African Americans: Hood Culture of 2022.

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( How the current generation has brought too much negativity to the African-American community.

In the black community there are elements that are a part of the hood culture. When you see thugs, hoodrats, and ghetto baffoonery that’s considered normal for the black community. Yet there are the following things that has now become a staple in hood black culture:

1. Begging and overdependency-If many have not taken note it’s becoming more and more common for black people to beg and be overly dependent on government assistance. It’s becoming more noticeable with black women asking random men for money to take care of their needs and kids especially if the man is not the father of her children and she’s not married to him. The begging element is out of control with so many women doing this to get money out of men.

2. Priorities are way the hell out of order-There’s got to be a logical explanation as to why there are so many black people doing things that are not considered an important priority, but will run to the first person they know to ask for help in paying their bills or taking care of other things they should be able to handle on their own. What it means priorities are out of order are grown people spending their money on things other than paying their bills and handling their every day responsibilities. Seeing too many people driving around in cars outfitted with rims, wearing new clothes and expensive shoes, having an expensive cell phone, getting their hair and nails done on a regular basis all while not paying bills (and sometimes not on time).

3. Grown ass adults living at home-Why are so many grown people living at home and have no desire to work or doing anything to better themselves except to eat, sleep, and lounge at home. This has become an “accepted” behavior in the black community, but those who get up and go to work everyday are the ones catching hell because they’re handling their business while the unmotivated and unproductive adults are allowed to get away with their lazy and trifling behavior.

4. Excessive borrowing-There’s a big issue with black people borrowing mostly money and it seems to never end with someone needing to borrow money or something of someone else’s and can’t take care of their own stuff without borrowing off someone else.

It’s these elements that make life in the black community hard to deal with and especially when it involves family. We have this code of conduct that gets over looked and there’s a lack of accountability because we are notorious for enabling our people to do better primarily the mothers and grandmothers of the community.

You will find that many mothers and grandmothers are enablers and constantly cripple the community with their justification of why their child or grandchild is continuing to live at home with no plans or desire to do something productive with their lives other than eat, sleep, and exist. Even more if the child or grandchild are convicted felons and allowed to remain in the home which cultivates their criminal behavior that much more and it’s very sad that this exists still in 2022. When will black people wake up and stop supporting this nonsense?

Staff Writer; Nafeesah A.