(ThyBlackMan.com) Monday, October 03, 2011, on ABC’s The View, much to Barbara Walters’ surprise, Sherri Shepherd does not like to hear the n-word flow from her or any other white person’s mouth. Barbara Walters was a bit taken back in that in reporting news happenings that involve use of the n-word, Sherri would be offended if Walters’ were to make reference to the n-word. In all the years they have worked together, Barbara declared that she never knew Sherri felt that way. The dialogue of The View’s programming can be viewed from the following link:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/03/barbara-walters-n-word-view_n_992656.html (——
Whoopi Goldberg, on the other hand, states that she would have no problem with Barbara Walters using the n-word in the act of reporting the news. Goldberg further goes on to defend young black Americans’ use of the pejorative term. Whoopie believes that Americans should accept and acknowledge this n-word as part of the fabric of America. She implied that older generations cannot handle the fact that the younger generations have different feelings about the word. Goldberg goes on to say that the younger generation has taken the stink out of the word and that the older generations lack the ability to relinquish the stink. Note that “the stink” cannot be removed from the term; that is a lie filled with deception for anyone who believes it.
Just for the record, it is abundantly clear and understood that the n-word is every bit a part of American history—the very same as the Boston Tea Party, slavery, the Civil War, and every other history-altering event. Thus, the term cannot be made to vanish into thin air. Also understand that the intent is not to make the term vanish. To the contrary, the intent is for Black Americans to take back their self-respect, honor, dignity and pride by halting use of the invective amongst one another.
The purpose is to stop desecrating the sacred memories of their beloved ancestors as well as obstruct the continual demise of the black community and perpetuation of inferior mentalities. Attempting to “remove the stink” by changing the context of that word does not change the context of its history or all that was carried out against black slaves in the name of the term “n**ga”. It is absolutely asinine to, on one hand, acknowledge the history and intended ugliness of the word when it flows from the lips of a white or non-black person, but then, on the other hand, suddenly see its use or definition as a different, accepting meaning when it foolishly falls from the lips of a black person.
There is only one reason the acceptance of the n-word among black people exists, and that one reason is camouflaged with some of the sickest and lamest excuses one can image: Use of the n-word by most Blacks is not done voluntarily or from choice, rather, from a programmed and pre-conditioned mind-set that has been handed down from generation to generation, dating all the way back to the 18th century.
It takes a strong mind and intestinal fortitude for anyone black to actually realize the programming that has been done and overcome use of the n-word. Blacks rather laugh nonchalantly at the idea of the n-word continuing to carry such power, preferring not to tackle the task of freeing and reconstructing a suppressed, enervated mind.
It must be made clear that Whoopi is obviously a proponent for the use of the n-word and, therefore, her slant on the use of the word by Black Americans is subjective and indefensible at best. Blacks who are proponents of the n-word have tried to conveniently turn the issue into a younger generation vs the older generation ploy, but the argument or issue with use of the term delves deeper than that. Goldberg also implied that the younger generation was knowledgeable about the history of the n-word. This may be true given there are those in the older generation aware of the history of the n-word but still continue to use it.
Moreover, if the younger generations are aware of the history, it is believed that they do not understand the depth of the ugliness of the term, the heinous acts that were carried out against slaves because they were considered “n**gas”. The younger generation simply has not been properly educated in real terms about the n-word. They may know it to be a racial slur, but feel they don’t fit the profile of a n**ga because they are not slaves and are able to wear the latest pair of Nike’s or Jordan’s.
Because the younger generations have grown up in a society that has used the word as common language their whole lives, they seem to have become desensitized to the term and ignorantly use it not knowing they are foolishly carrying on a 400-year-old plight. Just because they have heard its use their whole lives doesn’t make use of the term right nor does it downplay or eradicate its effects. Similarly, just because one grows up in the house with an alcoholic parent, then as an adult they drink alcohol their whole life—picking up the habit from their parent—doesn’t make the activity right nor does it downplay its effects—one will still end up with cirrhosis of the liver and die.
Younger generations must be properly educated on the n-word and have their eyes opened to the effects of it. With this knowledge will come real enlightenment, self-awareness, and a strict anti-n-word policy.
The n-word is a mirror held up against the sins of white folks, a case study of pathology and human deprivation. This is why when black folks like Sherri voice their displeasure of whites using the word; she is holding that mirror up, validating the fact that there is nothing pleasant about that word and therefore should not be used by anyone white. However, people like Sherri fail to take it a step further and look at the man (or community) in the mirror to include blacks and hold them accountable as well. No one black or white should be using that word.
Only one TRUE reason exists as to why young blacks and some older blacks use the disparaging term: the problem with older users is that they are still mentally enslaved; the younger generations have been misinformed, mislead and misguided by the Whoopi Goldberg’s of the world. People like Whoopie Goldberg believe that the younger generation’s use of the term has removed the power from the term, but not all believe that. During a BET Hip-Hop Awards Weekend after-party at the Compound Nightclub in Atlanta, Ga., rapper T.I. grabbed a microphone and pleaded with Sean P. Diddy to chill out after Diddy threatened to become violent with a man in the crowd, shouting epithets at the man, repeatedly referring to the intended victim as a “b*tch a*s n**ga” all because this man was not drinking a liquor brand that Diddy endorses. Clearly, the stink has not been removed from the word as Whoopie Goldberg so misleadingly implies. Any sickness cannot be cured if the victim remains in denial of its existence.
Billions of dollars have been made off the naivety of young black kids. Rappers, many of whom are ex-drug pushers, saw an opportunity to make money by marketing and promoting the n-word and a destructive lifestyle. These same rappers, along with white Jewish executives, have made billions. It’s quite interesting that so many rappers talk about “not selling out” in their rhymes and lyrics; however, more than 98% have actually sold out themselves and the black community.
Speaking of the Jewish, the Jews will not allow their own people or the rest of the world to ever forget the Holocaust, but yet the Whoopi Goldberg’s of the world encourage young black people to do just that—forget. Ironically, Whoopie is black, adopted a Jewish last name, and yet has no compulsions about desecrating the memories of her own ancestors.
Many of Whoopi’s movies were enjoyable. She is a tremendous actress and comedian. However, her and Sherri Shepherd’s actions and rhetoric in effect says that blacks are not to be held to civilized standards of conduct and principled expectations that might be enforced by others. This is inexcusable and should be unacceptable by any and all self-respecting, dignified and prideful Black African Americans.
Staff Writer; H. Lewis Smith
This talented brother is the founder and president of UVCC, the United Voices for a Common Cause, Inc. ( http://www.theunitedvoices.com ); and author of “Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word“.
Also follow Mr. Smith on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thescoop1
Allison, just because your man uses it doesn’t mean he should be! You also need to know that there are plenty of Black men who don’t use that word; you might want to expand your circle!
As a white person I obviously am not in any position to tell any member of the African American community what words to use or not to use.
But as an outsider with exposure to the issue; the man I am in a serious relationship with is black and uses the “n-gga” word among friends. It seems incredibly common among black men in his age group. In fact, I have yet to hear a friend of his he doesn’t use this term with, or who doesn’t use this term with him.
I find that this is a futile battle for those hoping to remove the word. I think the idea of removing the negative power of it by using it among fellow members of one’s community is as close as anyone can come. I think it would be near impossible to ‘remove’ ANY word from society.
Cracker, this term comes from white slave owners who disciplined the slaves with the “crack of a whip”..henceforth, the slaves called him a cracker.
Such a simple word..with various meanings and even harmless, unless I directed at my boss, a policeman, a judge, or the wife of my highly irritated neighbor. If it did occur and I was disrespected because of it(and put on the front page of the newspaper)..I could never stand on the premise that it was only a “word”.
They have the “F” word now and a newly revolutionized community has decided that because of the hurtfullness of this word..Those who cause harm to someone will be charged with a HATE crime if this word is used while assulting another human being.Even simi intellegent people should be able to draw the direct simularities of a word that has thus far caused nothing but pain..nothing but disrespect, and was the last word a lot..of our ansestors heard before they left this earth..
As for me and my house..we have made a promise not to glamorize or romantisize the “n” word, no matter how “in fashion” it is. We niether use it nor abuse it. It doesn’t matter that folks are making money off of it, and it doesn’t matter how often the masses use it, or who says it’s ok..It is settled with us and it isn’t alright..
My parents always said that “if you know better you need to do better”, and since my vocabulary is extensive, I am able to articulate myself without using..outdated,unnecessary,and painful words to express my point of view.
A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste!
kYmberly Keeton, I believe that you said the “N” word is a code word in the Black community. Exactly HOW do you think the word Ni**er/Ni**a/Ni**ah etc. became a code word in the Black community, if indeed this is a true statement?
I was able to watch the excerpts from the view yesterday. I was totally in shock. I have never liked Barbara Walters as a journalist. For some reason she has this elitist attitude. I believe that she felt entitled to use the word “nigger_head” on television. I am a journalist, African American, and understand the connotations that this word brings in any conversation.
Do I believe that Sherrie was right? Well, first you have to be “Black” in my opinion to understand where she is coming from. There are code words for all cultures. Let’s be honest, “nigga” is a code word our community. I believe that she was hypocritical in her statement to Walters, but she was justified in my opinion. Because, from what I saw and heard –what she was trying to tell Walters, was I dare you even go there.
Yes, as a journalist you do have the right to question. But, Walters knew what she was doing. I think it is a topic that needs to be discussed in our community more–in regard to the ramifications of the word and how it was used against us.
We have to do better, and if nothing else, Sherrie should have had a dictionary to tell Walters what the word COON meant–and seen how she [Walters] would have looked on national TV!
No, Walters does not deserve a pass! What has she done for your community?
Greetings to EVERYONE, those that understand and over stand the situation as to the fact that Black people should NOT embrace the use of the word Ni**er/Ni**a/Ni**ah etc. because of the fact that it was and primarily IS for the purpose of disrespecting present and past Black people. As well as Black people that have been tricked by various mental Enslavement traps to EMBRACE Ni**er/Ni**a/Ni**ah etc. A couple of points, the vast majority of Black people that use the “N” word would hurt a non-Black person that would call them the “N” word, showing that something ill is felt about this word, even by those that actually use the “N” word themselves.
Another point is that many Black people are suffering from the residual effects of Chattel Slavery. To know the historical link of the “N” word to Chattel Slavery, yet continue to use the “N” word is a sign of willingly having the mind of a Slave. Allen Jones said something about a fella being physically hurt for defending his belief that the “N” word should NOT be used towards him. I beg to differ with Allen Jones, and conclude that the use was the “N” word was NOT the issue, that the issue was the fella feeling disrespected regardless of what word the other guy used to offend him.
You see, Allen Jones misses the picture that the fact that Black people will use the “N” word when trying to disrespect another Black person is confirmation of what the WHOLE issue is about with Black people needing to STOP using the “N” word. DG says that words are symbols and that WE determine what they mean. What WE is DG speaking about? Obviously the WE is NOT Black people. The last time I looked, WE are not controlling ANY major MEDIA, WE are not editing or composing any DICTIONARIES. Jewish people demanded that Michael Jackson remove a phrase from one of his albums “Jew Me” and he did, without choice.
I was reading in the World Book Encyclopedias dictionary several years ago, and looked up the word Ni**er/Ni**a and looked up the word Honky/Honkie. When I looked up the “N” word, the first thing it said in italicized letters, was “Negro” then it went on to say “Any member of a dark skinned race”. I then looked up the word Honky, and the first thing that it said in italicized letters was “Slang” then it went on to define Honky as a white person, and said that the ORIGIN was unknown. You see DG, the people controlling things made sure that the “N” word was shown as what is felt towards a PEOPLE, and that they do NOT mean it as slang either.
So DG, don’t tell me that WE determine the meaning of words, the infliction upon a people is a more accurate estimation of the meaning of a word,as it is meant by a SOCIETY. I Lorenzo B. Gray am A BLACK MAN WHO CARES, and KNOWS that Black people NEED to STOP using the “N” word.
To my enlighten Sista’s and Brothers who have commented on this subject I simply say to each of you that I love your black consciousness. And to my not so enlighten kinsmen I ask that you begin to truly study your great history to know the genesis of your people. And to brother DG who stated that UVCC is wasting value intellectual energy on this issues of words and that we can change the meaning of any word – I say to you my fellow human being that once a word has been defined it can never be changed. If it were so I could walk up to someone very precious to you (e.g. like Mom, or favorite Auntie) and call her a nasty n**** ho with a big A** and claim that I meant it affectionately; now you and I both know that one of us would end up dead or in an emergency room at some trauma center. Enough said on the ability to change a word, right?
Finally, let me say this, oppression only works when you dehumanize the individual. This was done in Rwanda and with the African American slave which is why the word N-**** was used. With the people in Rwanda their oppressor (the Dutch) used the word Cockroach to create hate and discord among the two people (Hutu and Tutsi) of Rwanda. Both of these mind warfare’s that centered on the use of a “word” for decades had and continued to have a devastating impact on the people so much so that these words are still being used by the oppressed people to interact with one another today even though the physical season of oppression has long been over. This is why we as a people must discontinue the use of this hideous and dehumanizing word (not eliminate it as that would be silly). Please consider that each time we speak the n- word we are in essence disrespecting our very beautiful heritage and all of the people that persevered it for us.
RS – Peace & Light
P.S. I agree that Whoopie is in her own world – afterall she choose Goldberg as her last name. The rest of us were given our names.
Great article!
DG, you might think we’re “wasting perfectly good intellectual energy on something that is so marginal to our condition” but we certainly don’t. I walk the streets of Harlem regularly and I can tell you that if we spoke and thought about one another differently – with respect – then our problems would be GREATLY reduced. Words have plenty of power and the ones who allow the n-word to be globally marketed know that. If you think people running around calling themselves ni*ger/a has no impact on how they’re going to perceive empowerment, education, community upliftment/organization, then, my brother, you are GREATLY mistaken. Believe me, what we and UVCC are doing is mandatory! If we let your thinking rule, we’d be worse off than ever in another 50 years. Observe more and you’ll probably start to understand our POV. We will never give up and let our young people settle for what being thrown at them today as “acceptable.”
WHAT…The same Whoopi who worked so hard to NOT put the hyphen in front of America…laughed when ex-boyfriend Ted Danson roasted her in black face… told co-host Elisabeth Hasselback she could not use the n-word because she was white…now it’s ok for her boss “Barbara Walters” to use the n-word.
Whoopi’s an a-kisser who knows which side of the bread her toast is buttered on!
I couldn’t agree with you more. The word in and of itself represents indoctrination. It is not just a word, it is not just a racial slur. It represents the stripping of identity from enslaved Africans and the indoctrination that was placed upon them. People may recognize that it is a slur, but are not properly educated on why and how it was used, and what it accomplished. For anyone who wants to argue anything different, read the Willie Lynch letter. The use of the N-word by anyone only further perpetuates the psychological damage that still exists today from slavery. Words are not just words, we cannot forget the history of where they came from and why they were used.
Its a Black thing, and since you nor Whoopi see yourselves as being black the essence of it all goes right over your head. And just one more thing, the message contained in this article is meant for Black folks, not non-blacks, so therefore in a sense, you are meddling into affairs that don’t really concern you. Whenever, there is a need to communicate with whites the rhetoric used will be appropriate for the occasion.
Allen Jones
Sir, you serve as a perfect example as to why this article had to be written. The following lines appear in the last paragraph of my commentary which you have so eloquently illuminated.
“However, her and Sherri Shepherd’s actions and rhetoric in effect says that blacks are not to be held to civilized standards of conduct and principled expectations that might be enforced by others. This is inexcusable and should be unacceptable by any and all self-respecting, dignified and prideful Black African Americans.”
I think you’ll discover the need of African Americans to differentiate the black society from white is so prevalent, these words are used. For example after your credit on the article there’s a paragraph starting with “This talented brother…….” Why arent you a contributor or novelist or writer? Are you too black to be just a writer? So you have the title instead of talented brother? Whoppi calls herself a comedian, not a “talented sister”. She’s not afraid of language.
You allow slang to dictate and pigeonhole you. So your writing isn’t read outside of your community. She faces language head on and got her message out the a world audience. Obviously you never saw her first standup one woman show, which was a game changer and brought to light problems the world didnt understand. I think you’re a little jealous she’s unafraid of words.
I wrote an autobiography that I will not promote on this comment section but two excerpts chapters contain the following that states clearly that Whoopie and I agree.
Excerpt from chapter: “Respect Thy Neighbor”
One day someone came up, banged on my door 3 times and before I could get to the door, the person was gone. At first, it did not register. I kept playing my stereo very loud with no thought of disrespect. However, at that age I probably thought anyone who did not like my kind of music, must have been crazy.
About a half hour went by and it happened again. Bang! Bang! Bang! I made it to the door to see no one there and did not know it was my downstairs neighbor. I finally sensed someone was not happy with me playing loud music. Still, I did not care or know who it was.
Then Brian and I heard a shout come from my downstairs neighbor’s window. “Shut up you crippled nigger faggot!”
That did it. Now I knew who was banging on my door. Brian just uttered a long sounding “Hey.”
Being intoxicated, Brian suggested we go downstairs, and for the first time I saw aggression in him. I turned down the stereo and said something like leave it alone to Brian. At the same time, I was thinking that I must have made that man very mad for him to respond with such a cruel remark like that.
Many can blame lack of parenting for me not learning to respect others while I was still at home. However, I would not trade that particular lesson to respect others for anything.
Excerpt from chapter: “Get over it”
Here is a bombshell; I give my blessings or extend forgiveness, to anyone black, white or any color or race in between who want to use the word nigger or nigga as part of his or her vocabulary. Knock yourself out or say it until you get it all out of your system. The word is not worth fighting over it. I saw a man get into a fight over the word nigger and he almost lost his life. If someone uses hurtful words, consider the fact that he or she might also have something else that could hurt you. In this case, the one who hurled the word nigger also had a knife and used it to defend his right to use the word when someone objected. I have never been the victim of a stabbing and I could be wrong, but I think a knife cuts deeper than any word.
What we really should be doing is, celebrating the fact that many young people today, have chosen to give this word new meaning. I heard a young man saying “nigga” with a tone of high praise, affection and respect for his black friend.
I believe comedian Dave Chappell got it right, in his successful cable TV program, with a hilarious skit on the use of the word nigger. In my opinion, it is the sign of genius what he did with that skit and any time he used the word the whole room laughed. —- Yes, I am aware of the revelation he talked about on Oprah. Nevertheless, I laughed so hard at that particular skit. It flew right over the heads of some overly sensitive people.
“Black leaders” would instantly reject my opinions as lunatic. However, with so many versions of the origin of the word nigger, what is a nigga to believe? I will admit the one version I like most makes the least amount of sense to me when you consider the term, word origin. However, since the old man who I heard it from was so insistent in his belief, he got my vote for a legitimate definition of nigger. This old man said, “Blacks should be proud to call themselves niggers because the word was used to describe those who were opposed to slavery. — I know you have not heard of that one before.
Anyway, it was a well-respected civil rights leader Jesse Jackson who said, “Barack…he’s talking down to black people…telling niggers how to behave.”
Just imagine you are twenty-years-old, and someone tried to lecture you against using the word nigger. Then this person says it is okay for Jesse Jackson to say nigger because he was with Dr. King on that fateful balcony where Dr. King lost his life, fighting for respect for those of the black race.
You cannot get a civil rights leader, who was on that balcony with Dr. King to stop using the word nigger. Therefore, how are you going to convince a young person today to stop using the “N-word” when their only image of a black leader today is of one who uses the word nigger so loosely?
Note: the title “Get over it” does not mean what you think it means which is explained at the end of the chapter, not mentioned.
I find the use of the n-word to absolutely disgusting by anyone, black, white, etc. It is pitiful that we as a people even started to use this word.
The determinations which you allude to were all made before you were even born.
I am not feeling you on this one bro. Words are symbols that represent concepts, thoughts, and feelings. We determine what they mean. We determine their effectiveness or ineffectiveness to convey meaning, and we determine their power or lack thereof.
I have always felt the “ban the N word” people were wasting perfectly good intellectual energy on something that is so marginal to our condition.