The Black Man & The Mini Van.

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( Some people hold the incorrect notion that minivans are not for black guys. In reality, minivans are perfect for men of any demographic. If you are thinking about buying one of these stylish rides do not let myths dissuade you.

To help you make your final decision, following are some of the types of men, both in the African American community and beyond, for whom a minivan is a perfect match.


Dads need something to drive with enough interior room to seat the entire family comfortably. Whether going shopping or on a long road trip, the kids will want a lot of space to stretch out.

Get a minivan or one of the top 20 RVs and campers and deck it out with the latest hi-tech gadgets, such as video screens and satellite radio. Before long you will probably become the preferred chaperone for all sorts of activities.


Sports participants and athletes drive what New York Yankees drive, can benefit from a minivan too. Rather than must throw your gear in the trunk, you will now have enough interior room to lay it out in the backseat. This way you will be sure that you brought everything needed to perform at the height of your game.

Ever arrived at the gym or field only to open the trunk and realize you forgot something? Happens to the best athletes. Well, those days will be over once you become the proud owner of a spacious minivan.


An educator should drive a vehicle that exudes professionalism. A sports car is too flashy. A tiny hatchback gives off the impression you are still in college, struggling to pay the bills.

Your best bet is to go the minivan route. The price will not break your budget and students, parents and administrators will perceive you as a responsible, reliable individual. Even if you have no kids of your own, everyone at your school will think of you as a family man worthy of respect. All of this could lead to a promotion within the school system.

College Fraternity Brothers

Now, if you are in college, then a minivan could still be for you. Are you in a fraternity? Got a lot of fellow members who need lifts to classes?

A minivan is the perfect solution for fraternity transportation problems. You can fit up to seven members in the average minivan. The chapter will probably honor you for playing a significant role in keeping the group grade point average high.


Seniors should consider getting minivans too. If you are in this category, you can take your minivan on a road trip across the country.

Set up online bill pay, tell the neighbors to check on your house or apartment from time-to-time, grab a map and hit the road.

A road trip in a minivan beats one done by car because you can save money while sleeping at certified rest stops along the route. You will not have to pay for motel rooms, which can be quite expensive these days.

Sports Fans

Last, you can use your minivan to follow and support a favorite sports team. Lots of college alumni do this.

You see them arriving on campuses across the country the Friday before big football games. They open the back hatch of the minivan, pull out a cooler full of refreshments, set up the grill and have a memorable tailgate party.

Minivans are Cool

As you have learned, minivans are perfect for anyone. All you should do now is locate a reputable dealer to find the right minivan for your budget. The other option is to hire a minivan or campervan  from a company like Campervan Finder. That way you can do a road trip before jumping in and making a big investment.

Staff Writer; Doug Ford

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