Community Dysfunction-A discussion swept under the rug.

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( As most of us know there’s a lot of dysfunction and discord in the black community. Yet when people come forth to open dialogue about it they’re ridiculed and talked about in a negative way by their own family and/or friends. Talking about hard core real issues within the black community is like pulling teeth from a lion’s mouth. We want to turn a blind eye to the issues being discussed because we are not willing to hear the truth about how our family and community is dysfunctional. We’re excusing abuse (all levels from sexual to financial) by trumping up how the abuser(s) is a good person/people thus failing to call that individual(s) out on their BS. You have family members who act like hoodrats, thugs, and bums doing stuff that’s not right such as having a boatload of kids with multiple mothers/fathers and not taking care of them.

Other issues that arise is the fact that there’s a lot of financial discord within the black community as well with so many living above means (mainly black women) and doing things like co-signing for cars, credit cards, and loan applications for a man they’re not married to and wind up being the one who’s having to pay the bill. It’s stuff like that which addresses the nonsense within the community with black women taking care of a man they’re not married to.

Chronic incarcerations among black men is contributing to the dysfunction and discord because they can’t do anything for their children, wives, and significant others. What can a man who is locked up do aside from writing letters, calling home, and getting periodical visits? Nothing and is likely to return to prison on a parole violation and/or on a new case. We as a people refuse to address some issues within the community because it seems as if it’s a badge of shame to call out individual(s) on their BS nonsense.

Yet you’ll see someone’s mama or grandmother acting a fool in court when the sentence is handed down crying about how their baby is ‘innocent’. Nobody wants to speak up and keep it real about the dysfunctional mess that has the black community practically destroyed. It’s enough to say that we are OK and accepting of BS, abuse, mistreatment and disrespect. What is also noticeable is how people are often ostracized if they are speaking out about how the black community covers up for those doing wrong.

We don’t hold anyone accountable and when you do it’s always viewed as you’re the troublemaker and the one causing drama. How is holding someone or somebody accountable for BS, abuse, mistreatment, and disrespect causing “drama”? That also follows the path many blacks take when they don’t want to own up to what they or others have created. Until we as a race decide to stop making excuses and covering up for others when they are doing wrong and calling them out on it the black community will never heal and move forward to cultivate the next generation to build their communities instead of tearing them down.

Staff Writer; Nafeesah Abdullah