(ThyBlackMan.com) Dogs don’t bark because they’re brave, they bark because they’re scared. The same can be said for the current House Speaker. Afraid of a revolt among the even more left wing of her party, afraid of a president her party looks increasingly unlikely to defeat in November, afraid of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Starting a new job can be a scary experience to say the least. It doesn’t matter whether you are coming straight out of college or whether you have been in the workforce for 20 years because there are various steps that you need to take and sometimes it helps ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Everyone grows up hoping their career will be a fulfilling one, but there are so many factors that can get in the way of that. These factors can involve social issues, health problems, or weak guidance. For most people, the jobs they have are not what they envisioned as ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve spent all of my adult life loving my family and pursuing knowledge and happiness. As a result, I’ve developed skills that people are willing to pay me to utilize on their behalf. Attorneys call me and offer to share a third of their fees to do legal research ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “Can you admit we must leave?” If your nervous, sweaty-browed commander asks you that, it’s time to flee. Tapping into imminent-danger fear is the cornerstone of any great thriller. Bring fright, or go home. Nothing in cinematographer-turned-director William Eubanks’ filmography (The Signal, Love) indicates that he’s capable of such a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black talent being shut out of the Golden Globes is not just a travesty but also a testament to the power of the work and the narratives being told that challenge the status quo. Why folks assume that awards shows invested in the same media industries that continue to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The recent announcement that Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) suspended his campaign for President of the United States should come as no surprise even to his supporters. Booker, like Sen. Kamala Harris, never had a chance. They would tell you it was because of racism and sexism in the case ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Every January, you make the same promises to yourself. You will eat healthily, go to the gym, learn that language, book that vacation or apply for a new job.  More often than not, good intentions fall by the wayside as the pressures of life and family inevitably creep in. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Many expressions used for describing people of color and how they manage time in their lives. Such as Black time, Native American time, Mexican time, all depicting the time when most folks show up for functions (being late). When Trump was elected, it seems many were too late, had ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I have learned that in this life, one never knows what the next moment will bring. I am sure that by the time we finish this race called life that we will be able to look back and attest to triumphs, challenges, successes, and failures. I pray that your ...