(ThyBlackMan.com) As political battle lines deepen and tempers boil, the real life superhero movement serves as a much needed political neutral ground for well intentioned people whose disagreements end at helping others. Verbal volleys and policy pummeling still leave at risk populations in need of what RLSH offer: inspirational humanitarian and crime prevention support.
Like any group, real life superheroes come from all ideologies and political parties. Our common culture transcends what usually divides other citizens. This movement is non-partisan and therefore has die hard Democrats united with rock ribbed Republicans fighting the same creatively fought Good Fight.
In a polarized body politic this is an advantage worth marketing to folks who simply want to do some good. Broadcasts and headlines reflect ugliness that drive potential crusaders away from public life. Between this cross fire stand costumed activists and crimefighters inviting anyone, anywhere to lend a helping hand.
There isn’t a liberal RLSH movement nor is there a conservative RLSH movement in America or elsewhere.
Hopefully there never will be. There is only an international movement of real life superheroes comprised of liberals, conservatives, moderates, libertarians, anarchists and others creatively contributing to worthy causes.
As such, we’re are a much needed political neutral ground for concerned citizens weary of labeling and loudness while the hungry still need food and the threatened still need protection.
Written By Nadra Enzi
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