(ThyBlackMan.com) In the magical world of Critical Race Theory, where objective truth doesn’t exist and opinions are Queen, I’m an anomaly. Genetically, I’m 59% white (mostly Ukrainian) and 40% black (mostly Nigerian). I’m also a mixture of British, Irish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Ghanian, Liberian, Sierra Leonean, Indonesian, Thai and more. Oh, and I’m more Native American than Elizabeth Warren.
I’ve never sought or received a job, scholarship or any other reward based on any of my ethnicity.
I was adopted into a diverse family of fifteen of varying colors and backgrounds.
My biological mother was white. My biological father was black.
I was conceived in the violence of rape.
My parents – the ones who adopted and loved me – are white.
Which racial category do I fit in? On which side of the oppressor/oppressed paradigm must I claim residency? If Americans are forced to pay reparations, does the white part of me pay the black part of me? Or were any of my black ancestors possibly slaveholders like 3,776 free black persons who collectively owned 12,907 slaves? According to Harvard professor and historian, Henry Luis Gates Jr., some of these slave masters sold black people for profit.
My late father, Henry Bomberger, grew up Mennonite. That’s my family lineage. Mennonites were among the first to denounce the evils of chattel slavery in the 1600s.
But Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), which absurdly rejects the sex/gender binary, aggressively embraces the color binary. It’s as easy as this: Whites are oppressors and Blacks are oppressed. What a depressing and distorted dichotomy.
It’s through this broken lens our country has been forced to see everything, literally, in black and white. And it’s toxic. We saw an explosion in this poisonous propaganda during President Obama’s time in office (the “Beer Summit”, the blaxploitation of Trayvon Martin, BLM and more ). At every turn, we saw how Obama, despite being “racially” mixed himself, managed to stoke the fires of racism. He was, of course, indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory as a Harvard student.
Black Lives Matter – the massively discredited, fraudulent, Marxist social movement – emerged during the Obama administration. Rooted in anti-family, pro-abortion, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti-white rhetoric, it gave brutal form to what our useless legacy media kept dismissing as mere “legal theory” harmlessly taught in universities. I went to Ferguson, Missouri, shortly after the racial violence and mass destruction erupted under Obama’s watch.
Since then, America has been thrown into a cauldron of CRT and every derivative of that power-based, victimhood-centric worldview: Anti-Racism, Queer Theory, Intersectionality, Social Emotional Learning, and DEI. So many feared the heat in corporate America, colleges and universities, public schools, and even Bible-evading churches, that they bowed to it. They virtue signaled and pledged allegiance to the racist Deity of “Diversity”.
I’m all about actual diversity (which includes ideological diversity). I refuse, however, to cave to a worldview that has no use for personal character while tragically fixated on a person’s color. If we’ve learned anything throughout American history, it’s that a society based on color is a society doomed to calamity.
Racism is a sin. And it can exist in any heart that invites it in.
The Biden administration subsisted on racial and gender discrimination. The Trump administration is purging it. That was our past. We don’t need that vile evil in our present no matter what euphemistic form it takes.
So as Black History Month comes to a close, perhaps it’s helpful for us to hear from one whose passionate perspective and eloquence on human rights paved the way for “racial” equality in America. (I put “racial” in quotes because we’re all just—progressive trigger alert—one human race). Famed abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass had a seemingly inexplicably optimistic mindset on race. Keep in mind, he was inhumanely enslaved and had every reason to be bitter, but he chose to be better. It was his faith in God, the Creator of all our beautiful hues of skin, that formed his unshakeable worldview and hopeful outlook for our great nation.
This quote is from an 1852 speech Douglass gave in Pennsylvania, that state in which I was born. Nearly 150 years later, too many still refuse to embrace a mindset of national unity.
“In a composite nation like ours, as before the Law, there should be no rich no poor, no high, no low, no white, no black, but common country, common citizenship, equal rights, and a common destiny,” he said.
Douglass, by the way, was also conceived in rape. Imagine American history without the man who helped to reshape the conscience of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. His voice was needed then, and his words continue to help break through our cultural chaos and confusion today.
Written by Ryan Bomberger
Official website; http://www.theradiancefoundation.org
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