Kevin M. Jackson; Going to the Father…

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( Christ, the Way back to the Father. God did not want man to remain in isolation from Him. After all, God created man to bring glory and honor to Him. God then put a divine plan of restoration in action by sending his Son, Jesus Christ. Christ’s sole responsibility was to die and shed His blood to restore the relationship between man and God.

How does this restoration begin? It begins by you my brother, confessing that you are indeed a sinner born in separation of God because of the turn of   events that took place in the Garden of Eden. You have to understand that every man, woman, boy, and girl born was born in sin because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God.

Second, you must acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and He died for your sins on the cross. You have to understand that Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice that would atone for our sins. In the Old Testament, the Jews would take doves and all sorts of animals that would be offered up to God to atone for their sins. They had to choose a dove or a lamb that was without blemish. Well, God did the same thing. He chose the best lamb for the sacrificial offering for our sins, His Son.

Jesus never sinned. Jesus was birthed on this earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. So Jesus was not filled with the blood of man, but rather the Spirit of God. In addition, it took Christ’s powerful blood to wash away the sins of men. The purpose of the lamb’s sacrifice was to use its blood to atone for the sins of the people. That is why Jesus had to die on the cross so that He could shed his sacrificial blood for all mankind.

Third, you have to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the grave on the third day. Yes Christ died, but Christ also rose again. He was resurrected by the power of God. Father God not only raised Him from the dead, but He also gave Christ all power in Heaven and in earth. Christ is the most powerful and He has the power to change every person’s life that will accept Him in their heart.

See the heart is the totality of the man. Whatever is in a man’s heart manifests itself on the outside. If Christ is really in our hearts, we will manifest the evidence on the outside. My brother, if you can grasp those three concepts with your mind and your heart until the point that you are willing to share that experience with someone else, then you are saved right now! Let’s pray!

Father, I acknowledge right now that I am a sinner in need of salvation. I believe that salvation is only possible through your Son, Jesus Christ. I accept today, Christ as my savior. I believe with my whole heart that He died for me on Calvary. I believe with my whole mind that You raised Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day. Therefore, your word says, whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I am the whosoever. I am calling on Jesus’ name right now. In Jesus Name. Amen!

My brother, welcome to the Family of God. Now find a bible-centered church to continue your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Staff Writer; Kevin M. Jackson

To read more articles by this Christian brother feel free to visit; Life Lessons For My Sons.

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