(ThyBlackMan.com) The brutal political fact of life is that Joe Biden won’t get Trump out of the White House by non-stop screaming what a petty, racist, corrupt, misogynist, screw up he is. These epithets and more have been hurled at Trump every second he has been in the White House. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you get bursts of energy, then spend the rest of the week listless and depressed? Do you avoid prescription drugs you need because your health plan is too expensive? Even if you’re healthy, preventative care is more affordable than emergency care. To keep yourself healthy, you need to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you finally ready to build your swimming pool? If a backyard pool has always been a dream—you’ve probably already considered the finances. However, have you considered everything? You may have saved up enough to get the best pool builders. And, you may even have enough to cover a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) 2020 has been the most unexpected of years. Who’d have ever thought we’d experience a global lockdown, unable to see our friends and families and be unable to even go to work. It’s been an eye-opener, and for some people, it’s made them consider their whole perspective. One thing ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Having mold in your home can create serious health issues, and whether you own your own or you’re a renter, it needs to be addressed. It’s important to understand the harmful effects of mold exposure and how to spot mold so that you can remedy the problem or contact ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In watching the Democratic National Convention one thing strikes me over and over again – Democrats really don’t like this country and the people in it. No, this wasn’t news to me, but it was surprising to see them be so open about it; proud of it, really. The ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A term first coined after the 2008 Financial Crisis, according to Forbes, the “new normal” seems to change frequently. What was once commonplace before the bubble burst was never the same again. Technology has had the same effect over the past few decades, allowing employees to work from home ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Which presidential candidate will bankrupt America first, Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Last year, we compared the costs of the leading Democratic candidates’ promises. At that time, Biden, to his credit, proposed the least new spending. Kamala Harris promised the most. She wanted to add $4.2 trillion to America’s ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) President Trump has an opportunity to secure his legacy with regard to Iran. It is an opportunity to put the U.S. on the moral high ground, encourage millions of Iranians who have been suffering under the ayatollahs’ yoke, and send a shiver down the spine of the tyrants ruling ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Government contracts are the holy grail for a lot of service businesses. They bring the promise of a lot of work and landing a few government contracts can help to stabilize your business and set the foundations for growth. However, these contracts are incredibly competitive and there are a ...
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