(ThyBlackMan.com) The real problem with United States elections is not voting for the right candidate, the problem is getting to the polls and turning in a ballot. The Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen (any citizen) the right to vote based on that citizen’s race (any race), color (any color), or previous condition of servitude. It was ratified on February 3, 1870. In spite of the 15th amendment , potential voters were made to endure literacy tests, poll tax, intimidation by the Klu Klux Klan and suppressive state laws.
These attitudes still persist to this day. A very influential conservative activist Paul Weyrich, Co-founder and 1st president of the Heritage
Foundation, while speaking to a gathering of evangelical leaders in 1980 said “I don’t want everybody to vote, ” As a mater of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down .” This message was not lost on those elected officials, who have stated that their #1 job is to ” defeat Obama in 2012“.

Paul Weyrich, passed in 2008, but his legacy live’s on through the foundations he founded and the conservative politicians he mentored. After the 2010 elections, groups founded by Paul Weyrich, and funded by Charles and David Koch, the billionaire brothers who bank rolled the Tea Party and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s administration, among others. Out of the 38 states who have introduced legislation designed to limit the number of voters participating in the electoral process, 12 states have passed such legislation.
GOP Governors go about disenfranchising voters in different ways.
Voter registration..Florida passed a law requiring anyone signing up new voters to hand in registration forms within 48 hrs. and comply with other bureaucratic requirements. If you hand in forms late you are fined $1,000, and you could face felony prosecution. Rock the Vote registered 2.5 million voters in 2008. The registration was passed, under an emergency statute designed for ” immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare.” In Ohio….Barrack Obama beat John McCain by 263,000 ballots, due to early voters in urban areas like Columbus and Cleveland. Next year , early voting will go from 35 to 11 days. Photo ID requirement in Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas excepts a concealed-weapon permit, but a student ID is not considered valid. Wisconsin only accepts a student ID if the ID includes a current address, birth date, signature and two-year expiration date—no college or university ID in the state meets that requirement. Half of all black and Hispanic residents in Wisconsin do not have a driver’s license, so the governor tried to shut down 16 DMV’s mostly in Democratic leaning areas.
A study by M.I.T. found that 9 million potential voters were denied an opportunity to vote in 2008, (13%) due to problems with voter registration, (11%) due to long lines at the polls, (9%) confusion about the location of the polling place, and (7%) was for ID issues.
Representative John Lewis, was beaten brutally in Alabama while marching for the right to vote, during the civil rights movement in 1960. He made an observation during a speech on the House floor in July of this year. He said “Voting rights are under attack in America ” “There’s a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions of elderly voters, young voters, students, minority and low-income voters from exercising their constitutional right to engage in the democratic process“
Staff Writer; Nicholas McNeal
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Many of these State officials are stepping on the Constitutional right of US Citizens by enacting laws that come under States rights in order to promote their agenda, with no regard for Constitutional rights. Constitutional Rights were designed to come into play when a Sate or Sates oversteps their rights and invade the rights of others. If these local governments are allowed to get away with such Terrorists acts within our National Government, then we are no better that those that attacked us on 911. Are we headed for anarchy?