Joe Paterno Penn State: Like Your Team, Love your Family.

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( When Jim Tressel resigned in late may of this year, many people, including myself, we’re very distraught and saddened that he chose the easy way out instead of his suspension. Sure, I’m a true Ohio State fan, and I will always have the utmost respect for Jim Tressel, but he left and that was that. He’s not in my bloodline.

Joe Paterno like Tressel, bowed out disgracefully after being fired amid the sex abuse scandal at Penn State. Many people cried and still offered support and condemned this man who knew about his alleged pedophile coach for thirteen years. Again like Tressel, I completely liked Joe Paterno at Penn State and have immense amount of respect for him as a coach and leader. But he did terribly  wrong and made a mistake by not disclosing the information. He did what he was suppose to do by reporting it to his Athletic Director, but this coach Sandusky probably went to his house, and was on campus numerous and the whole staff knew. That’s not acceptable. For those who defend and support Joe Paterno accordingly, is when it goes wrong. 

This trend of overly loving a team, player, or figure of a sports organization has been at an all time high as of late. It seems that we as a society have forgotten that we are just fans and nothing else. From the love/hate relationship fans and critics have with LeBron James, to appraisal and the defending of Joe Paterno despite his shortcomings and dishonesty, as a fan, your priorities on life should be together. Nothing should come before your religious beliefes and definitely nothing over family.

If you’re not related to Joe Paterno in no way shape or form, your opinion in a good way of him should be limited. Many people bend over backwards for people they don’t know, show so much support and love to their favorite teams, players, and coaches but forget that they have a family at home. It’s cool to have a favorite team or player that you greatly admire. But at the end of the day they’re going home to their families’ just like we do, and they have to support and show love to their families as we should. The fact that many would bend I’ve backwards for Joe Paterno because of who he is makes me think: would they do the same for their family if these allegations were to come inside their home?

Your family, no matter how much you may despise them is your family. You’re not given a choice of who blood you will share. Your favorite team can be apart of you, but it should only be a minimal part. We must remember that the same people we make immortal are the same human beings who make mistakes and have shortcomings like we do. The Ohio State football team and organization has my heart on Saturday’s, but my family has mines everyday.

Staff Writer; Brad Washington 

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