Unclogging Drains in Your Home.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Are your pipes messed up? If the drains in your bathroom aren’t working how they should, this article was written for you. You don’t need to have an engineering degree from Howard University to save thousands of dollars a year by learning basic plumbing.

Plumbing is the field of pipe-and water-care. Plumbers are skilled workers (often well-paid) who install and maintain the pipe systems of homes and businesses.

Pipes might not be something you think about every day, but these invisible systems are absolutely essential to our daily lives. Aside from the kinds of jobs we usually imagine plumbers undertaking, plumbers can also be involved in building design/construction, as well as the drafting process.

This article will teach you how to fix the most common drain clogs in your home. Keep in mind that they will not work on severe cases.

The “home remedies” in this article will allow you to fix your bathroom and say sayonara to bad smells, leaks, and squeaks.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

What is baking soda and vinegar NOT good for? You can use this mixture to your advantage to clean, sanitize, and disinfect all kinds of situations. This combo works because vinegar is acidic and baking soda is base.

Vinegar is a disinfectant with the capacity to crush salmonella, E. coli, mold, and mildew. It is a cheap and natural alternative to bleach. Baking soda is a deodorizer and a scrubbing agent.

When you mix the two together, it produces a chemical reaction that will take care of anything from your laundry to your pipes.


Yes, common table salt can unclog your drain. Obviously your results will depend on the severity of the clog, but for simple problems there are simple solutions. Salt will cause fat and grease to dry up. This can result in more traction when you run water through the system. More traction means the clog is more likely to dislodge.

For this technique, the first thing you will want to do is mix a liter of water with a fistful of table salt inside a large pot. Boil this mixture. Stir it until the salt is dissolved. Once the water has boiled and the salt is dissipated, you will pour the mixture down the drain.

In theory, this simple solution should dislodge whatever is blocking your pipe.


This is the acid Brad Pitt’s character uses to burn Edward Norton in Fight Club. Save this for last case scenarios. If you are going to use lye, be sure to cover your hands with gloves and protect your eyes and mouth with goggles and a facemask.

Lye is so strong, that it can actually corrode the pipes themselves if you use this too often. For this reason, you should save it as a last resort

Generally what you will want to do is pour a single cup of lye down the clogged drain. Wait a few minutes. Then pour hot water. After eliminating the clog, rinse the pipes with plenty of flowing water.

Conclusion: Money Saving Tips From Pro Plumbers

Unscrupulous plumbers can overcharge you and excuse themselves with your ignorance. Don’t let this happen to you! To conclude this article, here are some tips from the generous Australian plumbing guys at https://www.fixitrightplumbing.com.au/plumber-canberra/blocked-drains-canberra/

Are you paying the plumber to answer his phone?

Many small plumbers will get calls while they are on the job. Because they often don’t have a receptionist, they will often have to take these calls themselves. It is worth bringing the topic up before the job starts. Ask them if they “pause” the clock while taking calls.

What happens when the job takes longer?

Is there a cap on how long the job will take? The plumber could wind up charging a lot more than expected if he is being paid by the hour and the job suddenly complicated.

If something goes wrong, will they charge you for their mistake?

Pretty self-explanatory. It is always worth bringing up!

Which is better, flat rate or hourly?

If you feel more comfortable knowing how much you will pay from the jump, keep in mind that plumbing businesses are often self-managed and it can sometimes be in your favor to dialogue with the guy for something like a flat rate.

Staff Writer; Ricky Jackson