(ThyBlackMan.com) If the current crop of declared GOP presidential contenders is the party’s field of dreams for 2012, we’re in real trouble. Reviewing the line up thus far, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, the group has the charisma factor of a ball of wax. Let’s face it charisma is more than 50% of presidential candidates appeal and for the most part this group is just plain dullsville when stacked up against Obama.
So far, Republicans’ quest for the White House in 2012 is looking more like a bad reality show at best, giving team Obama ample room for confidence the president will win a second term. Comb over, business titan Donald Trump’s flirtation with running for president was truly embarrassing. This week, just when we thought he couldn’t top his ridiculous press conference, taking credit for forcing Obama to reveal his birth certificate, Trump declared he wouldn’t run for president but “I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and, ultimately , the general election.” Hardly, Americans won’t elect a birther as president.
Then Newt Gingrich decided to launch his GOP presidential campaign by slamming House Republican Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul plan. The professorial Gingrich appeared on Meet the Press this past Sunday and exclaimed to David Gregory Ryan’s Medicare plan “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”
What’s so radical about Ryan’s plan to cut Medicare costs by privatizing it, making it competitive and based on quality of care? Medicare needs to end as we’ve known it for 40 plus years because it’s no longer working.
Beside the fact Gingrich has been married three times, the Wall Street Journal summed up Gingrich’s troubled campaign, “The episode reveals the Georgian’s weakness as a candidate, and especially as a potential President –to wit, his odd combination of partisan, divisive rhetoric and poll-driven policy timidity.” Making matters worse, Gingrich now is recanting what he said as inaccurate. Charlie Sheen might call this “losing.”
While Romney may be able to out fund raise his competitors, his fatal flaw is Romneycare, Massachusetts state run healthcare program, which he started as governor. As a Republican, I don’t know how he can explain this away as anything but a stepping stone to government run Obamacare. If Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann dive in the race, it will make the crowded field of 2012 GOP presidential candidates look even more doubtful. At this point, Republicans should pray and hope there is a dark horse waiting in the wings because so far 2012 is shaping up to look like 1996 when Bill Clinton faced off against an anemic Bob Dole. And the rest is history.
Written By Crystal Wright
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Herman Cain or Ron Paul are the only options. Personally, I’d go with Cain.
The Godfather… Herman Cain in 2012.
He’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.
@Scott R. “He is an ethical man who has always held conservative values on a personal level but publicly had to espouse more moderate views to get elected in Mass. I support Romney!”
So this “ethical man” Romney don’t follow his beliefs and lies to get elected? Romneycare was passed AFTER he was elected, when he was governor right? Sounds more like a political man than an ethical one.
Another politician from Mass. lost a presidential election in 2004 for flip flopping (regardless of whether it was true or not). If GOP establishment is stupid enough to choose anyone other Ron Paul (Paul can take independent and some Democrat voters), they are going home losers because Obama will defeat them all.
Mitt Romney has the same health care plan as Obamacare, which is unconstitutional and if any one supports Romney, then they surely must be aware that his racist Mormonism in the book of Mormon states that “Blacks were cursed, with a black skin color”. Obama will beat Romney. However, RON PAUL WOULD OWNED THEM ALL! RON PAUL 2012
Ron Paul is the man for the job and the other candidates are plain as heck. Ron Paul 2012
The stars are aligning for Romney. This could change but it’s doubtful at this point. Romney’s experience will make him perfect for the job. He has promised to completely rebuild Washington DC because of the corruption there. He is an ethical man who has always held conservative values on a personal level but publicly had to espouse more moderate views to get elected in Mass.
I support Romney!
@ JonH says:
‘Romney(‘s) 14 years at the helm of Bain Capital.. averaged 113% return on investment’
Philosophy is the relevant political issue: capital business earns profit through industry; the current governmental model conversely is unethical because it elementally extorts at gunpoint. Candidate Paul answers this economic dilemma by freeing individuals to succeed and prosper on their own terms and abolishing tyrannical law
1) ‘I dont think the country will find (his message) palatable’..
@ Shishir
1) ‘I dont think the country will find it palatable’
This comment appears to care what others think rather than conscientiously voting as an individual
2) ‘Harassment by North African pirates.. Why should this time be any better?’
In a dictatorship, a man or group can be killed by the word of a ruler alone; in a republic, all individuals are given fair trials to prove innocence/guilt–Candidate Paul espouses this principle
3) ‘he does not have a good campaign strategy’
If genuinely moved by Candidate Paul’s message, I am sure your talents and participation would be welcome
Yeah, well who’s the racist now, jerk?
I can’t believe when I hear someone say Dr. Paul is racist. Then I think, well they probably haven’t heard anything about him except what some talking head regurgitates, I guess I can understand that.
Brothers, one thing I CAN tell you is there is no candidate ANYWHERE and hasn’t been for 50 years or more that wants to get the Man’s foot off your neck more than Dr. Paul. As a good friend of my father’s was fond of saying, “I don’t need no one to give me a damn thing – just open the door, I’ll get it myself” and this is precisely what Dr. Paul believes not just for you but for everyone.
If you want a handout you can kiss my ass – I WORK for my money. But if you want to work, keep what you make, build a business and leave a future for your children, Dr. Paul is the man for you.
Not to mention, we all have friends that are down, and Dr. Paul would end the Drug War. Just electing him would send the signal. 80% drop in crime overnight because there’s no money in it anymore.
The guy does have a point. The money masters are the ones cracking the whips today, and they really don’t care what color you are. so what are the GOP candidates on the money masters and their enforcer: Federal Reserve.
Bachman, Santorum, Pawlenty, Gingrich : No Position
Cain: Former Federal Reserve, Supported TARP and Bailouts
Romney: Said “I don’t want to focus on the Federal Reserve” back in ’08.
Paul: Restore sound money and control back to the people, and End the Federal Reserve. He has been consistently saying this for decades.
First,what’s a good ol’ boy called Jim-Bob doing on this thread?Second,Ron Paul is a vile racist piece of crap who considers black men un-redeemable
criminals,as I’m sure your red-neck like probably concurs with old man Paul’s racist remarks and opinions!!!
I wonder why some commentators, on this page and others, regurgitated what they are told by the mainstream media and other candidates about about Ron Paul… that he is “extreme”, a “crazy uncle”, “long short”, “fringe”. I have not seem one intelligent refute from the mainstream media or other candidates that disproves any of Ron Paul’s ideas about the Constitution, Monetary Policy, Foreign, Economic Policy, State powers, and personal liberty. If they disagree, then offer an intellectual response. But they are not, because they don’t have any. So all this unfair name-calling is masking the lack of substance of their arguments against Ron Paul’s.
Ron Paul’s is a threat to the status-quo, not surprisingly his bigger challenge is the GOP Establishment comprising of Neocons and corporate welfare RINOs, not Obama. Obama can spend all of his billion dollars on the mid-west states that voted for him in ’08 and it work make a difference. Considering this, Paul has the best chance to defeat Obama.
Ron Paul is the best hope for America’s greatness to be restored in my lifetime as a 30-something.
I am a compassionate human being with a top education and know his positions inside and out. He is not for repealing Civil Rights legislation. He is not for ending Social Security and Medicare for current or upcoming retirees. He is not for blanket drug legalization just that states should make their own laws.
The media will use fearmongering and distortion to smear Ron. They will ask him questions and he will answer honestly, then they will take his statements out of context and make incorrect generalizations and sell them as true. Don’t believe any of it.
Paul will be blackballed by the media for opposing the Federal Reserve private cartel and for his desire to decrease the size and power of the military-industrial complex and corporate power in government. He is the main Civil and human rights candidate in this election. In fact the only one.
Ron Paul 2012.
This is one of my brothers endorsing Ron Paul…
Ron Paul 2012!!
Ron Paul is the most consistent, honest, principled and incorruptible politician in Congress. He is not in with the corporate and bankers pockets. His massive donors are your average American..now that’s a real presidential candidate of the People!
Ron Paul 2012!!
I’m so happy to see this trash article here bashing the GOP with no real information and then many commenters immediately backing up Ron Paul, who didn’t even get a reason in the article as to why he’s got no chance. Ron Paul’s time has come to save the country folks. Spread the word. Vote him in against Obama. And vote Obama out! Ron Paul 2012-2020.
DARK HORSE????Isn’t Herman Cain African American?
President Obama has protected Neoconservatives for years.
Will Obama protect Neoconservatives four more years?
Was the 9 11 operation really good for Israel?
Herman Cain is ex-federal reserve bank chairman. Will he end the FED? NO!
Federal reserve uses the lame fiat money system that is based on creating money from debt. Any candidate that doesn’t plan on abolishing the FED; is not in the best interest of America.
CAIN 2012!!!!
This article lacks substance. Most of the comments are direct comments from news source. Straight brain washing.
It’s simple.
If you want the ugly truth that straightens out your back and makes you feel great years later, vote Ron Paul.
If you want sincere lies from child egoists that try to “PROVE THEMSELVES” and that make you feel warm at first and later disappointed, vote for anyone. Vote blind because it wont make a difference how you feel years after the election.
The 2012 election will probably be rigged. The capitalists don’t want to loose the so called oil equity they think is theirs. Too many child egoists that need to prove themselves except Ron Paul.
“Let’s face it charisma is more than 50% of presidential candidates appeal…” How has that been working for us? We need to choose candidates who have positions based on principles. Ron Paul has consistently been that candidate for thirty years. Ron Paul in 2012…his time has come and America is beginning to understand and catch up with what he has known for a long time.
Most of the candidates pinpointed have much more that enough. Most of them can speak without a teleprompter every moment they’re talking. No one can say that about our current puppet on a string. Most of his hype was through pre-speech and post-speech network Obama manlovers hype. Pres. Reagan was a voice and personality expert developed for years on stage and through endless profesional coaching and rehearsals. These two situations are unique.
Based on the ever growing needs of our country due to the Socialist/Marxist shift to the left by Pres. Obama and his buzy as bees 40 leftist Czars we need a highly skilled manager besides just a businessman. I like and would vote for Herman Cain if we weren’t in the MEGA-MESS we are currently in.
The guy who has been able to keep the most balls in the air and the most plates spinning and can still handle more……. and was known in 2008 as the hardest working candidate is my current favorite by many miles! He’s the one who is a Harvard MBA Baker Scholar who got his law degree there too while doing that MBA (and graduated in 3 rather that 4 years). His resume AFTER COLLEGE exceeds the resumes of all the other candidates combined.
Most people don’t know this because the media will never say. Only one of many of my favorite things about Mitt Romney is that his 14 years at the helm of Bain Capital he averaged 113% return on investment–each year!!! (has anyone in history ever done anything like that?!!!) That includes the start up years too.
Can you imagine how many thousands of problem solving issues Mr. Romney handled. During the 14 years of turning around companies who were broken, Mitt Romney’s teams around the world fixed more than 200 hundred firms. Again 113% working on 200 different firms! Someone like Bill Gates comes to my mind and I don’t know his ROI but he had one firm and an innovative series of related products everyone wanted, but not 200 firms!
I can’t shut up……. the top consulting firm Mitt was a young VP for trained him in the “Bain Way”. This firm (Bain and Associates) was then and is still today one of the three top consulting firms in the world.And they consult with government entities as well!!. When Mitt was leaving to form Bain Capital, the sign-up list of Bain and Associates executives filled pages of those who wanted to go with Mitt Romney. These executives are the smartest business people anywhere to be found–Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, NYU etc. They are ALL honest, competent good people whom Mitt Romney made multi-millionaires.
In 2008, Mitt Romney was asked what his secrets for success were. One of his leading answers was that he simply hired the smartest people. Not his friends, not his relatives, not people he owed, but the best and brightest!!! To really know if someone is very bright, the interviewer has to probe in depth and has to be very bright himself.
After Mitt’s 14 years at his start-up Bain Capital, Bain and Associates ran into some heavy issues during a bad economic period in the mid 90’s. This prestigious consulting firm could not fix it themselves, problems were difficult and there were a lot of raw feelings amongst the partners. Unanimously, all partners agreed that if they could hire Mitt back as president they’d all go along with his directions and decisions 100%. It was felt that the problems were severe enough it could take several years to turnaround. Mitt was hired and he fixed the troubles in about 9 months. He left in 12 months and would not accept one dime of salary from his old friends! If you ever try to learn what “the Bain Way” is you will be impressed! Yet, the student returned to repair his teachers company. As intellectually difficult as “the Bain Way” is it can be learned by smart people. Romney’s success at Bain Capital is arguably something else. His success there has never been equaled to my knowledge.
In one of the 2008 election year biographies on Mitt Romney one of his Bain and Associate co-workers stated: that he (the associate) never knew a time when working with Mitt Romney while consulting with the best and brightest leaders in corporate America that there was ever anyone in the room smarter than Mitt Romney. Yet, Mitt never acted like or in personal moments inferred that he was that smart. He was always kind hearted and earnest.
Several of Mitt’s brainest partners at Bain Capital came to Salt Lake City to assist Mitt in assessing the Olympic Games incredible problems. As they flew home to Boston afterwards, Mitt asked B. Frazier his opinion of whether Mitt should take the project on? B. Frazier exclaimed that it was in such bad shape that if it were him (Frazier), he would not even call the SLC Olympic Committee back at all. Yet, the results are in the Olympic history books as something incredible!!! Mitt Would not take a dime of salary here just as he would not as Governor of MA.
Mad Money Man Jim Cramer (CBS)called Mitt Romney the smartest business man in North America. Cramer himself admittedly interviewed with Mitt Romney at Bain Capital but was never invited to work their.
There are a lot of highly competent people who have worked for Romney or whom he has worked with or for. Most have made their millions because of Mitt and their own intellectual abilities. They are beholden to him, the respect him, they like him, are volunteers who know how to give back. WHO DO YOU THINK HE WOULD SELLECT TO WORK BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE GOVERNMENT WONKS AND BUREAUCRATES TO MEND, REPAIR, FIND, AND CORRECT OR IMPROVE THE Obama CZAR SLIDE TO THE LEFT?
If you are honest and do honest homework, the choice for one to fix America is clear–not even debateable. This isn’t just another election where we need a conservative as POTUS, WE NEED A REAL INTELLECT WITH EXPERIENCE AND GOODNESS OF HEART.
PS: there are stories of ethical issues and Mitt and the kind of heart he has…. here’s one to Google–keywords: Mitt Romney to the Rescue. Written By NewsMax 2008(?).
BTW while I was a Huckabee supporter in 2008, Ron Paul is the only guy who sounds like a real conservative to me in this primary. I just think his PR isn’t as well developed as Rand Paul’s even though they have similar views.
The problem with Ron Paul isn’t his policy on gay marriage or drugs. It’s that he doesn’t explain it as well as his son Rand did. If Ron Paul wins the Presidency, states can still ban drugs and same sex marriages. He’s just cutting the federal aspect of it. Rand Paul explains this quickly but Ron Paul spends too much time talking about his liberty-orientated philosophy when most Americans just want to hear policy.
RON PAUL 2012.
This is really strange. Ron Paul is not even discussed in the article. He is the most educated, most experienced candidate. As far as politicians go, he is gem. Read his books and find out for yourself.
He is very electable. There are no surprises with him. All his views are well known and he doesn’t change them. He is a very nice guy and these punks who try to bully him only make themselves look mean. Also, people love Ron Paul as is evidenced by the CNN article quoted below. May 5, 2011.
“Who does best against Obama? Paul. The congressman from Texas, who also ran as a libertarian candidate for president in 1988 and who is well liked by many in the tea party movement, trails the president by only seven points (52 to 45 percent) in a hypothetical general election showdown. Huckabee trails by eight points, with Romney down 11 points to Obama.”
“Ron Paul has two problems. Problem one is that democrats definately won’t vote for him over Obama.”
Anyone who is still an Obama supporter even after this continued mess we are in will never vote for anyone with an ‘R’ after their name, no matter how similar their policies are. So that’s not a Paul problem, that’s a republican problem.
“Problem two is his stance on legalizing dope and gay marriage. Those stances will kill him dead with republicans. I like Ron Paul but there is absolutly no way.”
Gay Marriage isn’t a government issue to begin with, it’s a personal one. He has never spoken about legalizing gay marriage b/c first of all it’s not up to government to decide the private conduct and mutual consent of two adults.
As a conservative, you should be against big government using force to tell full grown men and women what they can put in their bodies and on their property. It is simply not for anyone to decide whom an individual may marry.
@Shishir: Libertarians understand Foreign Policy remarkably well actually. Financially alone, our current policy is unsustainable. There is no money to pay for all of our precious, unconstitutional, anti-American and illegal wars. It’s hard to accept at first but it is possible.
What is instead naive, is the notion that somehow b/c we are free, people of Muslim faith spend years and massive amounts of money and effort to hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings with the aim of killing as many people as possible and that no such hatred comes from our occupation of their lands, playing favorites and selling weapons. In reality their hatred of us is b/c of our intervention, such as the assassination of Iran’s first democratically elected leader, in the early 1950’s. Do you understand what I am saying?
Ron Paul never advocated a small defense, he advocates a proper defense, whatever size it may need be, to defend our borders and our way of life. Not to arm and train religious fanatics and start wars.
Someone has obviously not done their homework. Josh had it right when he brought up Mr. Herman Cain. The man oozes charisma, confidence, common sense, decisiveness, and a willingness to surround himself with the best people possible to make the best decisions possible for the good of our entire nation. Those who have never heard Mr. Cain speak become transformed when they just listen to the man. He knows what he is doing, and he can and will lead this country back from the brink. I am truly looking forward to an Obama/Cain debate. Herman will mop the floor with our current President.
In several articles, I keep seeing this prevailing ignorance come up about isolationism. Hopefully for the last time: Non-intervention is not isolationism.
Ron Paul is the ONLY logical choice among another round of ‘just kidding’ conservatives.
Our foreign policy is frankly, unsustainable and is supported by individuals who have no grip on reality. There is simply no money for any of this and the longer we continue this overseas militarism of insanity we only continue an already dangerously collapsing dollar, incite more hatred and make ourselves less safe. Are enough people even understanding what he is saying? There is no money to pay for any of this.
Only Ron Paul brought the Federal Reserve to the Nation’s American Idol attention span.
Ron Paul has appeal to individuals who actually believe in limited government, both economically and personally. One-on-one in a debate, there would be no place for Obama to squirm against Ron Paul’s proven voting record and successful predictions.
With an immoral and failing drug war, inflationary Federal Reserve policies, unsustainable and epic fail foreign policy, the choice is overwhelmingly clear.
i hope ron paul hires some top rate political strategist, e.g., karl rove, james carville, etc.
he needs to figure a way to translate all his young and independent supporters into votes in the primaries. get all of them registered as republicans if they aren’t already.
unfortunately, while ron paul has the right message, he does not have a good campaign strategy. with the right strategy, he CAN win the nomination.
the only problem Ron Paul has is the Media.
When he advocates states right people like you now spin it to Legalization when all he is saying that the people of the states can rule themselves and do a better job then the crooks in DC
Ron Paul is going to win — he took 2nd in 2008 with only 5% name recognition and now has over 85% household name recognition.
Let not Forget RP will beat Obama badly. It’s easy to get democrats who like civil liberties and are against the endless wars to vote for him.
in 1998 when TX re-district-ed he was given the 22nd out 22nd win able Republican districts by the good ol boys club and he still thrives — IN 2010 he won with 80% of the Vote!!
Ron Paul 2012!!
Ron Paul has two problems. Problem one is that democrats definately won’t vote for him over Obama. Problem two is his stance on legalizing dope and gay marriage. Those stances will kill him dead with republicans. I like Ron Paul but there is absolutly no way.
“Americans won’t elect a birthed as President.”
Why not? They elected a Kenyan… 😉
The point of Birthers is lack of trust for a President who promised transparency but is widely considered to have a Presidency less transparent than Bush’s and who we really don’t know much about, appears “manufactured”, refuses to cover his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and does strange things like hand mass murderer Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree.
Obama’s chosen cloak of mystery is to blame, not Birthers, not Trump, who actually stood up for a class of people routinely abused by the Left and media who are themselves being managed…in a “free” country.
I’m a Trump fan now, but my money is on Mitt for 2012, and against our opaque President.
Ron Paul has my vote.
yeah baby, “the charisma factor”, that’s really important. Forget about Ron Paul desire to stop the wars, lower the deficit and the taxes, stop the war on drugs, reduce the size and role of Gov…”the charisma factor” is what really matters.
I can see the authors of this article explaining to their starving grand kids, “well Bobby, you know, we voted for Clinton, Bush and Obama, cause they had charisma. We didn’t know any better”
if it is the charismatic anti-christ vs anybody ill take anybody. Not saying..
Ron Paul has my vote!!!
@RP 2012
As I said his message is great re the constitution , however he is not the best salesman.While I find it heartening that a libertarian is running, I dont think the country will find it palatable at this point.One has to take baby steps towards such a goal.I find his son Rand Paul far appealing and well grounded.
While Im not wild on nation building,promoting democracy in frankly barbaric regions and “humanitarian” wars like those for Libya,Bosnia or Albania and prefer the military establishment be much more selective and limited in ambitions about the war that we choose to enter, gutting the military is not a viable option.Thomas Jefferson had a plan similar to Ron Paul of having a small national defense force and what was the result? Harassment by North African pirates(first case of Muslim terrorism against U.S),the White House was burnt to the ground by the British in the war of 1812.Why should this time be any better?Though I agree that foreign aid should end to pretty much all countries (including Israel)
@TinMan torture and rendition are not the hallmarks of an “authoritarian government” ,in the Founders day,people were tarred and feathered and drawn and quartered!Terrorists if they wear no uniforms and masquerade as civilians are not subject to the Geneva convention.The onus of morality is on them not Americans.What bothers is about libertarians is that when it comes to foreign policy they share they the same naivete and anti American reflex as liberals.In that if some barbarian hates America then the latter somehow is to blame!Libertarians fail to understand the Middle East in particular and their thought process.
Herman Cain has no charisma? I can’t even take this article seriously. Do some research next time…or just keep ignoring Cain and him being the biggest story by far in the election cycle.
Former Obama Support here. Did everything I could back in 2007/2008 for Obama to get elected. Thought it was going to be “real change” not the same thing as bush. Even more spending and less jobs. I will be supporting Dr. Ron Paul.
Ron Paul 2012!
As a 19 year old college student I didn’t even care about politics a month ago but I absolutely think this man is the solution to this country’s problems.
@ Shishir
1) ‘sounds and looks like a crazy uncle’
The substance of Candidate Paul’s philosophy regarding the the ideals Liberty, Prosperity & Peace are distinguished while setting an example of good will and self-discipline
2) ‘isolationism in this day and age is not a feasible option’
There is a distinction between offensive belligerence and vigilant self-defense; Candidate Paul likewise promotes these virtues while politically transcending irrational hate
Are you kidding? Ron Paul isn’t charismatic? Listen to any of his speeches, his debates, or his record. We actually might have a choice to vote for someone of true values and principle integrity and not someone from the machine or wallstreet created. He has won the straw poll 2 years in a row and is winning major polls. Non-intervention policy is not Isolationism, it is actually our policy of over doing our military force and promoting democracy through force that leaves us isolated and resented by the rest of the world. It is the constitutional way and what our founders recommended, not having an interventionist foreign policy.
We have lost our way and secret arrests, torture, nation building, promotion of democracy through force are not charicteristics of a free nation, this is more typical in a dictitorial authoritarian government. Americans are desperate for a Ron Paul, they are desperate for change and are beginning to see the lies that are Obama. Trump was never meant to be a serious candidate, he was put in to make Obama look good. Now they will not focus on all of Obama’s lies, they will make his credibility rely solely on the birth certificate issue and not real issues. Trash article, should not be found under “news”
Looking forward to vote for Candidate Ron Paul in 2012!
I disagree with some caveats. Currently it does look rather chaotic, but then again doesnt every field in the preceeding year?Tim Pawlenty and Michelle Bachmann have strong net positives.Romney is a plastic Mormon RINO , that didnt play well in 2008,not sure why this would change now.Ron Paul is great on the constitution but in general he sounds and looks like a crazy uncle and isolationism in this day and age is not a feasible option.Newt Gingrich is more like a mad professor with a touch of Bill Clinton when it comes to women,not a good combo.I like Sarah Palin(looks like she may run) but she is damaged goods, she coped ineptly with the media onslaught and her quitting the governership didnt help matters.Barring Chris Christie(who says he wont run) I agree with Mark Steyn that it looks like a Pawlenty/Bachmann.
Im not as down on Herman Cain as much as you.Sure he never held office but there was another Republican who was drafted and was one of the most successful presidents-Dwight Eisenhower.Now Im not comparing Cain to Eisenhower(the man who won WWII) especially when it comes to foreign policy but to point out that a man who did not previously hold elected office can win.I wouldnt write him off completely.