Fox News, Obama Birthday Party, A Hip Hop BBQ That Hasn’t Created Jobs…

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( It appears that Fox News is at it again.   The same network that has commentators like Eric Bolling, who asked why President Obama was “inviting so many hoods to the hizzy” referenced his 50th birthday party as a “Hip-Hop Barbecue.” 

President Obama’s party, which was private, served typical picnic food (BBQ chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, salad) and was held in the Rose  Garden of the White House.   A-list celebrities were in attendance, including Al Sharpton, Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Charles Barkley, Steve Harvey, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.  Stevie Wonder and Herbie Hancock performed, among others.

Fox Nation, a website run by Fox News, posted a column by Mike Allen from  The title of the column was “Obama’s Hip-Hop Barbecue didn’t Create Jobs.”

Bill Shine, Fox Executive Vice President in Charge of programming at Fox Nation stood by the headline:  “We used the hip-hop reference per Politico’s Playbook story this morning which stated ‘Also present: Chicago pals, law-school friends, donors–and lots of kids of friends, who stole the show by doing dance routines to the hip-hop songs, in the center of the East Room.’”

The website had to shut off the comments to the article, which were getting out of hand.

We found many of the comments to be offensive and inappropriate and they have been removed,” Shine said.

It appears that Fox News is consistently looking for ways to push the buttons of those who are already concerned about whether or not America is ready for a black president.  The truth is that the country is not.  By pursuing such a brilliant political strategy and navigating his way into the White House, President Obama is far ahead of his time.  So, his mere presence in the White House has been a catalyst for forcing America’s racial roaches out of the closet.

The racism being shown by those on the Right serves as evidence to undermine the arguments of anyone who truly believes that American discrimination has been relegated to history.  Also, these difficult moments are necessary for us to confront the demons that keep our country from moving forward.  So, in some ways, Fox News is good for America – like the hypnotist who extracts things from your subconscious that you truly believed were no longer a part of your psyche.

At the same time, Fox News shouldn’t be on the airwaves, most of us can agree on this.  Their commitment to such vile and disrespectful remarks makes them into a haven for those who are secretly irritated that black oppression has gone out of style.   But it does have the added benefit of awakening the consciousness of those who think that  there is no reason to fight against this kind of hatred.   We’ve got a long way to go in the fight against racism.

Staff Writer; Dr. Boyce Watkins

Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition. For more information, please visit