(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you one of the twenty-five million Americans living with a thyroid problem? The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that is found in the front of your throat. The thyroid is responsible for assisting the body with regulating metabolic functions. When the gland is not functioning correctly due to an imbalance, you may experience a wide variety of negative health effects.
Hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid, presents symptoms that may go unnoticed by you. If you find you are experiencing any of the following ten signs of hypothyroidism, then it may be time for you to book an appointment with your medical practitioner.
10 Signs of an Under-Active Thyroid
#1 Extreme fatigue that you just can’t seem to get rid of no matter how much rest you get. There’s a difference between a sugar-crash and constant fatigue. Hypothyroidism disturbs healthy metabolic function. This fact reduces the ability of the body to produce enough energy to satisfy the bodies energy demand. If you find that you need naps throughout the day, this should be a tell-tale sign of hypothyroidism.
#2 Check your neck. Do you have any swelling or a lump around your throat? This lump is the sign of a swollen thyroid gland, make sure you arrange a consultation with your doctor immediately.
#3 Do you struggle to lose weight? Are you gaining body fat faster than usual? The inability to correctly manage your bodyweight is another typical sign of hypothyroidism.
#4 Emotional Instability. Mood swings, depression, and anxiety are all emotional responses to an under-active thyroid. Keep an eye on your mental state, and if you find yourself unable to control your mood for extended periods of time, you may be living with hypothyroidism.
#5 Our body manufactures different types of hormones that are responsible for various biological and metabolic functions. A thyroid imbalance throws this system into disarray and interferes with the body’s regular production of hormones.
#6 Low thyroid function also affects the digestive system. Biomes are micro bacteria found in the GI tract responsible for assimilating the food we eat. When thyroid function is suppressed due to an imbalance, the biomes struggle to complete their task, resulting in weak digestion, constipation, and a leaky gut.
#7 Hypothyroidism takes its toll on the muscular and skeletal system as well. People living with under-active thyroids may experience joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendonitis.
#8 The thyroid is a crucial gland is regulating body temperature. Our body’s need to be at a constant 98.5 degrees for optimal health. People with hypothyroidism often find that their extremities feel cold or numb.
#9 Eczema, dry skin, psoriasis, brittle hair, and nails are all signs of a weakened thyroid.
#10 Hypothyroidism even affects the mind. If you struggle to focus and concentrate, or you are experiencing bouts of ‘brain fog,’ then you may have an under-active thyroid.
Do any of these symptoms above sound familiar to you? If you think that you could be afflicted with an under-active thyroid, then it’s best to arrange a consultation with your medical professional immediately.
Your doctor will ask you to come into their office where they can diagnose you. Part of their examination on you will include drawing your blood for analysis at a pathology lab. Your blood will be screened to check the status of your thyroid hormone levels. Although there are physical signs of hypothyroidism, blood work results are the only real way to determine if you are suffering from the condition.
The primary tests ordered by a doctor to determine hypothyroidism are;
• Free T3 and T4
• Reverse T3
• TgAb
If your doctor does find that you have hypothyroidism, they will recommend the right course of treatment to you that may include specific medications available from the Thyroid Pharmacist. Your condition will need monitoring, so you can expect to return to your doctor’s office for a follow-up in six to eight weeks’ time.
Wrapping Up
Along with your treatment schedule, there are specific lifestyle changes you can make to ensure your best chances of a full recovery from an under-active thyroid and return to full thyroid function.
Make sure that your diet is clean and avoid any refined carbohydrates such as flour and sugar. These foods create inflammation that can worsen your condition. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated and remember to take a chelated multi-vitamin and mineral complex with your meals. Avoid gluten and other inflammatory foods that will impair your metabolic function.
Staff Writer; Karl Ross
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