(ThyBlackMan.com) A recent Gallup poll found that 47 percent of all Americans oppose raising the debt ceiling. Only 19 percent support raising the ceiling past its current $12.1 trillion dollar limit. The remainder of us say we don’t know enough about the debt ceiling to have an opinion.
That’s part of our problem. More of us know about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mama drama than about our nation’s finances. And more of us are actually interested in the sordid drama than in a decision that may ultimately affect our nation’s financial health. Of course, most of us have no dog in the Schwarzenegger mess, and all of us are impacted by these budget decisions. We have no choice but raise the debt ceiling, and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is insisting on draconian budget cuts as the price for Republican acquiescence to increase the debt ceiling. He wants cuts that hurt education, senior citizens, and the needy, and he may well have the political clout to impose such cuts.
If we fail to raise the debt ceiling we will not have the dollars to pay on our obligations. We owe $12.09 trillion dollars and must pay interest on that debt. If we default on our borrowing, our credit rating will tank, affecting our position in the global economic market. So, we have no choice but raise the debt ceiling.
At the same time, the price that Boehner and his gang would extract is high. Will we sacrifice the poor, seniors, and public services to preserve our credit rating? Many argue that we make some of the same choices in our personal lives when we have more month than money. Either a creditor goes unpaid, or we go without something we need. We have seen senior citizens making the choice between medication and food, school systems sacrificing bright and promising new teachers for those who are tenured, colleges and universities eliminating classes and majors because their budgets have been cut. If all of us have to make these cuts, some argue, so should the United States.
But some approach this debt ceiling with a hidden agenda. They would simply like to cut the size of government. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) would virtually eviscerate the Medicare program in the name of fiscal efficiency. He wouldn’t tweak it, or impose cost savings; he’d simply get rid of it. His proposal is so draconian that even former Congressman and potential presidential candidate Newt Gringrich criticized it. And the Tea Party holds such sway on Republican opinion that Gingrich had to quickly backtrack and apologize for his remarks. The apology was not enough – Gingrich was excoriated by fellow Republicans for his position. He had a great week, actually, with the revelation of his big-spending ways (he ran up a six-figure bill at Tiffany’s), and with the indignity of a glitter shower in Minneapolis.
Those who believe in the role that government should play in our lives need to lobby for a viable, strong, and fiscally responsible government. We ought to be able to make the case for good government spending, that which alleviates pain, supports public well-being, protects the least and the left out. We need to be able to make the case for investment in people through education, health care, and job creation. And we need to make the case that in challenging economic times; there are people who need help. If we want to cut government spending, surely we might eliminate some of the corporate perks we keep handing out, like interest free loans or bank bailouts. At the same time, we might well offer struggling citizens some of the benefits we so freely offer corporations. Our foreclosure crisis might be much less severe, for example, if people could get help with their mortgages. In the first 15 years of a 30 year mortgage, most of the payment is interest. What if people got a break on those interest payments?
Here’s the bottom line, though. We have no choice but raise the debt ceiling, but we do have choices on how we choose to spend government dollars. Those who believe in government must advocate for it and reject the Tea Party arguments that the best government is a small one. The debt ceiling has been raised 8 times in the past decade. This time around, though, we are debating the role of government as well as the debt ceiling. Those who believe in government are losing the debate if just 19 percent of those polled think the debt ceiling should be raised.
Written By Julianne Malveaux
Official website; http://www.juliannemalveaux.com/
Your attack on Ron Paul shows just how fragile and scared the establishment is of liberty.
Ron Paul has exposed the fiat money system for what it is by proposing that we just tear up 1.6 Trillion in bonds that the Fed has issued for quantitative easing programs. Various economists can find no downside to that solution. Many have called it “surprisingly lucid” and some have referred to it as “simply brilliant”.
Even liberal economists can find no reason not to do it, however it is getting no traction on Capitol Hill. It would mean the end of the Federal Reserve and the money power structure as we know it. Maybe then we all realize that the national debt is just not real, except for the billions in interest payments sent to the bond holders.
The sad thing about raising the debt limit the author don’t address is that when they do this it weakens the dollar and our purchasing power. I am about as liberal as you can get and even I know the people who will be hurt by a shrinking dollar is the poor. The rich will have the means to put their money in other currencies or hard metals such as gold, the poor will get wiped out by inflation thats starting to show it’s ugly teeth.
The better question is when do you stop raising the debt ceiling? What is a sufficient number?
Thyblackman (got a complex do we?) understands the economy and our nations debt about as well as I understand Aarskog-Scott syndrome, which is not at all. Another anti-Paul liberal all for entitlements, surprise surprise.
The last statement, “Those who believe in government are losing the debate if just 19 percent of those polled think the debt ceiling should be raised.”, raises an interesting point. Most of us do not believe in government. We view government the way George Washington viewed government.
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is FORCE (emphasis mine). Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” — George Washington
I would prefer government were a chained (by the Constitution) servant rather than the supreme master is has set itself up to be. One god is enough for me, thank you.
Speaking as a blackman you disgust me. People like you are the reason why our people have this entitlement mentality which has amounted to nothing more than a form of self slavery. Do you even know who you are talking about? Certainly not Ron Paul. In a truly free society there would be no need for all these government programs that are mismanaged, abused or simply don’t work. You are a trader to our people.
if you click on the link at the end of the article, you’ll get Julianne’s website. Check out the first sentence in her bio:
“Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author and commentator, and the Founder of Last Word Productions, Inc., a multimedia production company.”
I think what we have here is a lot of people in the MSM that are now just trying to defend their credentials. They will bend facts, stretch logic, and sometime lie to save-face.
There is not one contributor to MSM machinery that will EVER go back on their previous positions, economic or political, because doing so will mean they are wrong.
This process is as much about recycling the news machine as-well-as recycling our politics.
This writer obviously has no understanding of economics. Read Austrian economics, stop spouting this nonsense.
Looks like “ThyBlackMan” is going to continue to publish a series of hit pieces on Paul. Second one I’ve seen against him this week.
Why are you so afraid of liberty?
@MC Great book. Dr. Paul’s Liberty Defined spells out his philosophy of liberty and freedom and how it relates to his positions and how it can rescue us from the Road to Serfdom.
End the Fed is also a must:
maybe you should know the difference between Ron Paul and Paul Ryan before you write an opinion piece. moron
These comments are great! So much better than the article!!
Every American should read _Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedoms_ by Dr. Ron Paul before voting for party nominations.
We the people need to better comprehend the principles by which our Constitutional Republic stands.
Do you have a credit card? Are you able to set your own credit limit? Wouldn’t it be immoral to use this credit card to pay for the welfare of others when you can’t pay the bill? Isn’t that theft? Doesn’t that create a false sense of safety for those less fortunate and hurt them in the long run?
It’s time to operate on reality. Cut everything across the board.
http://bit.ly/kRtt6l ’nuff said.
Congratulations on increasing your hit count by mentioning Ron Paul, even though you mixed up Dr. Paul with Rep. Paul Ryan. My guess is that you’ll attempt to drive more hits by publishing a correction post with more mentions of Ron Paul.
Here’s an idea: publish a column that ACCURATELY portrays Dr. Paul.
We can eliminate the entire federal budget deficit (and therefore the so-called “need” to raise the debt ceiling) by simply returning spending to Fiscal Year 2003 levels. The current budget is $3.8 trillion; FY 2003 was $2.3 trillion.
This column bellyaches about social spending cuts, but Obama’s military budget is even bigger than George W. Bush’s (despite Obama’s claim that military actions in Iraq have ended).
This article is also severely flawed in equating maintaining the present $14.3 trillion debt ceiling with “default”. This is simply false and dishonest. If a credit card user has reached his credit card limit, he defaults if he stops making monthly interest payments. The government receives more than enough revenue to continue interest payments. The last thing we should be doing is incurring MORE debt – debt that cannot possibly be paid off by this generation.
Other posters are correct in noting that the author has confused Ron Paul with Paul Ryan – just one indication of how sloppy and incorrect her other points are.
This is not a choice between free stuff for everybody or balancing the books, it is a choice between breaking our currency or exerting fundamental self control over our spending. It’s time to cut up the credit card before we do damage that can’t be repaired in our lifetime.
>> The debt ceiling has been raised 8 times in the past decade.
And Barack Obama’s votes on the three instances where he was a senator:
1. NO
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
– Barack Obama, March 20, 2006
Didn’t you learn in high school that you have to research a topic before writing about it? I read nothing in this article that was based in fact.
How dare you misconstrue Ron Paul’s words and use scare tactics to make people think you are right. Read Ron Paul’s book before you put “your own” words in his mouth. You talk like he doesn’t care about the poor or older american’s on healthcare. Quite the contrary, he understands that change needs to be gradual and above all the poor and elderly need to be taken care of during any transition to a smaller government. I am a senior on a fixed income and understand that we seniors need the protection of a strong dollar so our money is not inflated away. I don’t believe the Government is doing me any favors or has my best interests at heart with these social programs. When I was young the doctor would make house calls and charge $20 which was a lot of money then but you got great care. Now that the Government is involved with healthcare it is not only terrible service but you can’t pay for a doctor visit out of you pocket we need insurance companies that the government controls. What a sick country we are becoming.
I strongly believe America is facing a historic moment. If we do not find enough people to put a visionary in charge like Ron Paul, more and more you will see the type who believes the government and hard working people should sustain them. Once losers are in charge and illegal immigrants turn into millions of votes for Democrats, it will be hard to reverse course. Obama turns out to be a puppet controlled by corporations and banks.
I am black, legal immigrant who will be able to vote for Ron Paul in 2012.
Get the budget into the black – blackman!
Do not borrow more.
Do not raise the debt ceiling as we already cannot repay.
What a stupid article supporting a stupid President.
Another talking parrot of the lame stream media here folks! So we should keep borrowing money to pay for things we can’t afford? Maybe your household does it that way but not mine. It’s all been said above so I won’t go repeating the great points about Dr. Paul but please look up the facts before trying to write a hit piece.
Ron Paul 2012!!
Why negligently lie to people? Ron Paul is one of the few in Washington who has always voted against touching the entitlement funds. He views type thing as theft of the people’s money. Why don’t you revise this garbage and re-post it? Ron Paul is actively running for the presidency right now. Distortion and lies will be bad enough. The movement doesn’t need rookie mistakes by the 4th estate.
File this under thief, looter, moocher, just another poor victim who can’t make it on his own so he uses the government to take it from those who work harder than him.
What the government should do is abolish slavery. It’s not gone but still well in existence. The slaves of colored yesteryears did not work for themselves but worked for others – in that case it was the white man. Today it is not about color, however we have people still working for other’s in our welfare government. But why don’t we have the right to choose? Where have our liberties gone? I have no right to say i do not wish to participate in this program but it is imposed on me. My income is deducted and given to other’s <- same as slavery, remember slavery is working for others by force. Anything done by force imposes and takes away your liberty.
Why does the govt need to impose these laws that take away by force? Why cant we help each other by volunteering and charitable donations like it used to be?
This article mentions Ron Paul- the writer needs to educate himself and ask himself if he or she is truly free. Everyone reading this should ask themselves the same question.
May Liberty rest on your own shoulders and need never to take away by force.
I say let America do what every other American is doing, cutting spending, going back to what is necessary. Get rid of any government people controlling programs, aka. health care, ss, obamacare, government control and/or excessive investment in corporations and businesses. Those programs that were implemented during the last great depression before the ww2, that didn’t save us from the depression, the war did that for us, its history, government spending doesn’t fix bad economies. It is the common workers, business owners, jobs on our soil, use of our own resources, becoming self-sufficient so we don’t have to depend on third world countries, monopoly owned oil companies and corrupt leaders. Let America’s credit get hurt, we know that our government is not trusted anyways. Get out of the way of the American people, serve and protect us, and let us do what we do best, Progress!
When you can no longer pay the bills, it’s time to cut the credit card.
Funny, you didn’t mention that Obama voted AGAINST raising the debt ceiling when he was a senator. Hmm… “do as I say, not as I do?” (Typical)
Ron Paul 2012!
How about Americans not relying on the government to take care of them. How about families taking care of each other again and neighbors actually knowing each other and helping one another. With that said, I think there should be a role in government for a back up. I know that not all families will take care of each other and not all neighbors will sacrifice their 32 inch flat screen should their neighbor need assistance. The State not the Federal government should be responsible fos this. Quit expecting other taxpayers to fund your life! Get off your rear end and work hard. Expect others to do the same or starve. We live in a society where persons would rather take taxpayer money (unemployment) than to take a lower class job…i.e McDonalds. Sad very, very sad. Place Freedom over lazyness!
If you raise the debt ceiling by 2 Trillion dollars this year, it will be gone shortly after next year. Then we will have to raise it again. We need to just cut the damn programs now. Why bother waiting just 1-2 years for our interest to rise even higher? So more Americans can feel easy being dependable on the government to whip out their credit card and buy us more free stuff? Raising the debt ceiling = investing in China. You don’t take out difficult to pay loans to dump even more money into a system that isn’t working. Cut it all and start over, with the budget you have. We can make better education and healthcare without more money. People just need to take a damn paycut for once.
Is this a joke? Did you really say Ron Paul when you mean Paul Ryan? WOW! This is truly a pathetic attempt at journalism, blogging, or writing for that matter, and thats without even needing to poke holes in your clearly egalitarian and socialistic philosophical view points. (read some rothbard, hoppe, etc.) You have embarrassed yourself.
Mr. Ron Paul for 2012 Republican Nom and President.
-Strengthen our USD
-No Inflation
-Balance the Budget
-No Mandated Healthcare
-Creates MANY JOBS
-New Crop Industries
-Free Market
-Very Pro Life
-No Bailout
-No Patriot Act
-Stays out of foreign DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, but contract/trade with all
-No Unjustified War with no objectives
-Brings our Troops Home after over 10 YEARS OF FIGHTING!!!!
The USA could have fought WWII twice in 10 years!
Please, let’s bring America’s Troops home. They deserve it.
Leave the Middle East, and all other Nations that are agreed to be sovereign, ALONE with regard to DOMESTIC AFFAIRS.
American Lives are NOT toys.
Bring our Troops Home
I am a Ron Paul Republican
Mr. Ron Paul 2012 for Republican Nom and President
Want to write Julianne?
Share your thoughts and opinions straight to the source.
Julianne Malveaux
Whoever wrote this article should probably never write another one again. This is basically slander. You need to check your facts before you write crap like this. For anyone thinking of reading this article, don’t waste your time.
The author referenced the wrong person. He is talking about Paul Ryan’s plan. Not Ron Paul’s. I don’t know the details of the Ryan plan. But I do give him credit for proposing something. The Democrats have proposed NOTHING. They just sit and wait to criticize, and scare some old folks. Here is one scary fact that they can’t deny: Entitlements will go broke. Do you want to begin to fix it now and give people a chance to prepare, or do you want to live in denial unless the programs drop dead?
Ron Paul would say that a repeal of the programs require Congressional legislative action as required by the Constitution. He would advocate that people look at the unconstitutionality of the system, how insolvent it is, how it will collapse.
And No. WE DONT HAVE TO RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT. Spend what you collect in tax revenues, prioritize your spending, pay down the debt and fund the important functions with the remaining proceeds first. Americans have to do this with their personal finances everyday! Why can’t the government!?
The author definitely has PAUL RYAN and RON PAUL confused. He was right in that Ron Paul would like to see Medicare in the past, but he is wrong in that Ron Paul would destroy Medicare as President. Ron Paul is a very smart man. He knows that the President is NOT the dictator of law. He will still have to work with Congress to get his agenda moving. He has stated multiple times what he would actually do right now, and getting rid of Medicare isn’t one of them. The Newt comments were ignorant as Newt got in trouble for his condemning of PAUL RYAN’s medicare plan. Check your facts before you display your ignorance.
Just in case nobody’s been paying attention, China’s getting less willing to lend the money to us to continue this way. What are we going to do when they decide not to let us borrow anymore? Also, in case you didn’t know, we spend almost twice as much per student as any other nation to educate them. The problem in education is teacher’s unions and bureaucratic nonsense! We are where we are because people are too stupid and lazy to take responsibility for themselves and would rather have the government take care of them.
Default or raising the debt will hurt the US credit rating. The government could cut their pay, cut out programs that don’t work, bring troops home, etc. this idea that the US has to go deeper in debt is so idiotic.
Yes, we have to raise the Debt. And we have to cut spending, but do not cut spending where it will impede the growth of this country. If Washington and the rich continues this path, we will become a two class society, one rich and the other poor and no middle class .We know there is a lot of waste and fraud in the Government. It is the same old story of guns and butter. We make more guns, there is less butter.
Many of us don’t believe that government has much of a role to play in our lives personal or economic. Considering government has screwed up everything it has touched why should we give any kind of support for any government program. Coercion is not the answer and that is what government is all about. Freedom of choice, free exchanges between consenting parties without government intervention or approval. Those are examples of freedom. Many of us prefer freedom to any kind of statism. Both parties are statist. There is only a difference in style. Ron Paul is not like that. He is mostly libertarian.
He hardly has a hidden agenda … he’s shouting what he believes from the roof tops. You, of course as a statist, think he’s being sneaky. Your mind is frozen into a world view that sees totalitarianism as freedom. Orwell was right.
His statement about Ron Paul are dead wrong because I think he is talking about Paul Ryan. Newt got in trouble for criticizing Paul Ryan’s plan and not Ron Paul’s.
Your description of Paul’s position on Medicare is dead wrong.
Paul want’s to use savings from cutting our militarism overseas to continue taking care of those dependent on the goverment. He also proposes that young people be allowed to opt out, so in 50 or 60 years the programs will end.
The entitlement programs will end when the dollar collapses. Paul is the only candidate with plans to protect the dollar and those who have savings.