Woman, Teach Thy Sister!

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(ThyBlackMan.com)   The numbers are staggering, and are showing little sign of letting up.  More and more teenage girls being sent to juvenile hall, reform school, and on to prison.  The rising number of teenage girls involved in street gangs–not just as followers, but as leaders.  In hallways of many schools, teenage girls are engaging in much of the same behavior detested in teenage boys–cussing, fussing, fighting, and packing guns and knives.

As a matter of fact, the day after I wrote this column, a fifteen year old girl was arrested at a local high school and taken to juvenile hall for being found with a loaded .22 semi-automatic in her purse.

For many a year, the feminists and their allies in the mainstream press have been eagerly browbeating us men, telling us what ‘we need to do’ with young men.  And,hg, it took us a while to get the message, but we have done the job.

Well, let me be the first to put the shoe on the other foot, and go public with my words: ‘It’s high time that WOMEN get these TEENAGE GIRLS under control!’  In short, it’s time for women to roll up their sleeves, pull down the hemlines, cover up the over-exposure of flesh, and get back to teaching young women how to become women of quality, rather than someone’s rap video plaything.


Brothers, just as it takes a man to teach a boy how to become a man, it takes a woman to teach a girl how to become a woman.  The problem in our modern day is that there are far too many women who are more interested in competing with their daughters for the available men that are out in society, rather than being content with the husband that they do have.  Can I get an AMEN from the husbands in the house?

Let’s head on down the course a little further.  Without proper training from Godly women, young women are headed down a slippery slope.  There are many male teachers–young and old–who have been propositioned by girls as young as ten or eleven years old!  The favorite question of these young ‘wannabe’ temptresses in many a classroom is not; “What’s tonight’s homework assignment,” but rather; “Are you married?”  In fact, some female students are so starved for attention that they are turned on to ‘man shopping’ for Mama just to get some kind of attention from any perceived ‘good’ man.  No wonder there is a shortage of men in the middle and high school teaching ranks.  What male teacher wants to be ‘set up’ because of a scorned eleven year old?

But that’s not all.  I’ve heard through the ‘underground grapevine’ that, if a teenage boy ‘rejects’ or ‘won’t talk to’ a teenage girl who is interested in him–thanks to our PC society and school environment–the teenage girl will run to the Dean of Students and ACCUSE HIM OF SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!  You may think that I am pulling your leg on this one, but trust me–I have already seen it happen in my home city.  It may be coming to a city near you–and your son may be the target.  Even if you get the culprit to ‘fess up’, your son’s academic record may be in ruins…unless you have the bank to get a lawyer to clean up such a mess.

Then, let us not forget the parents of young brothers who get calls at home from their female student friends, asking them how they can ‘get next to’ their son.  One father got so mad that he went public with an article on the subject.


But wait…there IS more, sports fans!

Remember when Grandmas used to be in their fifties and sixties?   I have noticed that there are women in their mid-thirties who are grandmothers!

And, they are not above hitting the strip to have a little fun.  May/December romances are not a thing of the past, nor of hushed whispers, anymore.  Just turn on any TV Talk show, and you can see the host or hostess giving their ‘tips’ on how Granny can ‘shake them hips’.

With the weather turning warmer, the skirts getting shorter, and modesty becoming non-existent, women–who have come from families that should have taught them better– there are ‘Grandmas’ out there trying to ‘get their roll on’, just like their daughters–and in some cases, granddaughters!

Like I said brothers, this is not a man problem.  This is a woman problem. And, for you sisters who read my column on a regular basis (and show it to your man), this one is for YOU.  Show it to HER, brothers!  Woman, Teach Thy Sister!  Her life, and the life of your relationship with YOUR woman may depend upon it, when one of her friends shows up on your doorstep to try to ruin your relationship.

Sisters:  You can’t watch another’s house burn, without some hot ashes heading your way.  It’s not ‘someone else’s problem’, but Y-O-U-R-S.


The biblical mandate is clear, and is found in the New Testament.  Titus, Chapter Two (KJV).  It is up to older men to train younger men, and the older women to train younger women.  The reason for such an order-setting pattern is simple: there are just some topics which are meant to be shared between women, and some topics meant to be shared between men.  In other words; men have been ordained to provide for a home, yet women have been ordained to make a home worthy of provision.

In the Book of Ruth, Naomi–the older woman–take the time to educate, or ‘hip’ Ruth–the younger woman–in the ways of womanhood.  Naomi, while disappointed with the initial outcome of her life-because of circumstances, reversals, and downturns–still found the time to put away her crying towel to do what she was created to do; help an unsure, awkward, young girl to become a mature woman who would be a blessing to society, rather than a curse.

In my humble opinion, there are far too many older women in the ‘blaming’ game, rather than getting involved in the ‘training’ game.  Our streets are full of young women who know more about Wall Street or ‘Their Street’ than how to help their own family or a family down her street.  As one businessman once told me: “We have an abundance of educated fools; men who are smart and won’t provide; women who are smart, and won’t receive.”

Let’s move on.  Eventually, Naomi trained Ruth to such a point that Ruth went solo, and landed the man of her dreams, Boaz–a mighty man of wealth.  Naomi trained Ruth to know the difference between the ‘punks, skunks, and drunks’, and she–the little foreign girl who was hated by the insiders, wound up married to the wealthiest man in town!  As a bonus, Ruth and Boaz were firmly imbedded into the bloodline of Jesus Christ–all because Naomi stopped thinking about her past, and reached forward to a better future by helping someone–a young woman–in need!


When an older woman helps to shape the life of a younger woman, she could impact the destiny of an entire nation of people!  Harriet Tubman, Phyllis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, and other sisters from our past were raised on God and the Church!  Their courage inspired dozens–if not hundreds–of women, and uplifting untold dozens of men.  When we look at THEIR exploits in history, there is not a modern woman who can hold a candle to them!  What modern innovation compares to the Underground Railroad?

Yes, these were real, flesh and blood women.  However, when the going got rough, they didn’t ‘opt out’ for a seminar on self-esteem.  They remembered how they were ‘raised up’ by other women, and faced the day at hand, working as a team with the men around them!

If only many of the modern women of today had such

But, I digress.

Brothers, we need to encourage our women to get back to the basics.  Not in a harsh way, but in a truthful manner.  Let us stick with those brothers who need help, but refer our ‘younger sisters’ to those women in our communities who have a track record of sobriety, modesty, and maturity.  They exist.  They are as close as the Mother’s Board of your local church, or, within the confines of your local home.  Quality women–just like quality men–don’t just happen.  Someone has taken the time to get involved with them and helped them see that they don’t have to be a statistic, but they can be an inspiration.

Staff Writer; Mike Ramey

This brother is also a Minister, Modern Street Gangs Specialist, Nationally-Known Political Consultant and Syndicated Columnist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “Ramey‘s Guide To Elective Office For Men”, is one of a variety of columns that Ramey has in cyberspace. His address is still the same: manhoodline@yahoo.com.

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