Barack Obama the JV President.

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( President Barack Obama is a politically obsessed sap, not a leader. I tweeted as much a few days ago.  In the face of the worst war on terror since 9/11, Obama would rather be a champion for Muslims than the protector-in-chief for Americans. In a press conference from the G20 Summit in Turkey, Obama spoke about ISIS, spending more time defending Islam than championing America.

“ISIL does not represent Islam,” declared Obama.  Yet, ISIS kills in the name of Islam and Allah.

“And so to the degree that anyone would equate the terrible actions that took place in Paris with the views of Islam, those kinds of stereotypes are counterproductive,” added Barack Obama.

Despite the fact that Muslims attacked Paris, Charlie Hebdo magazine office, bombed the Boston marathon and all 19 of the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, the President of the United States of America said terrorism isn’t a Muslim problem.  When one considers Obama’s first foreign policy speech in 2009 was given to Muslim world in Cairo – in which he apologized for American greatness – his reaction to ISIS is really no surprise.

This is a massive problem when the leader of the free world would rather side with Muslim terrorism than with his motherland’s ideals: freedom and liberty. While we know at least one of the Paris terrorists posed as a Syrian refugee to sneak into Greece, Obama said it’s “shameful” for American lawmakers to deny Syrian Muslims entry into the US. When does US national security trump Obama’s Barack-Obama-2015obsession with Muslims? Obama said Syrian refugees would be admitted into the US only “after subjecting them to rigorous screen and security checks.”

Assad isn’t going to give the US access to his database. If the Syrian refugees are such a low-risk group, why isn’t Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opening his borders to them? Republican Governors of 22 states, including presidential candidates Governors Chris Christie, John Kasich and Bobby Jindal, rejected Obama’s refugee edict, based on legitimate safety and security concerns. Governors said they would not allow Syrian refugees in their states.

What’s shameful is Obama’s reaction to ISIS. The day before the attack on Paris, Barack Obama said in media interview that ISIS was “contained.”

Since 2011 Obama has refused to take serious action to stop President Bashar Assad’s civil war, allowing ISIS to use Syria as a base and training ground for its warriors. As a result of Obama not intervening in Syria with a no-fly zone or boots on the ground in a military campaign, 6 million Syrians have been displaced and ISIS has expanded.

For the first time in his seven-year administration, White House reporters grilled Obama about his failed policy in Syria that has given rise to ISIS, the most barbaric terrorist groups since al Qaeda. Visibly annoyed by the questions from the press like:

“Isn’t it time for your strategy to change?”

“A more than year-long bombing campaign in Iraq and in Syria has failed to contain the ambition and the ability of ISIS to launch attacks in the West.  . . .And will you widen the rules of engagement for U.S. forces to take more aggressive action?”

“And I think a lot of Americans have this frustration that they see that the United States has the greatest military in the world, it has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS. I guess the question is — and if you’ll forgive the language — is why can’t we take out these bastards?”

Fed up with his record being held accountable by the media, Obama lectured the press and the world on his policies.

“Well, Jim, I just spent the last three questions answering that very question, so I don’t know what more you want me to add. I think I’ve described very specifically what our strategy is, and I’ve described very specifically why we do not pursue some of the other strategies that have been suggested,” said Barack Obama.

At one point, Obama displayed his “ideological vanity”, chiding the press “…maybe part of the reason is because every few months I go to Walter Reed, and I see a 25-year-old kid who’s paralyzed or has lost his limbs, and some of those are people I’ve ordered into battle. And so I can’t afford (this is where he paused momentarily, as if he realized he was thinking out loud – about nothing more than his legacy not the national security) to play some of the political games that others may.”

Responding to a similar question on his failed ISIS strategy, Obama added:

“All right, so this is another variation on the same question. And I guess — let me try it one last time.”

Obama said that ISIS isn’t fighting a conventional war. Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to change his strategy to fight ISIS even though his conventional, non-interventionist strategy isn’t working. Not once during the press conference did Barack Obama declare America was at war with ISIS like French President Francois Hollande did of his country.

What’s most stunning and alarming is that Obama has no clear plan to annihilate ISIS, which has vowed to strike Washington, DC next. The world’s superpower finds itself in a very vulnerable state. America’s allies can’t count on us for leadership and neither can her citizens. We have a president whose refusal to use military force to defeat terrorists has made US and the world weaker and emboldened our enemies.

Obama first described ISIS as a JV team. Today, Obama’s looking more and more like a JV president, who is in over his head and dragging America down with him.

Written By Crystal Wright

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