(ThyBlackMan.com) Ironically, the principles, values and life experiences of my lifelong Democrat dad, the late Dr Rev. Lloyd E Marcus made me the black Christian conservative Republican activist I am today.
I am thrilled and extremely grateful that my book honoring Dad’s legacy is finished. “Storefront Memories: Fond Memories of Growing Up in My Preacher Dad’s Baltimore Storefront Church.” The foreword by Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel law firm; faithfully fighting on the front line for our Constitutional freedom.
Reviews are excellent.
“Dear Lloyd, Your book definitely needed to be written and published. The pictures are amazing and the story of your Dad’s life is heartwarming and inspiring. How blessed you are to have had a father like him. No wonder you have become the man that you are – the man that we I have been privileged to get to know.” Dr. Cal & Linda D.
Quoting the late Paul Harvey, allow me to share, “the rest of the story.”
For years, I have shared Dad’s inspiring stories and nuggets of wisdom in my articles. He was a Christian minister, civil rights pioneer and champion of religious liberty.

Two years ago, my 4 younger siblings and I gathered around our 90 year old dad’s bed. He was semi-coherent with his eyes closed. We promised to honor his legacy as a man of God. He appeared to smile. The next morning, Dad transitioned home to Jesus.
A year ago, I asked a longtime publisher friend to assist in producing a book honoring Dad’s legacy. He was immediately on board and instructed me how to use a Kick-starter Campaign to fund the project. I raised the needed funds for design, production and printing.
Upon submitting the manuscript to my publisher friend to begin designing the book, surprisingly he disagreed with the content. In short, my friend dropped the project; refusing to take my phone calls or respond to my emails.
Candidly, I panicked. I resigned from my position at WJZ-TV as a graphic designer in 1993. The industry has changed dramatically since then. I did not feel comfortable designing the book. I scolded myself for being too stubborn about the content. And yet, I knew Dad would want his book to minister to readers.
Months passed without any progress on the book. Finally, I dove into designing the book. Searching the internet, I found a publisher/printer.
When the publisher sent me the finished design for approval before going to press, my eyes filled with tears. “Yes, Dad would love this.” It had been a long stressful journey.
I fretted losing my longtime friend over such a small disagreement. Surprisingly, he sent me a Christmas card. We met over the holidays and revived our friendship. God gave me back my friend.
At the beginning of the project, I prayed asking God to make Dad’s book a blessing. Little did I know the journey would include feuding with my friend, months of stress and self doubt. It always comes back to that scripture. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”
According to reviews, God answered my prayer, making “Storefront Memories” a blessing to all who read it.
Staff Writer; Lloyd Marcus
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
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