(ThyBlackMan.com) As a child of the Most High God are you Clark Kent disguised as Superman or are you Superman disguised as Clark Kent? There are Christians who pretend to be Superman, super Christian, but lack the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. They are Clark Kent disguised as Superman. The REAL believers have Superman in them, Super God, so their fruit bears it to be true. They are Superman disguised as Clark Kent. It is the power and authority of Him who dwells in you, Jesus that matters.
When you received God’s gift of salvation, His Son Jesus, you were transformed, transfigured and reborn into a new creation in Christ. But beyond our wildest dreams is the fact that we have been adopted into the royal family of God as sons and daughters of the Most High God. Not only are we no longer slaves to sin but we are those who Jesus calls friend. We are citizens of heaven and part of the family of God. Luke 12:48 Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! The closer the walk the more intimate your relationship is with the Father the greater the gifts from the Father and the greater the responsibilities that comes with those gifts. As a child of the Most High God we have responsibilities none more important than to show the world the love of God and share the Gospel of Jesus. To be the ambassadors and representatives of God’s kingdom in all that we say and do daily. Children of the Most High God are not of this world. It is time to distinguish yourself from this world. You do not act, talk, walk or look like this world. Matt 22:37-40 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” These two commandments is God’s expectation of us His children.
As a child of the Most High God Christ lives and dwells in you. Not just part of Him but the fullness of Christ is found in you! Every part of Christ is in every part of you. From your DNA at the very core of who you are to your body His Temple, mind, soul and spirit. Every single cell in your body contains part of Christ. Knowing this why do we try to limit what God can do in us, to us, with us, for us and through us? If we are not busy trying to limit God we are busy telling Him how to answer our prayers instead of just trusting God. It is time to step out, step up and step into the fullness of Christ in us. We have to raise our level of expectation of God and His awesome power and might that is capable of doing anything. A higher level of expectation of a child of the Most High God not the lowly expectations of a slave. The stepping out, stepping up and stepping into the fullness of Christ is our faith in action! “For we walk, (steps of faith), by faith and not by sight.” It is in our steps of faith that we activate and encourage the Holy Spirit to move through us His vessel. Your walk is just a step of submission, just a step of admission and just a step of permission. Stepping into the supernatural realm of the fullness of Christ in you. We are to declare out loud “what isn’t as if it were” to bring the future into the now according to God’s will and His Word. We serve the God that makes possible out of the impossible. When it is beyond you, your troubles, your trials, your abilities, your talents, your finances, your relationships or your capabilities it is never beyond God.
As we walk with the Father daily we develop a closer relationship and understanding of God’s love toward us. It is in that love that we learn why and how much God loves us that enables us to love ourselves and to love others. We are to love strangers as well as our enemies. For we cannot walk in the fullness of Christ until we first learn to love one another as we love ourselves. By loving God and loving others we allow God to move and work through us to touch the world for His kingdom. Giving God unrestricted access to us and through us in His limitless ways through obedience, faith and trust in the one and only powerful loving God. Ephesians 4:13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. We don’t have to know all the plans of God and how He is working it all out in the big picture. We just need to rejoice and praise God that we have been chosen to be included in His big picture!
“Do not be conformed to this world.” Do not let un-forgiveness and bitterness dictate your future. Do not let your past, your failures, your faults and your flaws dictate who you are. Do not let this world dictate how you are to live. Do not let this world distract, destroy, deceive, trick, disillusion or hinder you. The world will promise you all earthly pleasures and desires but will only deliver you up for destruction. Your hope, future and destiny can only be found in your Lord and savior Jesus. For you are not living this life for yourself but for the One who formed you in your mother’s womb. You who have higher expectations as a child of the Most High God are exceptionally unique for you were chosen before the creation of the world for this place and time for God’s purpose and glory. John11:40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” In alignment, agreement and unity with fellow Christians and with God’s Word we make and take our stand for His kingdom and His glory. As a child of the Most High God you have the mindset of Christ and you lack nothing. God has made all things available to you both in the natural and in the supernatural. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be used by the Father as His chosen vessel to shine the light of Jesus to the world. For you are a child of the King, the Most High God!
Written By Steve Countryman
whats the point of making this about being “black” ? i get brotherhood in general, and sisterhood, but i see nothing in this article that alludes to skin color. its unrelated to the awesome topic at hand. so whats the point of “black” being a leading theme for your website? is there a relevant, clear-cut reason that justifies this? are white men not really welcome here? if they are, then why designate as black? if they arent welcome, then why arent they? ive had lots of freckles my whole life, and thus dont really fit into a clear category. growing up, i felt i stood out more than anyone whos clearly dark or light or in the middle, though people would technically consider me “white.” (no one can tell that im actually a great-granddaughter of native americans, so no one cares.)
i just looked weird compared to just about everyone else in school. and i was teased for it, and i definitely could tell getting older that my freckles turned off quite a few men along the way, and even kept some women from wanting to be my friend. i was discriminated against for my skin’s appearance, despite having beautiful eyes, hair, and body. people thought freckles were “gross,” so that made ME gross, and that really hurt since i could do nothing about my skin. but i dont make a “thyfreckledwoman” christian page. what would be the point, other than exclusion and division? so we can all bemoan how hard it is to be different from everyone else? or shouldnt we be part of a group where no one cares what you look like? thats the type of group that provides support and heals one another instead of constantly highlighting what others might reject about us. i see the title for one of your links is, “black community- programmed to be inferior?” i think the answer is, EVERYONE who spends time watching tv and giving into media frenzies IS being programmed into whatever an evil few want us each to be like.
if we spent more time relating to actual human beings in real time instead of staring at tv and our smartphones, the “programming” would quickly lose its hold over us as a whole. TV destroyed any chance of me looking past my ugly freckles, constantly being bombarded with perfect-looking models and such. and all the obvious signals from it that we are inferior if we are ugly. finally at 15 years old one day, it occurred to me that all these commercials and popular tv shows were just making me feel worse and worse about myself because i wasnt “pretty.” when i switched the TV off that day, i noticed within weeks that i DID feel at least a bit better about myself. because of the drastic reduction in comparison that existed in my head when i gazed at beautiful people on the screen and listened to their worldly, lustful, ugly opinions. that stuff is powerful and still impacts me today, but ive come a long way in disregarding what people look like, including myself. it devastates me that at this point in what i thought was “societal progress,” i am STILL seeing groups that divide by skin color first, instead of on whats actually bringing us together here. i wanted to share my opinion here. thanks for reading.
and btw, the reason i found your page was by searching “we are the children of the most high God.” i was intending to find a poem or a song to inspire me, feeling that fellowship that comes from the heart in my excitement for us ALL to come together in heaven eventually. i was appalled when i found your link, “thyblackman.com…” here i was being “inclusive” in my heart and thoughts, thinking nothing of race, and yet you brought it to my attention. God chose Gentiles and Jews alike… why are you doing this? perhaps theres a reason i cant understand, but thats why i ask. obviously i dont expect a good explanation, but if theres a good one, i am fully willing to consider it. just feeling really hurt that once again, i cant just enjoy my fellow christians, i instead feel unwelcome right off the bat, and therefore wont bother to look at “thysistas” right now.
Another way to look.
Spirit is the infinity of consciousness. Whether it is realized to be the bed rock of the invisible or visible worlds, Spirit is the womb of man’s flesh body and mentality. Like all children of flesh, a standard of conformity was imprinted within the souls of these children via DNA coding at conception of their physical world. Chartering a repetitious course is the objective task of DNA; recycling the body of flesh in the life of death’s reunion with the dust which shape bodies and minds in carnal subterfuge.
At what point does the beginning stay the beginning? Can it be when confusion of believing embedded human DNA concepts are acknowledged to be the cause of the tension and turmoil because of the continuing moment of yesterday which is extends into today? If so, “Who shall tell me words, whereby I shall be saved: whom can I ask now of the days that are past, which were before me, since the day God created man upon the earth”?
From somewhere beyond the human concept, the human mind, the human ego, the universal human id, man’s Spirit came forth as the Christ of God. Christ, the creative moving Spirit of Consciousness which flows into every interval of the children’s awareness and creative ability to form the Word thoughts of their thinking – “Let there be. . .and there was.”
Life is the womb all its children came forth from with the knowledge an awareness of being I am of that which I am. Yet, even knowing Life to be their Parents, the children’s opinionated human minds became so confused it could no longer visualize, grasp, or comprehend reality was not formed of dust, of blood, nor the will of the earth/flesh mentality, nor the conscious awareness of itself. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of host.”
With this truth as the children’s foundation, there is no doubt they must put away all their fool thoughts of an unknown God that is untouchable right now. They must also continuously ask themselves what is this universal human consciousness of mind, which is so small as nothingness compared to omniety that continuously tell me I am not the Temple of God’s living Spirit right now? What powers do the children possess, as individuals, to withstand God today when “Today is the day of salvation. . .if you hear my voice”?
The children now groan. Awaiting for the removal of their belief of and in an independent mind, soul, and consciousness. Awaiting their linking back into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” While waiting, what man or human words can definitively grace them with grace unto salvation when grace is an activity of conscious obedience of “the law of the Spirit of life”? – jufa
Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning,
and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death.
St. Thomas
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength – jufa