(ThyBlackMan.com) “On a fundamental, emotional level, superheroes, whether in print or on film, serve the same function for their audience as Golden Age movie stars did for theirs: they create glamour. If that sounds crazy, it’s because we tend to forget what glamour is really about. Glamour isn’t beauty or luxury; ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Oprah is doing the best she can. She is insecure. She is a liberal. She promotes women, but doesn’t seem to respect men. She does not stand against evil, but rather, promotes it. Oprah Winfrey believes in “racism” (which does not exist, and never has). She said so-called “racist” older ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For the 44 million American consumers who struggle with a still-growing student loan debt of $1.4 trillion, the problems wrought by debt collectors and loan servicers is a nagging problem. Servicer changes and errors, unexplained fees that worsen the debt and difficulty in securing income-based repayment plans are all painfully ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) From attacks on voting rights to police killings of unarmed civilians and growing inequities in earnings and wealth, the civil rights gains of the past six decades are facing threat after threat. But one front in the fight for full equality—meaningful access to higher education—is particularly urgent. With 65 percent ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The things we use in our daily lives are products of great ideas. At one point in time, your car was an idea about transport without the use of horses. Your cell phone was an idea about making it easier to communicate using radio waves. Even in the cases of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Tobacco has seen its day. After spending billions to attract and addict the public, their customers are finally looking for alternatives. Some cigarette smokers have stopped cold-turkey, and others have sought help. But, they are leaving the Big Tobacco market in droves. With e-cigarettes and vaping as options, users can ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Semi truck accidents are far more common than you might think; sometimes, the end result is somewhat acceptable, and sometimes serious injuries and even fatalities are unavoidable. While traffic accidents are chaotic by their very nature, there is a light at the end of the tunnel – and it does ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Alcohol and drug addiction is an extremely serious problem our world is facing today that leads to thousands of deaths each year. It is a disease that affects your brain, body, and behavior. When you’re under the influence of drugs, you are unable to control your actions, and this may ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) FIRST we have to declare that there is a clear distinction between ‘gentrification’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ the gentrification process can occur naturally and voluntarily the people of a neighborhood who have been long time residents can be approached by large developers or a local government and asked to sell their ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I already realize that those who know me well will state that I am biased in regards to speaking about the enormous utility of education in on-going efforts to uplift African-American males out of what most would agree is a death spiral that has already extinguished too many bright futures ...
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