Why I Take the Death of Michael Brown Personally.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) This not a hard one to answer. Once again we have lost another young, black man at the hands of a police officer.  I really tried to find the best way to write this without seeming so over-the-top, emotional or making it an issue of race. Well as you can see that was not possible.

Yes it’s probably over-the-top, but so are the numbers of our black men dying at the hands of police officers. Yes I am emotional because when I see the Michael Brown and the Trayvon Martin I also see my own 14 year old son.

I try not to be the type to jump on the band wagon, simply because everyone else does. Emotions drive us to make decisions based purely offmichael-brown-ferguson-missouri-2014 of our intense feelings and not facts. Well I sat back watching and waiting for the full story of Michael Brown to unfold.

When I saw the first photos of Michael Brown my heart broke into. As I viewed only for a few seconds his lifeless body left uncovered in the street for hours, broke into. Emotions of the Zimmerman verdict replayed in my mind. Visions of my fourteen year old son with the build of a grown man, but the baby face and smile of a kid played havoc within my soul. Images of Emmett Till joined the image of Michael Brown in the whirlwind I was experiencing.

Some say this is not about race. Well I’m sorry it is. How many white mothers have to tell their child how to deal with police officers? How many white mothers are instructing their boys how to act and to react if pulled over by the police?

Don’t reach for your pockets. Be respectful. Don’t move too quickly. Don’t run. How many white women have had this conversation with their sons? Most likely not many since my black, young son has a greater chance of being profiled, harassed or even killed by some members of law enforcement.  I have to worry about his possible encounters with the police and how he should conduct himself if approached. ~ Worries of A Black Woman

I know all police are not bad officers because I know some personally. I know that all of our children are not angels. However, all life is precious.

I don’t know the whole story yet. But I do know this, down by a police officer; an unarmed young, black man has been gunned down six times resulting in this deadly outcome. The skin they are in makes them a target to some that feel they rule the world simply because they have a badge and a gun.

Why should I have the ticking reminder in my head that every 28 hours someone with a darker hue may get gunned down by law enforcement? I take it personally when a wanna-be-cop, such as Zimmerman feels that he can play jury and judge then choose to gun down our babies.

When I lay my head down at night I go to sleep with rioting, looting and protests playing across the television screen.  When the sun rises I awake to the craziness still in my mind as it’s rehashed over and over during the morning news.

The pain that Michael Brown’s mother is experiencing and her plea for justice and peace are still heavy on my heart and will be for a longtime. When I see images of her son’s lifeless body I can’t help, but to think of my own son, his father, his brothers, his cousins, his uncles, his friends and so many other black men. This is why I take the death of Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell and so countless others so personally.

Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

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