Donald Trump’s Arlington Cemetery Visit: Kamala Harris Criticism and Gold Star Family Support Clash.
( It looks like the fight between the Harris and Trump campaigns over Donald Trump’s appearance at Arlington National Cemetery is intensifying, not diminishing. Kamala Harris herself posted a statement on X using Trump’s visit to mark the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attack as an opportunity to revive ...
( I’d be the first to admit I was really concerned about who Vice President Kamala Harris might choose as her running mate. I understood that her choice for VP would have to be very strategic. It would have to be someone that could be a balance to her, someone ...
( During the 1960-70;s when the US government targeted Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia) to expand its imperialist and neocolonialist empire, there was great opposition to the wars in that region and someone asked the question, “what if they gave a war and no one came?” There was ...
( Since the end of the summer season in 1619, Black women of all ages across America have tried to convince anyone with a heart who would listen, observe, and think objectively that they, too, have value and are worth committing to. From the time that Black Women landed on ...
( During the crack epidemic of the ’80s and ’90s, children exposed to crack cocaine before birth were often referred to as “crack babies.” Crack babies sometimes became boarder babies—babies abandoned at the hospital by parents who could not care for them. For months, hospital nurseries became temporary homes for ...
( California Governor Gavin Newsom threw yet another monkey wrench into the seemingly never-ending debate within the California legislature and just about everywhere else on slavery reparations. Gavin tossed a bunch of amendments into a bill the legislature –that is the Democratic controlled legislature- was on the verge of passing. ...
( I was always taught one of the greatest threats to individual, and community, progress was the limitations that we place on our minds. Once we decided something cannot be done in our head it’s almost a guarantee that we have lost the battle of learning a new thing. Limitations ...
( Thank you to Pastor Apostle Mark A. Henton of the Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church, Chicago Ill, who served as the inspiration for this article. Hey y’all! Can you believe we might actually see a sister running things from the Oval Office? I’m talking about Kamala Harris and let ...
( A Jewish rabbi, who believes in the truth of the Word of Yehovah, should know that God runs this universe by His own timeclock, and interacts with His chosen people by means of the seven appointed times (feasts) which He imposed upon Israel. We have already established that each ...
( Believe it or not, sports fans should be pumped about the start of the 2024 college football season. It’s already an historic season with a new 12 team College Football Playoff, the dynamic shifts of major college conference realignment adding teams to build mega conferences, and the absence of ...
( (**1/2) She sold her soul to the devil. Now she wants it back. It was too good to be true. Frida (Naomi Ackie), a clumsy cocktail waitress at a classy fundraiser for rich folks eyes the main attraction. It’s tech billionaire Slater King (Channing Tatum). Think Elon Musk, but handsome. They ...
( Some parents like to say, “School is my kids’ job.” School is important, sure, but I preferred work to school as a teen. It gave me access to a seemingly adult world where I could learn job skills, hone communication skills and build confidence in my abilities. I’m not ...
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