make good with.
I hope you’ all know the gash man is real, because I have personally been invited to church on more than one occasion by a gash man as a way to cure my single life. This character in the past has regaled me with his adventure, along with the pastor of that church, stroking kitty cats left, right and down the centre. This is another reason why sensible men are reluctant to venture in that modern den of iniquitous behaviour, as they see the gash man and the homosexual as being too prominent in a female heavy environment that reflects the larger society’s fear and loathing of masculine men.
Regarding your take on the military and gangs as more of an influence, whether due to the reality of discipline being meted out, both are correct. For me basic training was a watershed moment in my life and going through manly endeavours gave me more insight into my inner strength than almost anything else in my life. Regarding the gang aspect and the related “thug” energy, men gravitate to that because of the hyper masculinity espoused in that group, don’t matter if it’s channelled positively or not… it counters the prevailing image of the boy-ginas out there (can’t call them suckers men). Unsaid is the fact that women are drawn to the thugness of some knee-grow, not because he is a thug, but more because he is not a pussy or a boy-gina, which is something a woman does not respect, even as he defends feminism and the accompanying crap that splatters on them.
What I want to ask the Christians out there though is what about a male who does not attend church or the masjid…. is he still looked upon as a man? Or is he subjected to another category?
How he defines manhood and masculinity is the root cause of why any man, but especially the black man, does anything really, and brothas are not usually inclined to re-evaluate or subject those definitions to any kind of scrutiny because it’s all we’ve got to hold on to. Rather than contribute yet another comment to the advisory list of why we do or don’t do this or that, I want to be as objective as possible so here are some points to consider:
1) Many men, black and otherwise, are more devoted to their manhood than God. We’re interested in our own glory–not that of what we often see as “some other man’s”. In short, masculinity IS our religion or spirituality.
2) We dismiss Christianity as “The White Man’s Religion” instead of really studying the bible ourselves to see what Jesus was like and what he was about. Sometimes “Christianity” has to be separated in one’s mind from simply what the bible says, which is more important than christianity or religion in terms of rituals or acts of devotion.
3) The black men is sensitive about “being told what to do”, arguably more sensitive than many white men or other non black men I know who don’t seem to have a problem with attending church or think that it takes anything away from them. But if you are really a God-fearing man, and a follower of Christ, utimately you submit to God’s authority anyway; I’ve met far too many women who have said the black man more so than others makes them choose between him and God–brothas, men doing that is just not right. Why should she submit to you? On what basis? I’m going to say this and I hope you hear it without getting offended: women need us to lead with God’s wisdom and be accountable to something other than our penises, men are not infallable and, frankly, if there is a God, I don’t want the consequences of stubbornly denying a woman the spiritual companion she desires and pitting ourselves as higher priority in her life than God. We have no right to strip her of her hope and the fact that our actions are accountable to God, someone she can appeal to if we should do her wrong or if we are possiblity going to make a bad decision–it’s security.
4) As far as the emotions thing, I can see how that would be a deterrent from church if we are constantly guarding our manhood to begin with. Let’s face it brothas, we as men have been socialized to think that emotions are of no value or not as useful as logic–the whole “women are emotional men are analytical” legend (as though logic and emotion cannot operate in the same being or at the same time). How many of you have done something to improve your experience of church rather than just immediately x it off the list of stuff that is worth your time at the first put off? God gave us our minds and he says in Deuteronomy (and Jesus confirmed it) that we’re supposed to take our mind to love and worship God with it. Women don’t need to be in relationship with a piece of steel who seems to only feel when he’s having sex or watching sports; we need to give our women more access to the deeper parts of who we are because we are human beings, not human doings. Deep emotion and thought is something she wants to experience WITH YOU, this will stop women from feeling hurt and alone (beneath the strong exterior) also then maybe she won’t need to release so much emotional tension at church.
5) Who said we have to attend a “black church”, which, yes, does tend to be more emotion-based. Black men want to feel big and in charge and in some cases they use the church as a quick way to make that happen; maybe that’s why it doesn’t even occur to some of us that the point of going to church is to worship God–not the black image. The bible teaches that we–men and women–are created in the image and likeness of God in the first chapter of Genesis, in Numbers I think 18, God said he is not a man, Jesus in John 4 said that God is a spirit; because we’ve been conditioned to this world so long, many of us cannot grasp easily the ideas of being a raceless or colorless spirit more so than a physical man. As far as not being able to see God, it goes back to God being a spirit not a being limited to the earth and the physical, “seeing” God comes from putting yourself in a position to receive spiritual sight and insight. Things like confidence, faith & hope are not seen with the eye but are real nevertheless. Non predominantly black churches tend to be less emotive and focus more on teaching and service; However, it takes a big man to jump above the rim of culture shock or fear of communities where he’s not surrounded by other blacks.
6) We think “being religious” interferes with our sex needs being met. I can kinda half grant us this one because I know of and have met a couple of sistahs that are just holywierd; but you’re not looking for that. What’s important to understand about the faith and followership of Christ is that we are supposed to show our love to our woman by laying down our lives for them and the kids they give us–not taking a bullet, only, if it should come to that, but it means putting what we think we’re entitled to or what we don’t want to do to death for their benefit out of obedience and worship to God. Sex is definitely important, but our passions are supposed to be under God’s law if we are believing men; it’s not that women don’t want to be with us sexually, they just instinctually can tell when you use sex as a way for her to worship YOU as though you’re God and it’s because she doesn’t want to feel used. Women feel like meat or used in the sexual context when there is no consistent relationship of intimacy and connection with WHO YOU ARE and what are your true thoughts etc outside the bedroom. She doesn’t want to be dishonored by your insistance that she give you certain sexual acts as though your life depended on it, and the other thing is: some of these women feel dirty because what you want her to do came from porn or some other source less pure than your Godly imagination and just the two of you having the beautiful and awesome opportunity to feel each other out, explore and find your rhythm and that is a private matter that is none of our boys’ business–again, takes a big man. If they ask, be a leader and set a new precedent of respect for your woman and the sacredness of your relationship by say, “I’m a blessed man” and leave it at that–they’re not entitled to details, and there are other ways to impress your male friends. Seldom will you find a woman who, once all of the aforementioned obstacles are removed, won’t be willing to give herself to you and fully open up and even experiment; women are just feeling dried out by men who they open themselves up to (sometimes unwisely) but we stay closed and refused to let her truly know us, it’s selfish and just cruel regardless of the fact that you may not intend it that way.
Last one, 7) the sabbath is given to you for more restful and focused worship of the God who gives you strength throughout the week; it is not an excuse to say I would rather…, I would rather… Everything we have and hope to gain, God gives us. It doesn’t have to be the game OR service, extra sleep OR service, worship God through my job during the week OR worship and serve God on Sunday; that hasn’t been an excuse since the VCR let alone DVR and Tivo. Also, most churches have services at multiple times–you can go early or early afternoon; if you don’t like getting up early that’s cool but remember about sacrifice and putting God above the desires of the physical body. There are services on Saturdays or you can just go one night during the week if you have to work Sunday; adopt an attitude of learning rather than looking for a place to shine. After a while women lose respect for men that are selfish and can’t give up any ground to submit to anything but his own untested and nonblessed and godless ideas of what it means to be a man–lead. Lead under God. Lead with His glory shining on you.
I think you’re confusing the brothers who ‘ain’t about nothing’ with the ones who are. There are plenty of decent black men all around us who shy away from the church because of the apparent foolishness. There’s nothing negative about stating this. It is what it is.
The dudes who ‘ain’t about nothing’ won’t go to church no matter how many articles are written or debates take place. They’re just gonna continue prowling around for the next low-esteem sister to run up in…
Again: I speak of the brothers who would come to church, even WANT to come to church, if they could only make peace with the idea of submitting themselves to a non-masculine environment. Good luck getting any real dudes to do that!
I brought the conversation up so that hopefully a greater conversation could spark a reformation in the so-called ‘black’ church. We need the church to change and transform back into the beacon of light it once stood for. It pains my heart too much to leave it as it is…
I am not bitter just disappointed. I have been working with families in crisis for 13 years. Just disappointed.
So much bitterness……..Noone’s making excuses. If anything, I see quite a few brothers who are concerned about something they love, and what can be done to clean up the mess. As black males living in America we can fall victim to the societial forces that seek to emasculate us, or we can still rise above it. Sadly, black Christian Church is in a state of insurrection. The great recession pulled the covers off of much of the greed, avarice, and abuse of the Spiritual Nature of God by those who should be the most responsible for upholding the teachings of God. Chris, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. ANY respressed people will find a way to survive. And one should look to the type of smart, spiritual brothers who are moving away from foolishness. Not the tyoe of PIMPS and PIMPETTS who manipulate their congregations. Or for that matter, in society in general. You can’t expect a playa to be a leader of his team. But a Coach is a leader of his people.
So typical of black man, always making excuses for way their lazy, criminal, prejudice and broke asses will not get up and step up. The real reasons why these types of leaders are in these roles is because, most black men are absence from just about every walk of life when it comes to the black communities. I was just in a training today and the training was entitled, Engaging the non-residential father. Our lives is what we make of it. Black men need to shut up and step up. Finally, the tone of the article is very negative and hatred is permeating in this article. If you are going to be honest you need to speak the truth. Should I have said, “STEP UP OR SHUT UP”? Most of the men you are speaking about will not read this article. I wonder why……
The answer for ME is simple: I’d clean house (and probably wreck shop too).
But most of those brothers who don’t come to church do NOT understand what we as church going men do. All they see is what’s presented to them. And sadly what’s most often presented to them is the kinda stuff that would make most men stay away from the church.
If you heard that dozens of McDonald’s restaurants in your area were caught serving people rat-burgers, you wouldn’t go out your way to find one that wasn’t. The wise eater in you would simply avoid ALL McDonald’s, at least until they got their act together. This is how the churches look in our community today. Too many have been serving folks spiritual rat burgers, and it makes the entire brand of Christ look bad.
I’m all for doing what you and I can to make things better. But I’m also willing to understand where our critics are coming from.
If you arrived home and there were 4 dudes in your house eating your food, maybe watching your television – just chillin in your house. 1 dude claims kingship. 1 dude is dispensing incorrect information. 1 dude has a bag filled with your valuables (he’s robbing you) and 1 dude is gay.
My question for you Mack is. Which would you do:
A) Vacate your house and leave it to the fake king, the robber, liar and gay dude
B) Do you go “chop it up” with some other dudes who came home and found a similar situation at their house, or
C) Do you reclaim your house by do what is required to get them dudes up out of your house.
Thought I’d gather some more thoughts on this topic. Heard that Bishop Eddie Long was anointed some kind of jewish king this past week:
And it’s junk like THIS that keeps greater numbers of decent, smart brothers from walking through church doors.
Thanks Major
Here’s a link for those out there who think I’m making this stuff up. But I must warn you: this is NOT for the faint of heart, and what you will read here is beyond your Christian conception. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. But it proves my point.
Here’s the link:
Nuff said…really. Nuff said. Dead on it. The Word says the truth will make you free. Well, some have to be made free and some are already free. Good stuff! Needs to be preached in every pulpit.
Take our sons and men back from Satan with force and truth!
@Willy: homophobic is a term created by the LGBT community (and those aligned with them) to silence their critics. It’s usually used against those who have a critical enough brain to question the common sense of being…part of that community.
🙂 Yeah, I made that one up.
As for Jesus being a Jewish zombie from Nazareth. Correction: He is the living manifestation of the true and living God, who came as a man to teach his lost children how to find their way back home. This btw includes YOU.
I’m not a ‘gay basher’… I just have a low tolerance for effeminate acting men. And an even lower tolerance for ignorant rants laced with conjecture. I chop it up with black men on a constant basis: at the barbershop, on the corners, wherever. And this is what THEY tell me are THEIR reasons for avoiding church. It was posted here to help enlighten my fellow Christian brothers on how we can better reach them. I just happen to fully understand and relate to how they feel.
Thx for the New Years blessings…
this was homophobic, ignorant and a waste of a great headline. perhaps us new black men are too intelligent to praise sun gods and read books written by oppressors.
amen is from Amen Ra the sun god….so yeah, perhaps none of us fall for the jesus hoax anymore. if you believe a jewish zombie from nazareth will save your soul, i suggest you keep waiting….
im a straight man, but to bash our confused gay brothers is retarded and wont get us anywhere. im just sayin….props to this website by the way, its a great site and im glad it exists, i just found it yesterday!
happy new years to all !
You raise many good points, thankfully there are churches that do not fall into your scenario.
Search for the church that teaches and preaches God’s word. Such churches will change the people going there. Such a church will not allow people in leadership positions that are not conforming to the way and life of Christ, no matter their past.
Darkness cannot survive in light. If the word of God is going forth, people will either get right with God or get out.
Real men go to church and raise their sons and daughters to do so as well.
Gotcha bruh. LOL
Bruh Mack,
Do you recall in my response to your article that I stated there were lots of Heterosexual dudes who are emotionally effeminate.” Raised by women they usually reason and respond like women.
You know who they are by their responses.
The “DMV” is filled with down low bros….Mack just stay in SillyPhilly!
That’s what’s up. I’m in the Philly area, so I’m not far from DC. Don’t be surprised if I take you up on your offer.
The DMV is District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia. You know the funny this about your post was the Sunday prior to your post, while in church I thought I need to write a post on Black men in church.
I think I might pen one today or tomorrow for next week’s publishing.
Reginald: DMV…where is this?
Bruh Mack,
If you are ever in the DMV you should look a brother up. I’ll show a church filled with black men.
Pastor Green:
Great hearing from you sir!
I think the answers are quite simple: if a community is made up of families, and families consist of a man and a woman, with the man being the head of the household…
If the head of the household is missing, the family won’t be as strong, it will be weak. And weakened families make for a weak community. The solution to strengthening a weak community is to go after the missing men. That’s the key.
Any pastor who wants a strong church ministry should target his ministry style and activities towards drawing and keeping men. Get a good solid core of men into your church. Work on them like Jesus did. Pour your life into them. Be an example of what a man should be like: for his family, his community and for the world at large. Allow them to access your life in unprecedented ways.
Train them by example, then turn them loose. This was Jesus’ style of training men. Let them take over every facet of church ministry. Men are leaders by nature. It’s innate to us. So let them lead. Put men in charge of the sound booth and tape ministry, the singles ministry, the prison outreach, the street outreach. Even put them in charge of the Sunday school class and the church nursery.
When men are empowered and entrusted to lead, they tend to do a stellar job. Too many pastors have insecurity issues about other men, and tend to do what’s safe and comfortable by surrounding themselves with women. This is cool if you wish to create a personality cult… like you see in most mega-churches today. But it’s horrible for transforming a society.
We need society transformed; it’s time out for business as usual. You’re in Watts, so you should know where I’m coming from.
Iron sharpens iron. Great leaders make the men around them great too. But insecure leaders only push good men away from them. Since men are the leaders within a community, it’s imperative that you do everything in your power to draw and attract as many men to your ministry as possible.
Start by changing your decor. Ever notice how most churches are full of soft pink colors… lavenders and sea green? Try styling your decor so that it’s more man friendly. You may have to do some research for this. But I believe it’s well worth the effort. Men seem to be more attracted to technology. As you’re able to, add as much modern technology in your ministry as possible.
Cater your messages and sermons to what’s important to men. Add more of a teaching style to your ministry, as we men tend to be more analytical than emotional.
These are just a few ideas that come to mind. Above everything else, ask God to show you how to be more effective towards men. If you succeed at filling your church with good solid men, I guarantee you the women will follow. And that makes for a strong, balanced church in my opinion.
You made some excellent points there. I like that analogy of a tea bag too.
But I still contend that the problem as a whole doesn’t lie with black men making too many excuses, as you seem to suggest. I don’t think brothers are that lazy or disinterested in life to go around making a bunch of excuses for stuff.
In fact, I totally understand the brother you talked about who was ready to throw in the towel because of dealing with his kid’s mother. Been there before myself. I hope he still fights the good fight for his kid’s sake; but America makes it darn near impossible for good black men to take an active role in the raising of our kids once a relationship has soured. This wicked system empowers silly women to use the laws in a vindictive manner against men. And this is ultimately to the child’s hurt and the greater hurt of OUR communities.
But that’s another conversation for another day…
I contend that brothers don’t go to church more because our churches aren’t designed as places of worship FOR MEN. Everything about the way it’s set up and orchestrated is designed to play on the nurturing, communal sensibilities of females. Holding hands. Singing gospel love songs to Jesus. Emotionally driven preaching and yelling. Speaking of Jesus in terms that are purely feminine in nature.
“He’s the LOVER of my soul…Rock me in thine bosom Jesus…”
Men aren’t that keen on holding hands; especially with a strange dude. And singing about loving another man is outright uncomfortable…especially when half the dudes who are present on a Sunday morning look as if they’re already struggling with homosexuality.
Not saying that men shouldn’t love Jesus. But if your goal is to attract more men and not repel them, we should take note that we’re speaking to MEN when we talk about the Lord.
Which leads me to my next point: ninety percent of the teaching and preaching is geared to empower women. When the pastor typically speaks to the congregation, he almost always addresses the WOMEN. Check it out for yourself. The only difference is when he’s in a chastising tone; that’s when he usually addresses the men directly.
This is not done by accident. The insidious tone of feminism that has taken hold on the greater society has also crept unchecked into our churches. So now you have churches filled with a bunch of Ms. Independents, who are being catered to by pastors who desire to keep them coming and giving every Sunday.
In business you tend to cater to your demographic. This is also true for churches. Think about it from a purely financial standpoint: if 70 percent of the givers in your church are women, in order to keep the bills paid and extra money flowing in, you have to cater to THAT segment. It’s a tactic that works for making money. But it’s disastrous for nation-building.
What’s more, it has NOTHING to do with God, Christ, the bible or the Holy Spirit. It’s a worldly tactic used by many pastors to keep the churches full of giving, admiring, crying, singing and dancing women. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
Question for you: have you noticed the kind of suits many pastors wear nowadays? Bright yellow…red and black pin striped with red leather gators to match…zuit suits… Again: this ain’t by accident. These things are designed to impress easily impressionable women. It’s a tactic used by pimps when they’re out campaigning for new girls to fill their stables. And it too has crept unchecked into the churches. Not saying a pastor can’t look good. But there’s a fine line between looking good and drawing attention to YOURSELF and away from God.
You also said that black men don’t go to church because they ain’t really feeling a God they can’t see. But that doesn’t explain why black Muslim men worship a god faithfully that they can’t see either. Faithfully.
You also said black men don’t go to church because they got better things to do with their time. Again: Muslim men attend masjid for prayer FIVE TIMES A DAY when possible, and attend the larger gathering every Friday, come hell or high water. So obviously black men aren’t as time sensitive as you suggest.
The truth is: mature black men are a lot smarter than we’re given credit for. We don’t like scams, or anything that looks like a scam. We don’t like being played for a fool. And we definitely ain’t following anything that’s gay or anti-male. Misandry in the church has got to end!
In the military, when something goes wrong out in the field the higher ups don’t chastise the lowly recruit: they call the leadership to task. The reason why there’s so many gays at church is because true masculinity is lacking. And this has nothing to do with the quality of men attending: it has everything to do with the pastor’s style of leadership. Iron sharpens iron.
Real leaders replicate themselves in those who follow them. This is a sad commentary on what I see in churches as I travel the country, because it seems like all these modern day pastors are able to replicate are flaky women and queers.
You can’t get more masculine than the military. But gays now proliferate there too…because the LEADERSHIP allows them to openly represent their sexual preference for sleeping with men. The average recruit you talk to hates it. But the power to change things lies with those in charge, just as it always has. So demonizing men for NOT wanting to be in a place that’s obviously pro-gay, like many churches are, is a little disingenuous.
During the 50’s and 60’s, there were typically as many black men present in church as there were women. But something happened in the 70’s and 80’s that drastically changed all that: churches became decidedly pro-women’s lib and anti-male. Just like the world. They became lax on standards of holiness and allowed homosexuals who played good music to come in and take leadership roles. And once they did this, they forfeited their right to win the hearts and minds of true solid men.
Men exited churches in droves, and pastors found that by catering to women they could keep their bills paid and build a nice nest egg as well. If any men joined, that was a nice bonus; but the marketing (preaching, teaching, music and church decor) would remain decidedly feminine.
So yes, men will go out and drop crazy money on sporting events. Because it’s one of the last bastions of masculinity left in this godless nation. And considering how all these athletes are starting to wear PINK nowadays, I’m not sure how much longer that will last either.
BTW: the political system is BEYOND flawed. But votes are still necessary, especially at the local level where change will be felt at the most.
Great chopping it up with you bruh…
I thank you for your concern and your observation, I want to say pray for our brothers and sister who are still stuck. I am not one of the churches you describe, I believe that men should take there proper roll in the family and community and we are working to make it happen here in the city of Watts, CA. Thank God we are a well balance, word driven God fearing ministry. That has braced our brothers as well as our sister. People are hurt and broken, I truly believe that Tough love is needed but also we need to have some compassion for the wounded brothers and sisters. Would love to hear more from you on solutions to fixed the problem and work with you to make it happen. Thank you again for you observation and I look forward to reply.
Bruh Mack, please entertainment my train of thought for a minute while I respectfully, but aggressively, challenge your article.
Think about a teabag. Take that teabag and place it in a cup of water (doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold). When that teabag is placed in the water the elements of the teabag possess the power to change the composition of the water to such that the water becomes tea. A man (not a male), like a teabag, changes the composition of where he’s been. Additionally, the composition of a place changes when men’s presence is absent.
You say black men don’t go to church because the church is too effeminate. I ask, might the church be too effeminate because males, who claim to be men, have too many B.S. excuses for not going.
Now while I love God and get pissed off by some of the church nonsense, being a member of a church that’s filled with men who by their actions are proving to be disciples of God’s word proves for me that black men do go to church and make a difference. Each and every Sunday, and through all ministry events the influence of men is evident at my church. As the former Men’s Ministry director and the current director of the marriage ministry the participation of men was and is phenomenal.
Now, are there issues in churches – absolutely. But if you are claiming manhood, make your manhood felt by changing the composition of the church you question. As a man, are you (not speaking of you personally) a thermostat changing the temperature of a room or are you the thermometer whose temperature is changed by the conditions that surrounds it. To me your argument for men, make them sound like they are thermometers and that’s weak.
As a black man I get real tired of those “woe is me” mindsets. You see Bruh Mack, church ain’t the only place that pseudo men come up with convenient excuses about why they do not participate. Can’t tell you how often brothers roll up into my office talking about F-it because my baby’s mama is crazy – exiting their child’s life (ladies reading this please don’t say amen because in too many situations women “are” using the court system to play games). Can’t tell you how often I hear men talking about they ain’t got no time to roll through the hood and serve as a mentor to some yungins because those yungins are too hard headed. Our youth are dying in the streets in large part because men who claim righteousness ain’t making their presence felt in those neighborhoods. So the composition of the neighborhood is faltering because ain’t no men presence. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard brothers talking about they ain’t voting because the political system is flawed. Real Talk Bruh Mack, too often we find it too easy not to show up, and then we justify it. Here’s some Real Talk, there are too many heterosexual men who are emotionally effeminate. Raised by momma, grand-momma, aunties and/or older sisters, these dudes claiming manhood reason with the same spirit of those women who raised them.
Consider this Bruh Mack, if the men have vacated the church because the church has a lack of men, then my pre-supposition to your position is that effeminate males have the ability to make men vacate the premise. Wow that’s tragic because it seems like the effeminate men you speak of have a greater resolve then the men who don’t go to church.
In closing, in one of your quotes you mentioned your love for God. So with that said, you know, as a disciple of his word, that God always challenged the religious leaders. From the Old Testament to the New, their failed leadership was always challenged. So the failed leadership you speak of ain’t nothing new. You also mentioned that Jesus hung with 12 rough dudes. That’s a profound statement. Check this, Jesus and 12 dudes changed the world, but the men that you write about can’t change a church because of the population of gays. Wow!
If you went to a restaurant and the food, service or food and service was bad – you would discontinue frequenting that establishment, but you wouldn’t stop eating. You just find another restaurant. If I recall you mentioned somewhere in your piece about attending a good, bible teaching church and you’re right. If the church that men attend ain’t what it should be and you don’t want to change the composition – you can at least find another church to be nourished and served at.
So since you and I are men let’s really keep it real. Men don’t go to church for two reasons (1) because they ain’t really feeling a God they can’t see and (2) because they don’t want to – they got better things to do with their time. Everything else is B.S.
Oh and on the tithing. Not supporting the concept of the begging preacher, but how ironic is it that a dude will pay close to $4K on season tickets for their favorite football/basketball team complemented by purchasing the high cost for hot dogs and beer (every game) and then complain about a preacher trying to hijack their paycheck while never saying a word to the billionaire owner whose net worth grows with every $10 beer you purchase. Go figure.
Response to Jorge:
• white women in church! clutch their purses when I kneel on the pew’s kneeboard to pray
*Black women do too! Anybody with common sense would protect their belongings when surrounded by strangers. Everybody in church ain’t a saint my friend!
• all the revealed religions’ stories, characters, etc (Judaism, Islam, Christianity ) were originally from Egypt — which was a black African state. NONE of these religions admit that. Why? ’cause they’ll admit too much and destroy their hegemony. Proof? Forget all the black history books – go see Bill Mahers’ Religulous movie. Pay attention to the last 10 minutes. So since he’s white, believe it now?
*An old argument made by Christ haters of the black race. Egypt was a black state. No doubt about this. My answer to you on the rest is simple: PROVE IT! Are there similarities between biblical accounts and stories told in other religions? Certainly. Just as there are similarities between whites and albinos. Yet they are NOT the same.
And using Bill Maher to prove your point? Sorry, but any dude who dates a chick called Super Head has lost all credibility with me…A much more reliable film would be Expelled by Ben Stein. It’s free to view on YouTube.
• religion is a bronze age belief system for immature, illiterate people who won’t grow up and deal with being scared of death and the dark nighttime
*Have you been reading Richard Dawkins my friend?! Do me a favor: don’t just quote something you read from someone else’s supposed research. Go out and do your own. Your point was immature, in that it fails to take under consideration the incredible scientific intellects who are coming out more in favor of an Intelligent Design Theory on the creation of the universe. Darwin is dead and his theory still unproven. You should update your source of info.
• sorry, the author’s original reasons I just think were too much in jest.
*Nope, not at all. Meant every bit of it from the bottom of my heart. Your response however, did make me laugh a bit…
That gangs don’t take care of their own babies… which is NOT true across the board… is irrelevant. I used gangs just to show that even the gang culture recognizes something about creating strong male unity that the modern so-called ‘black’ church has lost; and could benefit from if regained.
Black men always have been and always will be spiritual. But the churches in America could benefit tremendously if they simply made MEN a priority again; like the Muslims in the black community have done. And let’s keep it real: most churches value female membership over male. The proof stares you blatantly in the face every Sunday morning.
Again: I’m all for church. I’m just against misandry in the church. Black men by and large will tend to stay away from any group or organization that doesn’t promote male strength.
The church I attend the Pastor is strongly for Biblically based teaching which is what you recommed. But to say that church is somehow soft i take issue with and this is why. This country has done an excellent job of weakening the black man in America for years.In the dats of slavery, the black man attended church by the masses. These were strong black men probably stronger than any man on earth both physically and spirtually. Wicked American systems have caused the black man to lose all sense of spirituality and accountability to family. Now the black man is completely lost on all levels of strength and toughness.You use gangs as a example of unity and strength. Well, that just proves my point that he is lost. How much untity and stength does gangs have when they cant even take care of their own babies. Your point is weak and uneducated.
Let’s pretend just momentarily that it mattered one bit wheather Egyptians were black or not…what possible difference would that make? You completely void the rest of your comment by making such a ridiculous statement. To further damage your credibility you use Bill Maher’s spoof of a documentary as your point of reasoning. Pick up a book, Jorge.
Well, this is nothing like what I thought it would be. How about these reasons (read also this site’s Why I’m not Black) —
• white women in church! clutch their purses when I kneel on the pew’s kneeboard to pray
• all the revealed religions’ stories, characters, etc (Judaism, Islam, Christianity ) were originally from Egypt — which was a black African state. NONE of these religions admit that. Why? ’cause they’ll admit too much and destroy their hegemony. Proof? Forget all the black history books – go see Bill Mahers’ Religulous movie. Pay attention to the last 10 minutes. So since he’s white, believe it now?
• religion is a bronze age belief system for immature, illiterate people who won’t grow up and deal with being scared of death and the dark nighttime
• sorry, the author’s original reasons I just think were too much in jest.
Wow! Just wow! Money maniacal is the truth. I haven’t come across the effeminate church choir leader, yet I always find it suspicious that there are choir boys and not choir girls. Threw me off a lot of the times.
Great article, many of the reasons listed above had a major influence on my conversion to Islam. With Islam there are no shades of grey; rules, laws, and expectations are universal. Since I have been going to my local mosque, I have noticed more and more black men joining our congregation Inshallah many more join.
Co-sign Deeann!
Mr. Major, I salute you — many serious-minded young women, who see what is needed in the community and in our homes and see how far short the church is falling to equip us to meet those needs, are tired of dealing with points 1, 2, and 3 also, and are leaving their particular church. It is true that the Black church is going to have to get itself together or face dissolution! But there is a side point to be made here: one local church is not THE Church of God. I would challenge Black men and women: if you are in a sad-sack church, don’t blame Christianity for your staying where you don’t belong. Take the responsibility to go seek a congregation that is being equipped to practice Christianity as the Sunday-through-Saturday relationship that it really is. After all, boys and girls run from responsibility and blame everything else for their departure; MEN and WOMEN do what needs to be done for their spiritual welfare. Leave your local church if you must — but don’t give up on Christ!
@Mack: Wow! I totally understand you now. What an Interesting clarification LOL, too funny and it’s funny because it’s true. I totally see your point of view now and in fact I AGREE. Some churches have gotten out of hand, but the church I go to is not like that, it’s an empowerment church. So I was and am still saying Never give up hope. May God lead you to the excellence you seek!
I’m not insinuating that homosexuals and child molesters are one and the same. What I am insinuating, however, is that any man who’s sexually attracted to another male IS gay. Doesn’t matter if the object of attraction is an underage boy. If you have any confusion about this, I hope you are careful with the men you choose to deal with.
Many formerly gay men, who were bold enough to share their former life stories, all seem to have ONE common theme: they were introduced into the gay lifestyle by and large through some older male predator.
Hmmm…so let’s see: an older man sexually molests a younger male, and the younger male begins to exhibit sexual interests in other males. Seems to me like molestation is a direct path into homosexuality. And we all know that the molested often turn and become predators themselves…like some sick virus spreading around. (Shout out to Bishop Eddie Long…)
By the way: you may want to check out this article by a Catholic priest about the John Jay report: “Priest slams John Jay study on Catholic Church abuse.” This guy claims the report is part of the cover-up.http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/iteam/2011/05/priest-slams-john-jay-study-on-catholic-church-abuse
As for discipline, its not that men are attracted to it, so much as we RESPECT it. And once you gain a man’s respect, it’s not hard to gain his heart. That’s why a father’s presence is SO needed in our homes today. Women tend to be excellent nurturers, but poor disciplinarians. A father’s spanking or firm voice tends to carry more weight than a mother’s. ESPECIALLY in the life of a young male.
Black males are attracted to gangs for the same reason. It’s not so much for the adventure. It’s because of the respect that being affiliated with the gang will bring them.
Discipline is what’s required of you by gangs. You must play by the gang’s bylaws and rules. The same can be said for the military, black fraternities, sports, prison life and the black muslims. And it’s absolutely effective in capturing the minds and allegiance of black males. It’s also what the churches severely lack.
For example: most churches have NO system in place to ensure the males attending don’t drop out of attendance. Not to mention an effective system in place to protect it’s youth from sexual predators. Most don’t even have an effective male outreach, except some pathetic attempt at male solidarity shown on a typical 5th Sunday (Men’s Day).
But the Muslims do. Miss too many meetings and you’ll be getting a visit from some of the brothers…probably at your front door. Get caught molesting the son of one of the brothers, you’ll be visiting ICU or the morgue.
The same goes for any other existing male oriented organization, from the military to frats to gangs. But not the black church! Why is that? And don’t give me some super spiritual sounding answer. If Christ bled and died for us, why would he be okay with churches being so passive about the men who drop out of attendance, or those they allow to sneak into the church and molest the kids?
In Mark 9:42, Jesus said it would be better for a man to tie a millstone around his neck and throw it into the sea, than to offend one of the kids that believes in Him. But we don’t teach THIS Jesus. We teach a pacifist Christ who wouldn’t hurt a flea.
Another thing: Christ focused almost exclusively on discipling MEN. He made MEN his ministry, leaving behind a solid unit of MEN to carry on his work in his absence. This doesn’t denigrate the contribution of those women that followed Christ. It just shows that Jesus operated with perfect strategic motives. If men are the leaders within a society, then the best approach to transforming a society is by aiming for the MEN first. It even worked for the white man in dealing with us effectively here in America, only in a negative way.
Get the men first, and you automatically get the women and the kids. Hence why we even need sites like thyblackman.com in order to address the ills caused by such an effective strategy.
And if Christ’s ministry is our ultimate example, why aren’t we following it today? Why is most ministry focused on the women and not the men…?
Hello! I do agree with some of the points that you made. However, I do not agree with you that Jesus Christ only surrounded himself with “manly” men. Jesus was God in the flesh…the Bible talks about how an individual should not be prejudice and the whole Bible emphasis the Truth that God is Love. Love does not discriminate. Sinners from *all walks of sin* went towards Christ. He was their Maker, and He knew their condition better than anyone else. That’s why He alone has the power to judge and CHANGE us. Everyone, but the Pharisees felt comfortable around Christ. He said that He didn’t come into this world to condemn it but save it. I agree that pastors are really being a little too pretentious about giving money to the “Church”. However, I do believe in the tithe, but I personally think that the tithe is more about people than a fancy, big Church building. The Body of Christ is made of people. And yes, the Church does have normal obligations to pay bills -and the people that attend the Church should help pay those bills so that they can meet and hear the Word comfortably.Paul mentioned this in the Bible that it is a kind gesture of love and appreciation to give monetary gifts to our pastors, evangelists, prophets etc, (The ones with pure hearts -work very hard and seek God very much for revelation and insight to give to us), they have families too. But getting back to the original point, black men should seek God just like every other man to know Him for themselves. It’s not okay to be a spectator, or say I wont go or I don’t believe because of this person or that person. Be a truth seeker for yourself, at the end of the day its gonna be about whether or not you have YOUR OWN relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ!
2. I don’t think its the discipline that attracts men to these institutions (I am not including prison in this example), but I do think the Blacks Muslims, sports and the military have traditionally appealed to men because of the adventure, excitement, opportunity*. Churches that have attracted a larger proportion of male members tend to be non-denominational (or loosely attached to a denomination) mega churches which offer a lot of ‘fun’ activities for men – see ministries created by TD Jakes and Bishop Eddie Long.
**Finally, I wish you had been more expansive about how exactly people should be more disciplined. The preferred method for many churches is voluntary immersion into the faith. Meaning that after walking down the aisle on Sunday/Sabbath, that individual chooses to come to Tuesday Bible Study, mid-week prayer service, Sunday School, etc. There is technically a commandment for nearly every conceivable act a person may partake in within the Bible (and 1000s of supplemental materials beside). If you are speaking of men needing to feel an absolute imperative for them to adhere to these commandments, then they will have to choose certain denominations and individual churches to surround themselves with like minded people.
1. Your decision to not attend a church because you believe the leadership is too effeminate is fine. However, your claim insinuation that homosexuality and pedophiles/child molesters are one in the same or that gay men are more likely molest young boys is false. The latest evidence disproving that was included in the report, ‘”The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010.”
3. It depends on the church and their agenda.
@Sterilng: pray tell, how so…?
yes he is keeping it real
real ignorant
I agree that in the 21st century the emphasis is getting our young people involved in some church activity. Yes, sometimes the world creeps into our churches because our pastors are seeking numbers and money..at our church we have over 100 hundred men(I mean MEN) in the men choir. They sing on the 5th sunday’s and the church is packed for both services. Oh, yes in our other choirs, you may have a few that aren’t up to par…Other pastors says if we can get them into church we can change their morals..(smile)..I’m for that if they push the issue to change…So jsut keep telling the truth like it is…
@ April Byrd
Don’t get me wrong sister: I’m pro-Jesus. I think He was the dopest dude who ever walked the face of this earth! But I’m no fool: I can clearly see that the Jesus we’re being presented with today ain’t the one from antiquity.
The Jesus I read about in my bible was a masculine man with manly mannerisms. He knew how to be kind when the time called for it…and also how to rip somebody a new one when it was necessary. He wasn’t this soft-faced, long haired dude with a perm, cuddling lambs like the way he’s often presented today.
The way Christ is presented today is designed to draw women and kids to him. Hence why our churches are filled with them. And men, by and large, are not drawn to weak images of other men. Just look at the songs we sing: “Rock me in your arms Jesus…” “I’m in love with a man named Jesus…” “Hold me in thy loving embrace…”
If I was an ordinary dude not knowledgeable about Christ, I’d swear Jesus was either gay, metro-sexual, or modeling a new line of robes for Versace.
All I’m saying is: perhaps more black men would start showing up in churches if we presented the TRUE Jesus to them;you know…the masculine one. And do away with this girly Hippie-Christ with the perm, who wants to wrap his arms around us and turn us all into a bunch of wimps.
Again: I’m all for church. But finding a good pro-masculine church is crazy hard to come by.
Nice blog by the way…
@Mack Major: If You feel this way, you probably always will. There is not “too much” of anyting going on anywhere, the personal limitations you have placed on yourself to find a meaningful place of worship under proper and progressive leadership is Not a factor for each and every church, Righteousness still exist in the earth and always will. It is your obligation to get in where your gift(s) can best be executed, and yes you do need spiritual recharge and support. Continue to seek God with All you are. And to all the Black Men who arent in church It is strongly suggested that you find one, Losing touch with the strength of your soul is what has caused the race of your gender and the culture to fail. It’s Time that All of You Stand Up!
@Isa – you can’t understand and you won’t understand it and I don’t believe anyone can give you an understanding. I’d like to encourage to pray and ask God to draw you to a new place of worship where actions are imperfect because we’re all imperfect but where things are chaste and where people are really striving to serve our Lord and Savior Jesucristo. Can I draw your attention to 1st Corinthians 7? There are some who are gifted with singleness and celibacy but there are those who cannot contain themselves and they are encouraged to marry. Homosexuality may exist but God is against it. I pray for God to extend grace to all those who are truly seeking him. Peace and Grace.
I praise God that the Church I attend and worship at isn’t like the one you described. I pray that God continues to awake the mighty warriors to disciple and witness so articles like this will no longer be written and so that men especially black men would return to their first love and not be repelled by soft blanket pastors, reverends, etc. You are absolutely right. Men need firm love not passive love from their Elders as well as their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Can anyone enlighten me? I am Catholic and it is known that homosexuality exists among priests. I can understand why: the priests have needs and are not allowed to marry. There is also homosexuality in prison for the same reasons. Men don’t have access to females there. But why this is going on also with pastors who are allowed to marry? I reeeeeeally don’t understand. Please, enlighten me!!!
You are right about ALL of what you wrote!
Too may gays (too many signs of weakness), too much begging for monies (constantly), and too many women who are in the church to find men/husbands/sex partners, including the pastor!
Sorry if this offends anyone, but this is the truth!
The few others, men & women are sincere in their quest for spiritual guidance and true participation with the church body, and I would say that is about a fourth of the church members.
The black church (as we know it) is on its way out IF there are not some major changes made.
AMEN to your commentary~