(ThyBlackMan.com) In a blog entry entitled My Child’s Spoils of War, I made a reference to the fallout between God and Eve with respect to the fall of man. In the proclamation of woman’s punishment (she had not yet been named “Eve”), among other things such as pain during childbirth, God decreed the following in Genesis3:16: ‘… and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.’
A cursory glance thrown to this verse likely attributes this desire to nothing more than an attraction to the opposite sex. However, if we look at how it was coupled with the latter part of the verse, it begs to question that there is a deeper implication of this curse.
The “burning desire” that we so often refer to when we’re passionately and dangerously in love with someone rarely involves a concern about said person ruling over us. Granted, it is possible for someone to take advantage of us if we are not mindful of ourselves, but I would argue that this particular curse was setting up a dynamic that we (in the black community especially) seem to witness on a regular basis. One where the woman borders on disrespecting and disregarding the authority of her husband.
Simply stated, as Christ is the head of the Church, so too is man the head of the woman (was not man made first, after all?) – Paul reaffirms this supernatural order in Ephesians 5:23-24:
‘For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let wives be to their own husbands in every thing.’
In the era of the independent woman, this flies in the face of and contrary to everything they’ve been raised to do. My wife admitted her struggles to trust my judgment because she was raised to “not be dependent on a man” so as to avoid being feeble-mindedly over dependent on defining her success by her ability to find a man. Being the eldest of two female siblings as well, her father passed on many life lessons to her that he couldn’t pass on to a son. When we purchased our first home, I can recall her saying “I don’t need you” with respect to her ability to buy the home on her own. Since I was transitioning from engineering to the education field and recovering from being laid off for eight months, I saw where she was coming from. It wasn’t from a place of malice or spite (though I can only attribute the fact that I didn’t flip out and lose my cool to the Lord!).
In respect to this Genesis scripture, this mentality that my wife illustrates has a deeper root than how she was raised: it is linked back to Adam’s woman.
If a more than capable and equal partner (the woman) is made subject to someone else who is capable of making bad choices, that’s kind of a slight, wouldn’t you say? Especially so, if the bad choice that your partner made is stemming from your persuasion! God is a just God but that doesn’t mean His punishment(s) are always well received.
Women seem to collectively gasp and cringe whenever the nuptials are brought up with respect to “submission.” It has only been until recent – with the advent of pastors recalling that as the husband must submit to Christ and the wife sees this submission in his headship, so too must she submit unto the husband – that this has been given a warmer welcome. Mutual submission unto God means that if the wife is submitting to a husband who is submitting to God then she, in turn, is submitting to God.
This works in theory but the application of it?!!… is another story! Considering how differences in personality and beliefs coupled peer influences and complicated by the presence of spousal abuse is enough to skew this concept; factoring in this curse of desire sheds more light on the difficulty of the matter for the successors of the woman who would later be named Eve in verse 20.
Just when you thought the dynamics between men and women was already complicated enough, right?!! What say you? Is this hogwash and balderdash or could there be some theological sense in this tomfoolery? Input is welcome and definitely to be desired…
Staff Writer; Reggie Legend
Can find more about this writer over at; http://www.steelwaterspoetry.com
Also available as a Keynote Speaker – Book him Today; Speakerwiki – Reggie Legend
You know my scimitar sword is held tight by my side and it’s brothers out here like you who I stand in solidarity with….these Madea ass dudes get rode on seriously. If you ain’t talking about God or getting money (And I don
t care in what form you worship him in either as long as he looks like you) we don’t have nada to talk about. I gladly leave behind these deadweight negroes who don’t care to form brotherhood and allow women to kick their asses. Just found out Kasim Reed has endorsed gay marriage so that means we got to be on point even more in the future. Bruh lenox mall is a cesspool of degenerate niggas. I saw recently footage of a brother in wafflehouse getting beat up by some faggot dudes in tights and one of the faggots was a black woman. Dude do you realize you can be arrested for a hate crime for whipping a faggot’s ass for being disrespectful towards you? I had that shit happened to me almost a year ago where a faggot told me he would suck my dick in front of my fellow coworkers and customers. Dude I went in on the mofo and dude at my job tried to get me to calm down like I should just accept it. I’m getting my weight up because if I were to keep a home in Georgia, it will be in the Johns Creek/Alpharetta area. It’s one thing to be around niggas with no culture. It’s another thing to be around them and their gay. And the sad thing is you have people out here trying to convince that it’s ok and their black!!! Lol. Bruh that’s why I said my values separate me from these niggas and my environment is very important to me in terms of my psyche. That’s why I refrain from downtown Atlanta at all costs. And now you have faggot cops too!!! Imagine getting pulled over by a fag and him thinking he will frisk you. I’m not lying to you fam, I will not let these niggas. especially faggot ass weak niggas use the law to touch me on my balls fam. The clapper coming out that day. But the best thing to do is get your paper good and move into environments where you don’t need to worry about that at. I will not live anywhere where black people run government. Anywhere you see in this country where black people run govt that place is a place itching for God’s nukes. I know you’re making sure your young general is being prepared for his responsibilities as a Man. He got a de facto dad over his as well who is in solidarity with him as well and I mean that shit. We can’t let our sons be abused the way we have been. That’s why I’m reading this 894 trust book now as i type. We’re about to start dishing out asswhippings, instead of taking them. Chick can’t follow God, she damn sure is not getting my money because when my wealth is fully established, i will reflect my wealth back to my Creator. I am not here on this earth to make a Woman’s life easier. God made it hard for her for a reason and these females still disobey Him for that BS they pulled in the Garden of Eden which is a metaphor, whether people know it or not, for the black woman (remember black people were here first so the woman who defied God first had to be a black woman right). Yeah we don’t wanna go down that road I’m sure but I will. My job is to make sure her ass toes the line of righteousness and if she can’t do that then find a woman who can. I lay down law and the most effective way I will lay down law is through commerce and trade (especially the trust tool). The trust is so powerful that even in death your words command power as a Man. So they can be devilish as they want but in terms of God’s law (and the most fundamental right God gave Man is his ability to contract) they will not get a penny from me. it can be my sister an if she devilish I would walk past her starving behind on the street before I save her from her iniquitous ways. So if I won’t do tht for blood, what makes these raggedy brawds out here think i would do it for them? They don’t have a prayer (literally) when it comes to me. The stench is on them as the scripture refers to and I turn my nose up at toxic fumes. I never say a pile of shit smells like perfume. If a chick won’t listen to your words vebally, she definitely will listen to your words in a trust because if she tries to take you to court and has not lived up to what you set forth in that trust, then she gets nothing. And trusts are way more powerful than prenups. I like them better
@Ramses: In this day and age, I refuse to be anything less than…Men need to stand tall and be counted worthy of the mane God gave them. We always talk about Sodom and Gomorrah, but lets talk about San Francisco and places like Lenox Mall in Atlanta! Its outright repugnant.
Sodom didn’t have a church within its borders. They didn’t have Christian bookstores and radio stations. Yet, if you believe the account is a literal one, God nuked that jawn off the face of the planet, when all they had was one righteous man living there. Here we are years later, Christian bookstores and radio stations galore, a church on every corner, Christian tv, therapists, publishing companies and even greeting cards: yet we have more homos being turned out IN THE CHURCH than in the evil streets! And we think God will spare us???
Because we do things massa’s way instead of the Master’s Way, we produced marriages that don’t work and kids who have nothing to live for because their core needs are not being addressed properly.
I’m riding hard with manhood in this hour. Time out for playing passive. I have a son to raise out here in this mess. I stand by what I said: the black church as its currently conducted is a failed model that must change or risk becoming obsolete. And that’s a boat I ain’t about to stay onboard.
2nd everything you said Mack….we too good for these people…..we’re elite…not a bad thing
@ Deann: I didn’t overlook your comment. Not at all. I just chose to elaborate on one point in particular. We’re pretty much on the same page here.
@ Ramses: ‘Preciate ya bruh. Nothing wrong with keeping it honest and real. More brothers should do the same.
@ Alfred: macmajii@gmail.com
@ Reginald: Interesting that you brought up my father being a minister. Yep. He sure is. Been one for close to 30 years now. But prior to that my father was also a Black Panther. And before that he was down with Malcolm X and the Nation. As a teen he participated in the march in B’ham where they sprayed water hoses and turned dogs loose on him. He went to jail in that march too, where he met Dick Gregory, who was also arrested in that march.
Another thing about my pop: as a minister, he never traded in his balls for a clergical collar. God doesn’t require it. Whenever he attended a church where masculinity wasn’t being honored, he stayed to produce the change needed, as you suggested. And guess what: every single time he was removed from a position of influence within that church.
Now keep in my mind he’s a minister who is highly respected by the masses; especially the women. Its the LEADERSHIP that have a problem with him. So he no longer focuses on creating change within the church. His focus is on where the real church is: in the streets. You can find him here making the streets of Atlanta safer for all: http://mackmajor.wix.com/operation-no-target
I was raised by the best. 😉
As for myself, the problem we have seems to be a basic misunderstanding or re-interpretation of scripture. See, I do honor God’s word. Its written in my heart, not just in a book. Its encoded within my very nature as a man. But its funny how whenever a man talks about ruling his home, theres a problem. He’s coming across as having an ‘oppressive tone’.
But no similar problem exists when we talk about WOMEN ruling the family unit. Which, as has been proven by now, they shouldn’t be. No one comes out the woodwork to admonish women to be more like Sarah, who deferred to her husband as her lord, and less like Jezebel who basically controlled her man like a puppet.
And while we’re talking scripture, lets look at the kind of ruler Jesus REALLY was. Don’t know if you realize it, but Jesus RULED in his day. He ruled over the elements, over demons, over the religious idiots who were fleecing the masses for personal gain. And he ruled over his disciples. When he taught from the holy scrolls, he didn’t suggest. He commanded, speaking as one who had authority. No democratic way of teaching there. It was his way or the highway. And it still is.
But what we have is a modern reinterpretation of Jesus. We’ve made him all fluffy and soft, like Cuddles the fabric softener bear. Someone women would want to hug and have as a best friend, but not one they have to actually respect enough to obey. He’s a cosmic Pilsbury Doughboy who giggles when we press his soft underbelly. And thats a shame. Because no real man would follow this presentation of Christ. And why should they? It ain’t masculine!
Speaking of not masculine: you called it effeminate to not stay in church the way it currently is. The honorable thing in your eyes would be to simply patch the holes in the sinking ship one more time and attempt to keep it afloat. Losing strategy my friend. Only a fool would stay onboard a sinking ship. Theres no honor in that. A smart man would get his wife and kids along with himself up out of there! And its apparent that the way we currently conduct church is so far outside of God’s ideal model, its not even recognizable anymore. Lets call it what it is: broken. Whenever 80% of church membership consists of women only, thats a broken model doomed to failure.
A wise person will see that sometimes, what we think is honorable in attempting to fix something that’s apparently broken is actually getting in the way of true progress. Sometimes God himself is behind the sinking of the ship! Ever think about that…? (See Jonah)
Back to this whole ‘submission’ thing. If you hear the words ‘submission and rule’, and immediately hear oppression, then YOU have a problem. The problem doesn’t exist with the words or my tone, which is actually in the sound of key strokes. You seem to hold the view that men, especially black men are these overbearing tyrants whose leadership can’t be trusted…even though God says it can and should be… while sisters are these pure innocent virginic creatures being led down paths of destruction for following ‘oppressive’ black men. Thats another flawed outlook my friend.
Side note: Do you know why women are attracted to thugs and badboys? Because something inside her nature as a woman desires…craves to be DOMINATED. By a MAN. And if the more responsible men aren’t willing to dominate her, her femininity will forego all logic and reason, and even allow an irresponsible dusty hood negro to do it. You can’t debate that out of a woman’s nature.
And you know why she has this desire? You should: its written right there in the same bible you just quoted from: because GOD put that desire in her! Christians love to quote John 3:16. But how many like to quote Genesis 3:16? Please allow me to quote it for you:
“To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and HE SHALL HAVE RULE OVER YOU.” Emphasis mine.
Now we like to act as though under the New Testament, this no loner applies. But my retort would be: if a woman must still undergo pain during childbirth under the new testament, then so must she also be submissive to her husband’s RULE. I guess when you live under the delusion of a democratic society, you’ll have a problem with this.
The problem you see, is not with words like submissive, dominate or rule: the issue is the rebellion that exists in the minds of modern American women; especially my SISTERS. But no matter how much illogic they attempt to bring into this discussion, at the end of the day a woman’s femininity ONLY responds to pure, raw masculinity. That’s what gets and keeps them moist and compliant. Call me misogynistic, but it works.
Don’t let the college ‘edumacation’ and what they say fool you. No woman wants to be with a man whom THEY can dominate or control. And if she says she does, then she’s either a weak woman or an outright liar. Notice that nowhere in my ‘essay’ did I mention brutalizing a woman. Although too many fall within this category, any female you have to physically ‘oppress’ into cooperation is not one worthy of your manhood anyway.
You called my brother an effeminate male and i defended him. Period….And to remind you I did grow up with my Father…that’s why I recognize bitch shit…just because I agreed with you on somethings, doesn’t mean I’ll agree with you on everything and that’s very bitch like for you to assume I will. If you’re wrong you’re wrong. Plenty people disagree with me on here but I still bring the heat. Some of the buffest niggas exhibit “bitch nigga” tendencies as well as so-called intellectuals. I’ve seen em all. You can tell because the first thing they want to do is fight you when you call them out. Lol…You’ll cats remind me of the Nation Of Islam in Malcolm’s times. Talked all that conscious shit, but when Malcolm turned the bullseye on the power structure, they assassinated him. It was sad though that when black women were getting their breasts blown off by water hoses in the south, you didn’t see any of these cats with the same guns go down there in Alabama and go to war will Bull Connor and those red necks. You’ll kill a man in front of his family but when it’s time to really defend, you sit on your hands. I know me and Mack don’t agree on everything but it’s cool. Seems like we agree on most and I consider him a comrade because I know he has bled in similar ways to myself. If you actually read, really read what i am saying, you’ll see that my overall premise was for you to stop attacking the brother because he expressed his feelings and calling him effeminate for doing so. That is some bitch shit. I told my friend who I fell out with a couple of times “it’s the bitch in black men that makes them go against their brothers out here in the street. it’s not the Man in you that has a problem with the things I said ” I told him “but the bitch in you that has the problem.” You know what this brother told me the other day? He told me that “if it wasn’t for me, I would have never known the treachery a lot of black women were doing to me behind my back.” I’m 34 my dude is 35 and I had to put him up on game because he didn’t have his Dad around at the critical ages (14-18) to put him up on females and the treachery they can exhibit. You seem a bit sensitive bruh but make no mistake knuckling up will not solve your problems of that’s what you were hinting at when you said I could contact you another way. Now if you want to have a discussion then sorry my misinterpretation but hand to hand is not a problem either, just don’t see how productive it would be. If i was being a bitch, I would want someone to point it out to me because it’s the last thing I would want to be referred as. But i see a lot of brothers getting bitched out by black women and say nothing. You’ll get on here and quote scripture like martin Luther King but where are your results? If the scripture is really the answer, why isn’t there any positive results to show for it? All these adults in church and they can’t make a positive advancement towards a healthcare system, educational system, banking system, etc.? The most confused negroes i see out here are the church going, Bible thumping, degree waving ones. Talking to them is like talking to robots. “My pastor says this, my pastor says that.” never what God says. Bunch of church groupies. I will never take part in an institution that teaches me I’m not worthy of The Creator’s love. Shiiiiit. In church hands out crying and shit. What kind of shit is that. If I’m not worthy of Love then why the fuck I’m here? I’ve never seen white congregations teach them that they’re not worthy of God’s love. Most of your concepts of God is limited because your concept of God is translated. Anytime a piece is translated, the meanings and concepts get either lost or tampered with or both. For example, the first book of the Bible is called Genesis. Break down the word and you get genes of Isis. Who was she? many things in egyptian culture. Most of you know nothing about Egyptian culture but are willing to adopt a corrupted form of your own culture. This is a problem within itself. And I can go on and on. We are in the 21st century. Right? It takes 21 centuries to get to 2012. So in this epoch, there has only been 2000 years of what we call Christianity. Now European scientists have already admitted the world is way older than that so none of you have no interest in what preceded 2000 years? Especially when it was things being done by melanated people that have not been duplicated since? Even your Bible has books left out of it by your Catholic church. What about the Gnostic Bible? You talk about Christianity while the Washington monument is a replica of a monument in Egypt with the obelisk (symbol of the phallus) standing right there in your face. But they argue with the ACLU about God in the school when their structures are built on ancient science (Moorish science) symbology and principles. I could go on for days but I don’t want to give you’ll a headache. I support class systems because class systems are really caste systems and with the idiotic, emotional responses you get on here (male and woman alike), some people i see will never rise out of their positions of squalor and are of no consequence when it comes to world affairs or being able to control them. Matter fact, for those of you who didn’t know, your Bible has been written in a code. Now try to figure that one out!!! Lol. You think you’re talking about people and science is being talked about in your face but in order to understand, overstand, and innerstand you have to be thinking on a certain vibration. Lot of you’ll still stuck in Piscean era logic and have not graduated into the Age Aquarius (The Age of Knowing). Next time you look at a Ford commercial it’ll tell you you’re in the age of knowing. Subtly. Lol. I’m dealing with babies. You’ll don’t know any better. I have to realize I’ve graduated from this lower level of thinking and it’s nothing personal at all. I don’t take anything personal from you’ll, I really don’t. I’m just better than most of you and I am not afraid to admit it.
Two days ago “Enough said…perfect article” was your comment to an article written by me. Today I’m referred to as your Bitch Nigga Shit. Clear sign that you possess an Effeminate Heterosexual position. The emotion of not growing up with a MAN in your life.
I won’t go back and forth with you via internet. However if you need I will give you a way to contact me to further this discussion.
@Mack — I fail to see how you overlooked the rest of what I said:
“The woman has to come to terms with the fact that God’s will is the priority AND that much of His direction for her is going to come through her submission to her husband; then and only then can she correctly be a wife to any man.” We sgree!
Now, about what I said about the role of the husband: I will stand right with Scripture on this one.
John 15:5 — I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
… and that nothing would include not knowing how to be a fit husband. There are dictators brutal, and dictators benevolent; God’s will is that a husband be the latter, after His model. God has all power, and has never made a request in His eternal life; yet He is gentle and loving and gracious and provides everything necessary for His people to obey Him — not merely out of fear of His power, but out of gratitude and love.
Now, I’m not saying that if a wife doesn’t see her husband portraying these characteristics on a particular day, she’s off the hook in terms of submitting. God doesn’t leave room for that according to what’s in I Peter; once a woman is married, she needs to submit to her husband to the extent that he does not require that she go against a direct command of God — period. What I am saying is this: a woman ought to check the general trend of a man’s behavior in whatever he has responsibility over, and check very, very closely before marrying him. For there are also a lot of men who “should forego sex for a lifetime, and dedicate [their lives] to some other worthy cause. Like feeding homeless children in some war zone or something. Or a career. Whatever.” Again, there are dictators brutal, and dictators benevolent; any man who does not know how or has no interest in learning how to be the latter should be avoided like the plague — for so he will be — as a husband.
Damn @Mack….boy when we flex our muscles the bitch niggas come out in droves don’t they…lol…This dude reginald’s comments are the epitome of bitch nigga shit. Now a lot of people know who I feel about black women and their betrayal of black men through the theory of feminism. However, let me talk about “Bitch Nigga Syndrome.” This is the syndrome, in which black men actually take part in the destruction of other black men (strong ones) when they speaks and walk as men. We’re not loyal enough to each other as brothers (brotherhood is the key) to allow each other to vent and get shit off their chests, things that have had to hold onto for such a long time that it eats them up inside. However, since most black men tend to be mamas boys, instead of unwavering men, they actually approach black men with the same disrespect and hate when black men stand up for themselves. A good book that exists, which demonstrates the manipulation that mothers’ do towards their sons is Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is an excellent piece in how it shows how a a mother’s corrupting influence can drive her son insane. Let me explain why brotherhood is so important. Brotherhood is important because men need male camaraderie. There are things we can’t share with our women that our brothers totally get and won’t judge us for it, if they are our brothers. Male bonding is key. That’s why rites of passages were initiated because it gave men a bonding experience that was supposed to bring them together spiritually. Secondly, brotherhood is important because we come together as men to protect the women we love. This is extremely important. Notice in the movie “300” when the boy was sent out with the wolf to kill it. This was supposed to make him strong and a warrior because brotherhood was vital in protecting the nation. ALso in the movie “10,000 BC” they hunted toe wooly mammoth together, once again, this was a male bonding moment which would show these men displaying their strength, which would add to their attractiveness to women (because these women valued strong men in those times). Now, we all know these women (black women) don’t value strong black men, in general. Boys grow up 18 years without their fathers and end up emotional wrecks. In 1989, my pops was going through drug addiction. I had an opportunity to go stay with my mother or be placed in a foster home while my dad got cleaned. I was like 8 or nine. You know what I chose? Foster home. I chose it because I couldn’t imagine myself turning my back on my father, leaving him by himself. I felt if I was close, maybe it would give him an extra incentive to fight to get himself clean. It did. My dad got himself clean (even though I spent a year in state custody) and he began singing in the church choir again. See that’s brotherhood. I didn’t discard my dad, like so many of you weak dudes do (women too), unwilling to show him compassion. You’ll have no idea what your fathers had to go through in this society, especially when they attempt to fight for their manhood. My dad’s struggles prepared me for my own and if I had to go through it again I would. Because thse experience in the 80’s made me a Man. And the bond me and my father have, even though he is physically gone, will never be compromised by some weak ass woman who attempts to take it away from me. When a black woman attempts to emasculate me, she unknowingly attempts to sever the bond me and my father have, and I would spit in a bitch face before i let her take away my bond from my Father or Creator. Now that’s brotherhood. I used to feel embarrassed by what I went through with my father when I was younger. Now, it’s the reason why I have so much confidence as a Man. I feel like if I can make it through that, I can make it through anything. And also let me tell you this. One day, when me and my father were in the John Hope Projects, laying on a mattress on the floor cause that’s all we had, my father asked me what did I want to be when I grow up. I told him “either a basketball player or the president.” My father looked me in my eye, even though he was suffering from a drug problem and told me “son you can be anything you want to be.” My dad didn’t say “son, you black, they don’t let black men be presidents.” He allowed me to have my dream. That’s why I honor black men, even when it comes to the bitch niggas. Because know one out her, not even black women can imagine what we go through, especially without having support from our women. Yet some of us refuse to compromise our manhood, some of us anyway. However, I call you bitch niggas out because it’s you all who try to emasculate us on behalf of these sorry females. If you give up your manhood cool. I read all holy books and I’ve never seen a holy book that told man to compromise manhood. Matter fact, when Abraham wanted his son to be married, he instructed his servant to go look for his son a wife back in their home country. He refused to allow his son to marry a woman from the land they were in at the present moment (it slips my mind which country they were in). That’s not running from a situation. that’s called intelligence. If you see the women, the church, and the women in the church corrupt, what else are you supposed to do? If I ran a church, I know it would stay empty in terms of women because they would feel guilty and ashamed when I spoke. See church has become a pep rally. People put their flags on their cars indicating which church they attend like people put their college football teams on their care when attending football games. If you go to church and come out feeling good all the time, then somethings is wrong, especially for women who do all types of reprehensible behaviors. God never instructed Man to wife a whore, yet men are out here doing it, sometime unknowingly. Why? Because they never had a father put them up on game. See when your penis get hard and you come to your Dad about it, this is when he site you down. he says “son, I know these females look good. I know you want to stick it in. But let me tell you a story about some friends of mine.” Your father proceeds to tell you about dudes who got jammed up when he was in high school or in his early adult years as a warning to his son to not deal with certain types of women. A son would take heed and say ok. Just to give you a prome example of this. When my dad met my ex-girlfriend in 1997, when I broke my hip. He told me she was no good. I couldn’t believe him. I was like “no dad she’s good.” He was like ‘alright, I’m telling you she’s no good.” A year later, you know what happened this girl was delivering another dudes baby. She cheated on me with another dude and got pregnant by him and if it wasn’t for her mother having respect for me, i would have never known what happened because she wasn’t gonna ever answer my phone calls out of shame. Til this day, I don’t know what my dad saw in this chick to make him feel that way, but he was right. My Father wasn’t just my Father, he was my Brother. We went through war together. A movie which made me realize this was Viggo Mortensen’s “The Road.” Good movie for men to check out. Even though me and my Dad were poor in the late 80’s, we had each other, which made me feel like we were rich. I cherish that bond we created and will make sure I expand on that with my son(s) in the future. But when ponks say shit like this ” “Effeminate Heterosexual” (heterosexual in your sexuality, but behaves with the emotions of a woman) I must speak up on it. For a lot of brothers, this oscial media is therapy, because it’s the first time we’ve ever been able to get our side of the story out on these devilish black women out here. Even in the scriptures, when God was talking to King Solomon, he warned him to not marry women of a certain ilk, because he didn’t want them to corrupt the bloodline. So for you Bible toting dudes, even your Creator knows that certain men (Spiritual, Physical Warriors) should not lay down with corrupt women. And he doesn’t say save them either. He says leave them alone. So are you saying God is effeminate for telling his sons to leave ungodly women alone? Cats always looking in books for answers. If you understand anything, you would realize that Man is the book. You are the temple of Man. See movie “Book Of Eli.” Denzel’s character was the book because he embodied the principles in it. In the scriptures it shows men loving like Yeshua (Jesus), John The Baptist, but it also showed warriors like King David, Gideon, and a whole host of others. Even God gets to apoint where he wipes out a a place (Sodom and Gomorrah) when it becomes to filthy to clean. And he wipes out kids too. You don’t think God knows the spirit of those kids in the city as well? After he sends you the messengers and you don’t take heed to his natural law (respect his men as far as women go and bitch niggas too) then what purpose do you serve for him? We are the messengers, whether you all know it or not and we are not obligated to say shit nice either. Last time I checked, I’ve never seen pastors win wars. It’s them en who are in the trenches (men like myself and Mack) who see the filth that exists out here. I admit, I am not on here to try to convince women who are washed up and spent most of their lives as whores to be good women. They had their chance and squandered it. I’m here only to give brothers, who never had a Man put them up on game, insight into how much they’ve been played over these years and to not take abuse anymore. The chicks can kick rocks because i know if they don’t listen to their God, they will never listen to me. matter fact they listen to their god, it’s just not the one in the scriptures. White men are their gods, not the Creator. So why waste time trying to convince them otherwise. But stop being a bitch Reggie attacking dudes in an intellectual way. Some caveman shit is necessary. I’d rather be regarded as a caveman (something feminists use to emasculate men) than a bitch nigga. Most women of the world don’t respect weak men. Stop being one On here reggie, trying to score brownie points with them hoping they give you some skins. We see through it. Peace @Mack
Brother Mack: If I recall your father is a minister in Atlanta and you – as a Christian brother – are on a mission to speak the whole truth to what is or isn’t happening in the modern Black church. With that said, I would expect you to fully comprehend the spirit of “To Rule” and “To be Submissive,” and neither in your comments appears apparent to me. The last statement was neither meant to disrespect nor dismiss that there is a population of sista who don’t or won’t embrace the spirit of being submissive.
If you want to call out institutional churches – do so, however let’s not dishonor God’s word or the authentic spirit of His word. As it relates to rule can I suggest that you read 1 Peter 5:1-4 and pause when you get to verse three. And with submission please study John 13:1-17 and slow down as your marinate on verses 12-15. To me the spirit and tone of your comments have a spirit of oppressively Lording over a woman – and that to me is a spineless spirit. Maybe my views of your comments are incorrectly perceived, but if we are dealing in His word then let’s do so in His entire word.
In closing, I see that whenever you get a chance to tell why Black men don’t go to church you do so. Well Brother Mack please allow me to share this with you (as I have before). A MAN is an individual who makes things better. When a MAN is presence the condition of a situation changes because he was there. A MAN is an individual who weeds out untruths by producing the authentic alternative to that untruth. These men that you said don’t go to church because the modern church no longer honors masculinity – well there is nothing masculine about a so call man who quits because shit ain’t like he thinks he should be. You said then only men that are present in church are “boys forced to go by their mothers, homosexuals and henpecked men who stopped wearing the pants long ago.” This sounds like the commentary of what I call an “Effeminate Heterosexual” (heterosexual in your sexuality, but behaves with the emotions of a woman). Again by no means am I trying to sling any disrespect. For me if a man can be moved so easily by a corrupted spirit, then that dude ain’t no man – he is a male pretending to be a man. I guess when the thugs come to take over a neighborhood the best thing to do is move out the neighborhood. How glad I am that Jesus demonstrated more courage than what you described in the face of his challenges.
how can I contact Mack who commented above, I share most of his views
“The man has to come to terms with the fact that God’s will is the priority; then and only then can he correctly “husband” any woman.”
God’s prioritized will for that husband is for him to rule his household. Period. Not barter. Not beg. Not plead. Rule. If a woman calling herself a Christian has a problem with that, she doesn’t need to be married. She should forego sex for a lifetime, and dedicate her life to some other worthy cause. Like feeding homeless children in some war zone or something. Or a career. Whatever.
The same goes for any scared, spineless, untucked man. His being a Christian is irrelevant. I hear a lot of christian sisters using that excuse: ‘Well I’ll follow him only if he’s following God’s will.’ But that’s a highly vague concept, subject to her interpretation of what she considers to be God’s will.
What she’s really saying is that she has a problem with submission. And that’s okay. Hence why she should probably just stay unmarried.
In this lewd experiment we call modern society, theres a move to equalize men and women across the board on everything. Women’s rights groups are even pushing laws to remove urinals from boys bathrooms in schools because they say it promotes the idea of men ‘lording it over’ females…based on the fact that one must stand up to pee in a urinal, while girls must sit.
These are the same individuals who the black church has allowed to infiltrate their ranks and push a similar agenda. One of the main reasons why most black men stay far away from church. Its not because they are godless; its because modern black churches no longer honor masculinity. And where manhood isn’t honored, men won’t be present. The only exceptions will be boys forced to go by their mothers, homosexuals, and henpecked men who stopped wearing the pants long ago in their relationships. Sound familiar…?
No, this is not hogwash. It is Scriptural. But it requires much more spiritual discernment and maturity from a man and woman to operate in that sphere. The word “husband” implies the position he will have over her and her children; husbandry is to care for and increase resources. But every man that is interested in a particular woman may not be the right man to “husband” her, though he may bear the title. In like manner, not every woman is ready to be married to a man who can husband her. Again, it takes a lot more discernment and patience to work the thing out in the Scriptural manner; both a man and a woman have to do a lot of maturing spiritually before they can get anywhere near what God has designed for a marriage that will reflect Christ’s love and care for His church, and the church’s obedience to Christ. The man has to come to terms with the fact that God’s will is the priority; then and only then can he correctly “husband” any woman. The woman has to come to terms with the fact that God’s will is the priority AND that much of His direction for her is going to come through her submission to her husband; then and only then can she correctly be a wife to any man. Again, it helps tremendously if both get a lot of maturing under the belt BEFORE marriage… it is harder, though not impossible, to work it out afterward.
Whenever a Woman tells a Man ‘she doesn’t need him” she kills his drive to want to do for her, something that comes naturally. A woman put me up on this game in 2002