Rick Perry implodes before all…

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Texas Governor Rick Perry lost his cool, lost respect, and lost some supporters in Las Vegas.  He might have also lost a prime opportunity to shape his image and get back on top in the race for the GOP nomination.

Some have doubted why Mitt Romney would be the GOP nominee for president in 2012, particularly after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s refusal to enter the race prompted a re-focus of attention from both the GOP establishment and President Obama.

For those people, witness Exhibit A: Las Vegas and the CNN/Western Republican Leadership Conference debate Tuesday. Namely, analyze Governor Rick Perry’s “showmanship” that led to creating an absolute sinking of support that made his comeback climb that much harder.

To think, there are people with the Perry campaign team that were “pleased” with the Texas Governor’s performance at the debate.  Apparently, being booed by an audience full of western Republicans that should be able to relate to a fellow southwestern native after boorish behavior epitomizes the type of energy the Perry campaign was looking to generate.

Perry’s tactics led to a Trifecta of damaging proportions in his debate defeat Tuesday night. He looked un-Presidential in his emotionalism. He contested the issues with Mitt Romney as if it were debated within a steel cage. He acted as if he were more willing to “go rogue” than be stately during the debate held in the Wild, Wild West.

Finish story over at; Politic365 – Rick Perry, etc.

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