(ThyBlackMan.com) I am not genuinely interested in sports of any kind, but this morning God presented me with the name of a person [#LebronJames] that I am familiar with in basketball by his reputation. I also was reminded of an interview that he walked away from; and, at the time, I was very impressed with his decision not to deal with foolishness from the media in taking the bait. We will get back to this later.
Well, this morning, I was directed to Google him to understand his background although I didn’t know what I was expected to find. Then it was made clear to me. Lebron James was raised by a single mother (Gloria Marie James) who out of love for him made many sacrifices to keep him safe by repeatedly moving around from apartment to apartment to steer him away from possible troubling neighborhoods with the hope of a better way of life. By doing so she also allowed someone [a role model] to mentor him who was able to nurture his skill and interest for playing basketball which paid off. But, more importantly than that, God wanted me to focus on his character in how he was raised and has grown to be an awesome role model himself.
The Bible, PROVERBS 22:6, states: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. This doesn’t mean that mistakes may not be made along the way, but in the end, we ALWAYS stay close to home to include what was instilled within us as part of our journey. What I don’t see much being played out in the media is emphasis on Lebron James as a family man or his need and interest for helping others in the community where he grew up. Not to mention his down-to-earth personality. Meaning, his celebrity status (fame and fortune) hasn’t swelled his head. He is the same around old and new friends. That’s rare these days!

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. ~Ephesians 5:15-16
During that interview, Lebron James was being manipulated (goated) to speak against the performance of another player. He was being baited to incite division [pit one person or player against another]. A strategy we always seem to fall for!!! But Lebron James used WISDOM; and, instead of them attempting to understand, they criticized him for it by calling him arrogant. I witnessed CONFIDENCE and CHARACTER on that day; void of the spirit of arrogance or cockiness! A willingness not to be controlled but in control of self and the situation. Afterwards, I truly don’t believe he allowed it to consume him and he didn’t feel the need to apologize for it! Apologize for what? Demanding RESPECT from those who don’t think you deserve it! Demand it anyway and move on – as he did! His silence at that moment was priceless!
It’s important to know who you are and who you were created to be as opposed to who others think you should be! It’s important to know your surroundings to understand the spiritual forces in your orbit! Whose in your corner and why? What’s the connection or storyline? Are you easily manipulated? Do you feel the need to ALWAYS respond and react to everything? Don’t take the bait!
Staff Writer; Dr. Ann Gwen Mack
One may also visit this sister online over at; AnnGwenMack.com.
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