(ThyBlackMan.com) When I’m not flipping through comics or being the greatest thief ever in Elder Scrolls, I enjoy some sci-fi and fantasy—of the Black persuasion. It’s no secret that there’s been speculative fiction not only by us but for us around for years. Octavia Butler and Charles Saunders are often called ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When Tiger Woods emerged on the golf seen he made black people that never gave golf a second look watch. We were happy not only to see a brother, but it was exciting that he was the best. It was as if golf was being revitalized on the athleticism and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) If nothing else, I believe that my past has displayed a willingness to receive inspiration and knowledge from whence it comes. So, it should not be surprising that I have taken something that a close confidante heard from noted race theorist Ishmael Reed as the inspiration for this essay. Hey, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Paul Porter has been in the music industry, and apart of radio, for what seems like more than a lifetime. He has watched the music change, and the industry itself as the goal became get money at all cost. In his book “Blackout: My 40yrs in the Music Business” he ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I love reading stories of challenge, overcoming obstacles, self-searching and redemption. D. Revolution’s “One Chance to be a Man” takes the reader on a very intimate journey of a man searching for purpose and peace in a world of hardship and chaos. The author bore his soul in the pages ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It would be easy to categorize “Never Stop” as a postmodern Horatio Alger novel set in an urban community. This memoir has all the ingredients of a rag to riches story. But such a reading has the potential to render all of the pain, failure, and life lessons chronicled throughout ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I guess that we should not be shocked when a bit of sadness or depression results from the realization that there are very few independent black writers addressing pertinent issues affecting Black America. If one is not careful about their thought processes, they will find themselves believing that the Black ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) After 400 years of living in slavery, Moses had just begun leading the Israelites out of Egypt. His task was to take the children of God toward Israel, their promised land. As we read in the Book of Exodus Chapter 18, Moses was laboring in the middle of the Sinai ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) If your spending ten dollars resulted in changing the world positively for you and your family and future generations; Would you spend that ten dollars? Of course, you would. Would you spend ten dollars, if it resulted in you being just and you seeing for yourself the execution of justice, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For more than 50 years, commercial FM radio has had the power to inspire, influence, entertain, and inform listeners. It’s also had the power to break artists and sell records. So, from day one, pay for play has been part of the game. But in the past two decades, terrestrial ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Five years ago Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida by an overzealous, prejudicial, profiling neighborhood watch captain. The 17-year-old was immortalized for wearing a hoodie home from the convenience store where he picked up an iced tea, and a bag of skittles to munch on while watching ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There are so many African-American male authors who have fearlessly examined cultural stigmas, provided intimate life details, presented new ideas and created remarkable fiction through literary works. This list is certainly not limited and can go on forever, but here are five black authors you should know about: Wesley Lowery ...
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