(ThyBlackMan.com) I totally get it now. It can’t be mentioned enough that Republican presidential “candidate” Herman Cain had a lucrative gig as a motivational speaker for many years
In that context, everything he says about himself can be viewed as a positive affirmation, the kind that people say to themselves in the mirror every morning hoping to turn them into a reality. This morning Mr. Cain said, “You will win the black vote!”
Sorry to break it to Mr. Cain but no you can’t.
That isn’t stopping Cain from making the big pitch in Iowa over the weekend, sending out mailers asserting he has the black vote on lock and therefore can beat President Obama next fall.
Cain playing the “more authentically black than President Obama” card again said, “[As] a descendant of slaves I can lead the Republican party to victory by garnering a large share of the black vote, something that has not been done since Dwight Eisenhower garnered 41 percent of the black vote in 1956.”
Well, I guess that depends on what Mr. Cain means by “a large share of the black vote,” because recent polls just flat out prove him wrong. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has Obama getting 93 percent of the black vote with Cain getting only 6 percent. To compare, even President George W. Bush got 11 percent of the black vote which aided him in his re-election victory in 2004.
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Brother Cain will garner the support of black Americans that love this country and are not just looking out for themselves and a cradle to grave government handout. Time to break the cycle of poverty that Democrats have shackled black American to for so long.
Cain thinks that “AIDS” in Africa means foreign aid. He also thinks that Iran being mountainous is an important factor in knocking out a facility. Maybe he learned that from his guided-missile background. I wonder what he thinks a Daisy-cutter is…
Seriously, Herman Cain thinks that being elected as president is another rung on the ladder of success for him to put on his resume. He is just another greedy, well-meaning idiot. He’s really convinced that he is qualified, but other candidates are too nice to tell him that he is unqualified. Things would be so much simpler if he would step out of the race. Maybe Perry, Bachmann and Huntsman would follow. Santorum is honest enough to admit openly that Ron Paul is right about what terrorism is; but he should go also.
Herman Cain is a decent and honorable man. He has proven all of his skeptics wrong and is in a great position to take the GOP nomination. Blacks and others who realize that the economy is what`s causing much of our country`s other problems want a businessman like Herman Cain as President and not career politicians who have never been successful in the private secotor.
Or, just maybe, Herman Cain will be the “first post racial” President. He is a black inspiration for white folks as well. He is a story, not of race alone, but of success born in poverty. His is a story of a man who chose to use the opportunities afforded to him, even when those were not afforded to people of his race equally when he seized them. Maybe, like fellow Morehouse College grad, and fellow Republican, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., he is a shining pillar of strength, cloked in dark skin, a beacon to ALL races, a voice of unity, in the name of personal success and Christian values.
Black people and other races that want a job will be supporting Herman Cain. Those that believe government assistance is the answer to life’s problems will not.
“I have had some consultants and advisory with four people who were assistant department of defense secretaries — I met with two former ambassadors — I have talked and been briefed by three or four generals”
According to Miami Herald reporter Marc Caputo, Cain “seemed to know little about Cuba” and “seemed stumped” about a US policy that allows Cuban immigrants to remain in this country once they set foot on land here.
During a stop at the famous Versailles restaurant in Little Havana, Cain drank a coffee and ate some croquetas.
“How do you say ‘delicious’ in Cuban?” he asked. In Cuba the language is Spanish.
Meeting with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors before fundraising appearances in Milwaukee and Green Bay, Cain was discussing foreign policy in general when he was asked specifically about Obama’s handling of Libya.
Cain paused for some time, then wanted to clarify that Obama had supported the uprising. Clearly struggling to articulate a response, Cain paused again, saying, “Got all of this stuff twirling around in my head.”
Finally, Cain said: “I would have done a better job of determining who the opposition is. And I’m sure that our intelligence people had some of that information. Based upon who made up that opposition .?.?. might have caused me to make some different decisions about how we participated. Secondly, no I did not agree with (Moammar) Gadhafi killing his citizens. Absolutely not. .?.?. I would have supported many of the things that they did to help stop that.”
Cain said the question of America’s involvement in Libya was not a simple yes or no question. “I would have gone about assessing the situation differently. It might have caused us to end up in the same place.”
Told that a number of Republican leaders had praised Obama for his handling of the situation, Cain said he wasn’t criticizing the president, “I just don’t think enough was done relative to assessing the opposition before everything exploded.
BLITZER: Herman Cain?
CAIN: Hear again
BLITZER: All right, here’s the question. Can the United States afford to continue that kind of foreign assistance to Africa for AIDS, malaria — could run into the billions of dollars?
CAIN: It depends upon priorities. Secondly, it depends upon looking at the program and asking the question, has that aid been successful.
In other words, let’s look at the whole problem. It may be worthwhile to continue. It may not. I would like to see the results.
Just like every program we have here domestically, what have the results been. Then we make a decision about how we prioritize
Read more: http://thepage.time.com/2011/11/23/transcript-cnn-national-security-debate/#ixzz1eZqjAmc6
QUESTION: If Israel attacked Iran to prevent Tehran from getting nuclear weapons, would you help Israel launch the attack or support it otherwise? BLITZER: All right. We’ve got the question. Let me ask Herman Cain first. Did you get the question?
CAIN: I didn’t quite get the question.
BLITZER: If — the specific question is, if Israel attacked Iran to prevent Tehran from getting nuclear weapons, would you help Israel launch the attack or support it otherwise?
CAIN: I would first make sure that they had a credible plan for success, clarity of mission and clarity of success.
Remember, when you talk about attacking Iran, it is a very mountainous region. The latest reports say that there may be 40 different locations, and I would want to make sure that we had a good idea from intelligence sources where these are located.
And if Israel had a credible plan that it appeared as if they could succeed, I would support Israel, yes. And in some instances, depending upon how strong the plan is, we would join with Israel for that, if it was clear what the mission was and it was clear what the definition of victory was.
Read more: http://thepage.time.com/2011/11/23/transcript-cnn-national-security-debate/#ixzz1eZprQsib
“I have had some consultants and advisory with four people who were assistant department of defense secretaries — I met with two former ambassadors — I have talked and been briefed by three or four generals
BLITZER: Herman Cain, let’s bring you into this conversation. Are you with Senator Santorum when he says that there should be religious profiling, that Muslims in particular should get extra screening when they go — go through airports?
CAIN: I believe we can do a whole lot better with TSA. And I called it, targeted identification.
BLITZER: What does that mean?
CAIN: We can do — we can do — targeted identification. If you take a look at the people who are trying to kill us, it would be easy to figure out exactly what that identification profile looks like.
But I want — but I want to make sure that I get to the Patriot Act. So I believe we can do a whole better. The answer, I believe, also may be privatization.
Now, relative to the Patriot Act, if there are some areas of the Patriot Act that we need to refine, I’m all for that. But I do not believe we ought to throw out the baby with the bathwater for the following reason. The terrorists have one objective that some people don’t seem to get. They want to kill all of us.
So we should use every mean possible to kill them first or identify them first — first.
Read more: http://thepage.time.com/2011/11/23/transcript-cnn-national-security-debate/#ixzz1eZhhN7go
CAIN: I would first make sure that they had a credible plan for success, clarity of mission and clarity of success.
Remember, when you talk about attacking Iran, it is a very mountainous region. The latest reports say that there may be 40 different locations, and I would want to make sure that we had a good idea from intelligence sources where these are located.
And if Israel had a credible plan that it appeared as if they could succeed, I would support Israel, yes. And in some instances, depending upon how strong the plan is, we would join with Israel for that, if it was clear what the mission was and it was clear what the definition of victory was.
CAIN: Thank you.
I stated if the mission and the plan were clear, that it could succeed, but I pointed out that that is highly unlikely, given the terrain, the mountainous terrain in Iran.
But here’s the other reason that we should help Israel in an initiative live that. Back to Afghanistan: if we pull out of Afghanistan too soon, Iran is going to help to fulfill that power vacuum in Afghanistan. And so it is in our best interests, the United States of America, to prevent them from being able to help fill that power vacuum in Afghanistan.
BLITZER: Let’s stay on this subject. And I want all of you to weigh in. We have another question.
CAIN: Yes. Allow me to answer the gentleman’s question. The answer is yes. An insecure border is a national security threat for the following reasons.
Number one, we know that terrorists have come into this country by way of Mexico. Secondly, 40 percent of the people in Mexico, according to a survey, already believe that their country is a failed state. Thirdly, the number of people killed in Mexico last year equals the number of people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
So yes, so let’s solve the whole problem. Number one, secure the border for real. Number two, enforce the laws that are already there. We don’t need new laws. Number three, promote the current path to citizenship. Clean up the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. so people can come through the front door instead of sneaking in the side door. And, number four, to deal with the illegals that are already here, empower the states to do what the federal government is not capable of doing.
BLITZER: Let’s stay on this subject. Go ahead, please.
BLITZER: Herman Cain, you may not know this, but today Governor Perry called for a no-fly zone, for the U.S. to participate in a no- fly zone over Syria. Would you go that far? Would you support that?
CAIN: No, I would not. I would work with our allies in the region to put pressure to be able to try and get our allies and other nations to stop buying oil from Syria. That would be one thing that I would do, but I would not support a no-fly zone.
The most effective tools that we have in any of these situations are a strong military, which it is getting weaker, unfortunately, and our own economic strength.
This whole discussion tonight about cutting and compromise, we didn’t spend enough time talking about the other part of the problem — growing this economy, because this administration has failed dismally at growing this economy. We can cut until the cows come home but it still would not solve the problem until we have effective economic growth.
Aphasia is a language disorder that results from damage to the area of the brain that processes language. As a result, individuals with aphasia have difficulties comprehending and producing language, and may complain of communication difficulties. The damage to the brain that causes aphasia sometimes involves areas that are specific to individual language abilities, and in consequence, aphasia may affect an individual’s ability to use language in very specific ways. Among the most common aphasia symptoms are difficulties finding the right word and problems pronouncing words correctly or forming grammatically correct sentences. Anomia is another common symptom of aphasia, in which the affected individual has difficulty with word recall.
Symptoms of aphasia fall under one of two categories: difficulties understanding language or difficulties producing language. Some individuals with aphasia suffer from problems with both language production and comprehension, while others will have difficulties with only one or the other. Expressive aphasia is aphasia which affects a person’s ability to produce spoken and/or written language. Receptive aphasia is aphasia that affects an individual’s ability to comprehend spoken and/or written language. When aphasia affects both productive and receptive language abilities, it is called global aphasia.
Non-fluent aphasia
A type of non-fluent aphasia is Broca’s aphasia. People with Broca’s aphasia have damage to the frontal lobe of the brain. They frequently speak in short phrases that make sense but are produced with great effort. They often omit small words such as “is,” “and,” and “the.” For example, a person with Broca’s aphasia may say, “Walk dog,” meaning, “I will take the dog for a walk,” or “book book two table,” for “There are two books on the table.” People with Broca’s aphasia typically understand the speech of others fairly well. Because of this, they are often aware of their difficulties and can become easily frustrated. People with Broca’s aphasia often have right-sided weakness or paralysis of the arm and leg because the frontal lobe is also important for motor movements.