Please Wash Your Hands Properly.

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( The flu puts a hurting on many Americans every flu season. There is a push to get the flu shot, make sure you have enough calcium in your diet, and take vitamins. In addition to that, Lysol everything and use hand sanitizer all day. The interesting thing is there is simply not enough emphasis put on the washing of hands and overall hygiene. As the coronavirus spreads in the world, and U.S., there is a push to urge citizens to wash their hands. Insist them as well to practice proper hand drying after washing as part of complete hand hygiene. It’s unfortunate that this is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germ because too many people don’t wash their hands for whatever reason.

It’s hard to wrap one’s mind around this, because you’d think it’s common sense, until you see someone come out the bathroom stall and walk out the bathroom completely bypassing the soap and water. In those moments we are reminded that everyone doesn’t take a care for their own health let alone that of others. Furthermore, if we must discuss how often we should bathe or wash clothing, and the accessibility to do these things, it can make preventing the spread of disease seem hopeless.

We know there are a group of people that simply don’t wash their hands and accessibility is not the issue. Maybe, if they truly understood how nasty that action was they’d mend their ways. However, we must also be concerned about those that think they are washing their hands. It baffles the mind that there are those that don’t wash their hands using soap, only put soap on their palms, or only believe in lathering for a split second to rinse immediately. Some children are more thorough than adults when it comes to hand washing. It could very well be the effect of the fast pace mentality. Think about it, many people are in a rush to get everything done so nothing gets effectively handled. Twenty seconds in a blip of time in the large picture of one’s day, and that is all it takes to wash one’s hands in a manner considered to be effective. If this is part of the issue…we must slow down enough to care for self.

Do you wash your hands before you eat? Think about that question as you scroll through the mental timeline of your day. Our hands are literally the filthiest part of our body and it they interact with everything. If you don’t already please wash your hands; see this as a part of your self-care. I’m sure you aren’t trying to catch the flu, or any other virus. When washing your hands use soap, and lather your hands well rubbing them together getting between your fingers and under your nails. Please wash your hands for at least twenty second to have a better change of washing away germs of any sort. In addition to hand washing be mindful of overall hygiene.

Cleansing your body in totality it another great way to remove the germs of the day. This will help you maintain good health, it’s quite relaxing, and you are actively helping to prevent the spread of germs and disease by taking care of self. Don’t underestimate the power of soap and water. The best thing you can do consistently to help lower your chances of catching the flu, coronavirus, or anything like them is to wash your hands and keep clean.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.