(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, a conversation discussing reparations was trending on Twitter. Some tweets were against it, while most were in support of the making financial amends for the historical act of slavery…a slavery in which no one this earth has endured in America, and a slavery that is to blame for the present-day Negro that has trained his/her brethren that the white man will be forever above him, though ‘We used to all be kings and queens…until we sold each other’.
The ill logic in an ideal such as reparations is part of the root of the problems preventing black Americans progress in this country. Black in America are separated into different tribes, and the biggest tribe black America has is hood niggas. Their culture infiltrated the airwaves and TV with their value system, which makes it look as if the only thing respect blacks have respect for is beauty salons, trap kings and queens, material objects that take away from financial freedom, ghetto fabulousness, etc.
When it comes to how we as black Americans value each other, it’s
no secret that we don’t. Anyone non-black with ears knows that black men desire and have a need for white women, black women rule the households and prevent their men from having any part in the makings of a family home, black men would rather see their women as single mothers, black women call each other hoes and bitches, raise children that grow up to become statistics…yet we need money for our ancestor’s slavery?
Instead of helping each other come up, we just point them to the nearest welfare office or homeless shelter so the government can take care of them. Or we put them on a path of self-destruction so they can find refuge and structure via the judicial system.
Why do black American feel the need to even bring up reparations? If the government considered reparations, they should consider all the things I mentioned above to see how much they ‘owe’ us. We would probably be in debt, and need to cut a check to the government, like some of our hood fellows do anyway by way of bail money.
Our reparations are already here. We have America, a country built by our ancestors. We have freedom that was fought for by our slave and free ancestors. We have America, a place where people from all over the world to seek refuge from their own country. We have incentive, because these first-generation foreigners are creating the American dream while our black American selves sit and sulk about the past. They create a future. We should take heed to how first generation foreigners do it, and understand why they are so grateful to be here in America.
It’s because of our ancestors’ past efforts. Regardless as to whether they were enslaved or free, this is our only country, so we must utilize what our ancestors built for us and be grateful for being Americans…born free.
The next time black Americans have the audacity to bring up reparations for slavery, we should look at how the descendants of our ancestors have contributed to their legacy. It’s time to rewrite our value system so the world can take us seriously.
Staff Writer; Celeste Writer
Official website; http://celestewriter.com/
The problem with that is…NO one harmed you! You’re a product of the detrimental values that are placed on you by our own people!
Reparations would be nice if the world actually saw…over a period of decades, that blacks feel that black lives matter, but they don’t.
Healing can’t begin until accountability for keeping slavery on the forefront of black minds, all the while teaching the youth to fear cops so that we can prey on our people freely without consequence.
There’s no self-hatred here, just honesty.When black America stops lying to themselves, then maybe healing can begin.
We should get reparations because we are just as deserving as other groups harmed and paid reparations. It is our right. Your blog is filled with so much self-hatred. Your characterization of Blacks is a description of the results of the injury we have suffered because of slavery. It’s called Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. We need to heal. You too.