(ThyBlackMan.com) Life is full of transitions, but every now-and-then we become stagnate. We go with the flow and psych ourselves into believing we’re content with life just the way it is.  For older men, we can become lifeless puppets on the job and at home, which is not a healthy lifestyle. But for younger ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Being an insecure, chubby teenager in the Jim Crow south may have been a challenge, but growing up as that same teen might be far more difficult in today’s world.  In my book, The Blessing of Movement, I chronicle the story of my sister, Sandra and how her actions ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Every presidential candidate running for the presidency is offering infrastructure spending as the way to lift this economy out of its moribund state and create jobs. As voters, and smart and intelligent observers, many of you feel like I do; infrastructure spending is not the complete answer. Remember “the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) While reading through trade publication this writer came across some interesting information on a recently published book by yours truly.  This independent review was conducted by one of a few well respected book critics I have never had the pleasure of meeting, yet, am humbled by its candor and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Once upon a time long ago, a Yardie (working class Jamaican) and his cousin from America took in the show at Crossroads Theatre in Kingston. The moviehouse was cavernous. Tier upon tier of seats stretched up to a ceiling high as a cathedral. The screen was a gargantuan affair about ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) (Never Allow a Bully to define you) An avid reader of this new Book by Stanley G Buford remarked, “No parent should send their child back to school before reading his book!” Bullying occurs when a person is singled out for punishment, hazing or retribution again and again by ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “If you wait for perfect conditions you’ll never get anything done” (Ecclesiastes 11:4 Living Bible) While completing the research for my new book You Can Stop Procrastination Today! I felt an urge to give my ThyBlackMan readers a “sneak peek” into what might be the next New York Times ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What a writer produces comes from the depths of “the never-never land of the spirit, of imagination; and all the arrows point away from the here and now,” said America’s most successful Black writer. His first published novel sold 500,000 copies within six months and more than a million ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This is an introduction to a new age religion developed by writer King Nazir Muhammad for Black people in America. This religion is an accumulation of all religious philosophies based around the color ” Black “. You will find that the color black is the main color in every theme throughout this ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Independent Author, Peer Coach and Inspirational Speaker, Sheila L. Agnew released her second non-fiction book, Dear ______, Are Your Missing Your Calling? In the book, Sheila uses the invitation as a metaphor to encourage readers to chronicle their most significant and important life events whether joyful or painful to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This in-depth study delivers a power punch of history and facts. Known for his controversial editorials, essays and articles, researcher and scholar Xavier James explains how and why we think the way we’ve been programmed to think and behave. What secrets have the homosexual hierarchy been hiding from us? ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) West Coast Hip-Hop Music 1987-1992 & the Transformation of Mainstream Culture.                                                 QUOTES FROM 6 ‘N THE MORNING:    I compare making gangsta rap for me with me makin a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Once I figured out I could do that I was like, ‘Oh I can talk ...