How Are We to Keep Shelter.

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( Louisiana, along with many other states, are under a stay at home mandate. Everyone is supposed to do everything they can to do their part to help flatten the curb by practicing social distance. There are still those that don’t seem to understand how serious this virus is, they don’t know someone that has it, or their response to fear is to function like absolutely nothing is going on. Whatever the reason not staying at home if you can will puts lives at risk, and it’s not okay. We’ve all heard this. Citizens are being called to be responsible and follow the government mandates to keep us safe.

All over social media there is shade, and open rebuke against those that are choosing not to practice social distance in these perilous times. However, what do we say to the government when it appears that hey won’t mandate what’s necessary for us to follow their mandate?

If I don’t have a roof over my head I clearly can’t stay home. If citizens are walking the streets out of anxiety and mental duress that needs to be address. Everyone that’s out an about isn’t doing so with the intention of breaking the law. Many realize that they’re out of work, some have been fired, and there is no money coming in. Unfortunately, most of us live from check to check. One hiccup in work means a drastic hit to income and it could mean eviction. Yes, it means there will be no shelter. Everyone doesn’t have family they can call, someone’s couch to crash upon, or a phone that can be made to borrow the money. Too many people are in the same boat and holding on to what little they have with everything they’ve got. What does the government plan to do about this situation?

If you want citizens to stay home, why hasn’t all rent, and mortgage been suspended for at least 90 days? Most utility companies are suspending disconnects while bills are accruing. This basically means for now you won’t get turned off…but once this time period ends you could be faced with immediate disconnects across multiple services because the bill has snowballed. Why won’t they simply suspend the charges? The bottom line is as we watch the fight in Washington what is clear is there is enough money to make sure we are not out here in fear of being homeless.

This is the kind of anxiety that would make people break the law to stay open or keep working. There is a point whereby losing everything is just as detrimental as the virus causing the shut-in. I am among those on fixed incomes wondering how ends will be met while knowing my immune system is so compromised, I can’t afford to leave home at all. Leadership in this country need to understand the fear that is moving across this country.

The people make the country and we can only hope those in charge realize there is more at stake than a bottom line. How are we to keep shelter when that has been removed. If you face this situation please do what you can on social media to reach out to your mayors and governors to let them know we need rent and mortgage to be cancelled until we can get back to work. Stay a home mandates are drastic measures that will require drastic support.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.

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