Gerren K. Gaynor; Rep. Anthony Weiner, Yes Weinergate…

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( Last Week Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) held a press conference where he admitted, contrary to previous denial, to sending a lewd photograph of himself to a 21-year old woman via Twitter.

During the 30-minute conference, Weiner said he had made an “hugely regrettable mistake” and was “deeply sorry” to his wife and constituents. At many junctures Weiner fought back tears as he lamented in a press room  filled with reporters. “I regret not being honest about this. I was embarrassed. I was humiliated,” the seven-term congressman said.

Weiner not only admitted to the crotch shot that was originally published on Andrew Breitbart’s conservative blog, but also to entertaining inappropriate conversations with about six women.

I would be remiss if I didn’t emphasize how foolish and careless Weiner was in not only sending the photo, but lying about it. However, it is important to note that Weiner’s transgression is one of personal misconduct, not constitutional or legal immorality. The fact that he broke no visible laws as a politician leaves room for redemption.

This whole incident is an incessant reminder to us all, that politicians are fallible in nature and will not always live up to the public’s expectations. Yes politicians are elected officials,  but they are human, too. And with humanity comes inherent flaws. While Weiner exercised poor judgement and may have very well abused the trust of his constituents,  I do not believe it is fair to hang the Weiner out to dry. This matter is less about Weiner’s political career and more about an obvious compulsive disorder that poses a threat to his marriage.

As I watched Weiner stand on that podium taking question after question, I suddenly felt a level of compassion for him. Because he originally lied about the photograph, Weiner’s trustworthiness is on much needed life support. Nonetheless, that does not take away from the courage it took to stand there and condemn himself over something he could have easily admitted to in a written statement and worked out in the privacy of his own home.

I believe Weiner deserves his chance at redemption. Conservatives will undoubtedly have a field day with this story, however the future of Weiner’s political career is in the hands of his constituents, not the right wing. And judging from the more liberal demographic of Weiner’s Brooklyn district, vindication is very plausible.

I wouldn’t count the Weiner out. Lest we forget the more severe sexcapade of President Clinton, which was soon forgiven by the American people.

Staff Writer; Gerren K. Gaynor

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