(ThyBlackMan.com) Do not talk at me. Talk to me. Please do not use words to distract me from what I need to say and what you need to listen to.
“Listen, Sir/Ma’am.” Clearing throat, “Sir/Ma’am excuse me.”
“Mr./Ms. May I ask?”
Her voice. My voice. Does she still have a voice if her question is not acknowledged? Does she? Does she still have a voice even if after years of attempts to be heard her voice fades in the distance with unanswered echoes? If she stops trying to speak and stops trying to articulate, does she still have one? The thoughts that run rampantly through her sharp, keen mind–the one that multi-tasks, situates, and organizes with complete skill–tell her that she has a voice and the right to speak up and speak out.
Whether she speaks or not, she still has a voice. Whether I speak or not, I still have a voice. Whether you speak or not, you still have a voice. Whether we speak or not, we still have a voice, a collective voice that encompasses individual voices that have the same desire–the desire to be heard, respected, and considered. What is the point of having groups like “Black Women Organized for Political Action,” “The National Black Women’s Leadership Caucus,” and “National Political Congress Black Women,” Black sororities, and countless others if our individual and collective voices were not necessary? These organizations create a national/international platform for our voice to be listened to and considered!!
—Are we ready to proceed? Yes, indeed. Are we ready to be heard? Yes, that’s the word.—
Besides the need for and importance of a support system, there is strength in numbers.
—We are a force to be reckoned with!—
We are a presence that cannot be denied, ignored maybe, but not denied. Being ignored does not make us any less powerful, but rather it sharpens us and fuels our dedication in remaining focused so that our agenda is addressed.
Does speaking in general, monolithic terms by default mean you are speaking to her/me/us?
In regards to elections, I suppose it is safe to speak in general terms though. I am not upset with this, by any means because when considering the last two elections, during the first I was a college student and during the second I was a young working professional, who for the first time in the political terms thought about how my cast would affect my future children.
For me, singularity evolved to plurality. I am in no way upset with our political leaders. I simply wonder if proposals from us/her/we/her/them have specifically been and will be considered. Do not come to my event and forget about me/us when our collective vote combined with other collective votes, puts you in office.
If we had the listening ear of the upcoming presidential candidates what would, could, should we ask about? What would, could, should, we want to hear, to consider, and believe? There are a plethora of questions, but to bring it to a point, I would be interested in hearing about: what alternative plan has been established or will be established for college graduates who may not be versed in fields that continue to thrive during the times of our strained economy, or about the young mother who is working and to going to school to provide for her young children, but is still unable to make ends meet. Now, I know that my questions are centered around us/me, but I would also like to inquire about the increasing number of black men, young and old, going to prison. For this point, I offer this question because without our men, the income and solidarity of our communities has been adversely affected. How is the black community expected to thrive/improve? A question we have been asking for years!
What about the endemic of HIV/AIDS and other STDs? Instead of advertisements about fashion, athletic drinks, makeup, and the like can I see a billboard that saturates me with information about learning about symptoms and protecting myself?
What good is my/our vote if your constituents are too sick or are not around to partake in the projected goals/desires/platforms?
— ‘A government for the people, by the people.’ —
I/We understand that you will represent a broad base of constituent, but please remember that in the broad constituency you have issues general issues and specific issues. Do not forget to listen to and speak to those specifics. What do you need to do to gain our vote? Listen. Consider. Understand. Implement. Implementing a specific bullet of your platform geared toward black women does not make you biased. It makes you legitimately concerned about a group of constituents, who are individually and collectively worthy of your concern.
Staff Writer; J.J. Vann
Find out more about this talented sister over at; JJ Divine Expressions.
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