(ThyBlackMan.com) Black Studies, just like the people it chronicles is under attack. And so, on the 50thAnniversary of the Black Studies movement, African American professor, Arthur Lewin, in The End of Black Studies asks, “What is the goal, or end, that Black Studies was created to attain, and whether or not it has achieved it, is it ending nonetheless?”
Professor Lewin identifies the central divide in the discipline between those instructors trying to assimilate, in the fashion of Martin Luther King and those striving to maintain a separate African American identity in the university and in the society, in the style of Malcolm X.

One of the many issues explored in detail is the mass media’s use of subliminals and other techniques to subtly condition and program African Americans as to their “place,” and the counter-programming offered by people like Spike Lee, Chuck D and the creators of the Hidden Colors documentary series. This book also documents the pivotal role that Harlem, capital of Black America, has played in the history of the discipline, our people, this nation and the world.
Purchase the book over at; Hakims Bookstore.
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