(ThyBlackMan.com) According to a recent study conducted at The University of Chicago, African American males haven’t advanced in American society one bit since 1971. The researchers used a variety of socio-economic indicators to arrive at their conclusions, and their work has credibility, since U. Chicago is among the world’s ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Fathers’ Day is probably one of the less celebrated holidays because of the pandemic impact of fatherlessness in our society. In fact, most churches will pontificate a strong thunderous message about fathers who do not father and overlook the faithfulness of the men who understand the role of a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) On his March 14th appearance on the Arsenio Hall Show, Kid Cudi criticized, as he termed it, the “money, cash, hoes” hip hop of contemporary music and suggested new content for those artists to pursue. However, his critique offered something else: an alternative expression of masculinity connected with emotion ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Have you ever noticed someone watching you? You know it because you can almost feel it in your bones. The moment you look around and determine who it is that is watching the next question generally is why were they watching you? In my book entitled, “Life Lessons For My Sons”, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I used to cringe every time I heard a black woman cry about a black man they saw with someone from a different ethnic group. It used to literally make me nauseas because, to me, it assumed that just because people have the same outside wrapping means that they’re ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Is Black Manhood Slowly Being Redefined Right Up Under Our Noses? …….or am I just some kind of romantic relic of a long gone time stuck in the past that will never ever return again? Or maybe I’m right on point with my observation speaking for those who are ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I got a call today from CNN to discuss the new initiative launched by the White House called “My brother’s keeper.” From what I’d gathered, the program is one that is designed to create opportunities for men of color, which I certainly appreciate. I’ll admit that while I agree ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The trial of Michael Dunn was considered to be the second-coming of the George Zimmerman trial. In both cases, a young black male was shot by an overzealous man who somehow felt that he could get away with murder. Also, in both cases, there is more than enough evidence ...
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(ThyBlackMan.com) Ashley DePew is a 23-year old White woman who lives and works in St. Louis. On the evening of November 17th, Ms. DePew was being a Good Samaritan – driving to a local bar to pick up a friend of hers who had had too much to drink. On ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The reason that Alterations in our habits of mind matter is because they determine the scope and richness of our intellectual lives and also affect the depth of our culture. —Nicholas Carr, author of “The shallows” Over the last five years of browsing through thousands of websites, articles, YouTube ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) To all the naysayers and nonbelievers, yes- believe it or not, There ARE Black Men Making a Positive Difference Every Day. When turning on any television, radio, or any form of mass media outlet in the past— forever, the narrative of Black Men has been one of hopelessness, recklessness, and ...
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