How to reinvent yourself and change your identity…

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( Almost everyone reaches a point in their individual lives when they become complacent and begin to accept a certain level of mediocrity. We become so preoccupied with the mundane aspects of everyday living (working, paying bills, etc.), that we forget to pursue our dreams. This can cause you to be stagnant and frustrated about the trajectory of your life. However, it’s a new year and now is the time to reinvent yourself! I like to call it finding your “it.” Your “it” is that thing that you are passionate about, that thing that you dream about constantly. Your “it” is that burning desire inside of you to transcend your present circumstances and live the life you have always wanted. Your “it” is that thing that causes you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace something new.

So how do you find your “it“? Well the answer is not easy. To find your “it,” you will have to change the way you think. It takes a paradigm shift in your  mind. You must begin to break the shackles of self-doubt and fear and begin to see yourself where you ultimately want to be. Here are a few steps to help you begin this process:

1) Write the Vision- Write down your vision for your life in 2011. What is it that you want to see manifest in your life this year? What do you want to accomplish? What is your greatest desire?

2) Meditate-Spend a few minutes meditating on your vision every day. Begin to visualize yourself doing and achieving the things in your vision. You can also use this a time to pray regarding your vision and goals.

3) Act-Determine what actions steps you need to take to accomplish your vision and goals. Begin to make small steps toward reaching your goal. For example, if your goal is to get another degree, begin getting your application, financial aid, and entrance test materials together to start the process.

As long as you are alive and breathing, life always offers you a second act. A new beginning awaits you with every minute. The decision between living a life of mediocrity and or a life full of potential is often not easy, but it is a decision we all will have to make. For many of us, this decision will determine whether we are happy and content or languishing in disappointment and depression. Don’t let another year pass by without taking control of your life. The choice is yours. Don’t let the failures of your past hinder your future. Go out and find your “it“!

Written By Garian Clark