(ThyBlackMan.com) Can the bad breath causes really include diseases? Yes. While poor dental hygiene accounts for most cases of halitosis, bad breath can sometimes be a signal for an underlying medical condition. And even when you take “bad breath” out of the equation, breath can still demonstrate health issues: a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I was surfing the web for articles as I normally do. I was looking for great articles that I would then repost for my friends, students and mentees to digest as they waded through the noise that can be Facebook at times when I came across an article written ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Like millions of Americans I was deeply saddened and frustrated that Terry McAuliffe, a dishonorable man propped up by dishonorable people won over Conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the tightly contested race for governor of Virginia. Talk about birds of a feather, the man who told the biggest lie ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I have never felt more strongly compelled to write a blog than I am to write this one.  The Doug Banks syndicated radio show, which features adult conversation call-ins mixed with music, recently asked the question of its audience as to whether Hollywood was exploiting slavery with all its ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Hormones are hot. A steady 85 degrees. The bed sheets are cool at 60 degrees. You roll over and suddenly have no desire to move because at that very moment, those cool sheets are exactly what you needed. You needed to feel a calm and coolness – something different. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has been the talk of the political world for the past week. He won reelection with more than 60 percent of the vote. The coalition he put together is unheard of in today’s political climate where Republicans routinely right off significant parts of the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So many of you need to make up your mind as to what master you’re going to serve! To say that many are confused is the understatement of the year! Growing up in New York City many years ago as a young teenager, I was exposed to many things ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The reason that Alterations in our habits of mind matter is because they determine the scope and richness of our intellectual lives and also affect the depth of our culture. —Nicholas Carr, author of “The shallows” Over the last five years of browsing through thousands of websites, articles, YouTube ...