Types of Cosmetic Products and Their Functions.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Have you ever taken time to ask yourself how many types of cosmetic products there is? It is important especially for people who always want to apply cosmetics on their faces. Depending on the kind of flaw you would like to rectify, you need to choose the most appropriate product. Safety is also another concern you need to always look for because some products produce a burning sensation or an irritation type of feeling. Test every product before you buy it and apply it to yourself. Below are some of the types of makeup products.

Skin Moisturizers

Skin Moisturizers are meant to improve the nourishment of the skin. They are made with synthetic hyaluronic acid, connective tissue and proteins to help the skin regain its components. Once applied, it adds more moisture and also increases the water retention capacity of the skin. The skin, therefore, becomes smooth and soft making you look attractive. This type of cosmetic product works well safely if made from natural ingredients like the black seed oil.


These are skin washing products that are meant to eliminate any kind of dead skin cells from your skin. They penetrate the dermis and epidermis to eliminate all dead tissues leaving your skin live and attractive. It is normally used for eliminating acne by opening all blocked pores and making your skin to excrete waste products. Most exfoliators are sold together with skin moisturizers. Most of them have a recommended frequency that people should apply to achieve excellent results.


Sunscreens are important because they cover the top of your skin from UV rays. UV rays are harmful to your health so you need to always make sure you don’t expose your skin. Sunburns, black patches and other types of issues can be prevented by sunscreens so make sure you find the best type of sunscreens and apply. They are made differently; some can protect you up to 12 hours while others only cover you for only 3 or 4 hours.

Skin Lightening Products

These products are meant to increase skin tone. They eliminate any sort of dark patches on the skin and make your skin smooth looking and very regular. If you want to enjoy a flawless skin that has no discoloration or any sort of irregularities, these products are the ultimate options that you need to go for. You can apply lightening products with moisturizers so that you improve the nourishment and flawless aspect of your face.

Hair Cosmetic Products

Hair cosmetic products are meant to make your hair look good in all aspects from being moistened, softened to being relaxed. You need to know which products are good for you so that you don’t encounter any side effects. Hair moisteners are good because they even propel the growth of your hair and prevent hair loss. All hair products are meant to increase your hair shininess and strength, therefore, it will be hard for you to undergo hair loss.


As seen above, cosmetic products are in many types and forms so you need to make sure you buy only what will be best. Make it a habit to ensure you use organic products like black seed oil that doesn’t contain any kind of chemicals that could be harmful to your health.

Staff Writer; Fred Love

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