(ThyBlackMan.com) If President Trump were to stop his motorcade and have carrion removed from the roadway, Trump haters and craven, progressive Republicans would accuse him of decreasing the food supply for animals that feast upon same.
My analogy is reference to the caustic feigned moral outrage that is tantamount to acts of moral turpitude being directed against President Trump in the aftermath of the mess in Charlottesville, Virginia.
My friend and colleague John Brinson explained it succinctly in his response to a Wall Street Journal article on the melee in Charlottesville. John said: “In Charlottesville, armed racist whites were met by anti-racist whites wearing masks and carrying various weapons. The racist whites had a permit to rally; the anti-racist crowd did not. Soon, the two sides clashed, resulting in … injuries.
There is no way to blame the racist whites for the violence. They had a legal right to be there – their opponents did not. If it had not been for the action of one racist white driving his car into the crowd, killing one, this ugly incident would not have resulted in the media and the Democrats blaming Trump for failing to list all the racist white groups involved. Donald Trump did call for an end to ‘bigotry and hatred,’ which sums up the white racist movement. No, this incident cannot be blamed on Trump, but the left-wing news media use any excuse to attack Trump.”
President Trump spoke clearly and plainly, and he made the correct point that there is/was a moral equivalence between the two groups in Charlottesville.
It must also be stated that the American Civil Liberties Union, the premiere leftist legal group, came to the legal defense of the “mislabeled” white nationalist, neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, when the city of Charlottesville tried to revoke the protest permit it had initially rendered. U.S. District Court Judge Glen Conrad agreed with the ACLU defense argument that the decision to revoke the permit infringed upon free speech. Why aren’t the Trump haters and craven Republicans attacking the ACLU and Judge Conrad?
Said groups are “mislabeled.” They are racists hate groups, but they are not part of any right-wing ideology you and I identify with. We must “resist” the pernicious lies of the neo-Leninist media. They knowingly adopt the verbiage of George Soros-funded groups in attempt to discredit conservatives by fallaciously claiming the conservative movement is comprised of the racist hate groups that gathered in Charlottesville.
You don’t have to like the words of another person or group, but that dislike alone does not permit those you disagree with from espousing their views – no matter how untoward.
Consider the history of repulsive public rhetoric made by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Michelle Obama, Karl Rove, et al, and ad nauseum.
On Aug. 12, Barack Obama tweeted: “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.” The sense of his tweet was that people were taught to hate blacks and Muslims. Of course he was given a pass in the media and by politicos for his thinly veiled bigotry.
By extolling the words of Barack Obama, the media further showcased their absence of credibility and the fact their predisposition is to lies and deceit. Their shameful dishonesty and Obama’s raw racism is revealed for all to see in an article I wrote in 2013:
“Obama believes, ‘If [black] nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, of the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence.’ (‘Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race And Inheritance’; Pg. 284) For those who miss the exact point he was making, he was saying that he would sacrifice his white mother and white grandparents on the altar of Black Nationalism.” (See: “Obama Boasts His Irish Ancestry But Hates Whites and Catholics,” Aug. 13,2013.)
I continued: “There resides within Barack Obama a hatred of white people that explains in part why he is so conflicted. In his book ‘Dreams,’ he opines that, as was the case with Malcolm X, if he were able ‘he would purge the white blood from my veins.’” (Pgs. 101-102 paperback edition) Obama by his own admission, referred to blacks who dated whites and blacks who spoke without slang as ‘Uncle Toms.’ He by his own admission, called black students who associated with white students ‘half-breeds.’”
Imagine if President Donald Trump had made such hateful remarks in one of his books. Therein lies the duplicitous double standards and selective moral outrage.
President Donald Trump called evil what it is – evil. He properly identified both groups executing violence as moral equivalents. But in the mindset and parlance of those predisposed to castigate him, President Donald Trump committed political apostasy by not attacking white protesters legally assembled as singularly evil racists – and the group carrying weapons, including the white Clinton supporter who drove his vehicle into the permitted group, murdering a young woman, as the social conscience of goodwill and anti-bigotry.
Written by Mychal Massie
Official website; http://mychal-massie.com
Mychal, people like you bend the truth so much that all your lies indeed starts to appear like truth, however, there is Supreme Power somewhere, that’s going to decide upon all your fate. Just be aware of that force and try to abstain from saying anything that would prevent you from burning in the fire of Hell. You hater, bigot & by definition Uncle Tom will never achieve happiness in your life
Nothing to see here… just a blogger with no idea about, pretty much, anything.
You have got to be kidding me. How can anyone in good conscience defend the racist bigots that showed up in Virginia!! I’m at a loss for words regarding this article.
To be taken seriously, start out with the truth.
and the truth is this:
the left did have permits( McGuffey Park and Justice Park). Just not for the same place as the right (Emancipation Park).
Plus this:
“Charlottesville spokeswoman Miriam I. Dickler told Moyer that only one permit was issued for Emancipation Park — the one received by white nationalists staging the “Unite the Right” rally. However, counter-protesters did not need permits to protest that rally, she said.
“Please bear in mind that people do not need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is scheduled to take place there, nor are they required to have one to be on streets or sidewalks adjacent to or outside the park,” Dickler said in an email.”
There are many other examples/reasons to call Trump racist, egomaniacal, and mentally unstable. You can omit this most recent gaffe and still retain a plethora of terrible comments/behaviors on his behalf that are at, the very least, the antithesis of what it means to be a Christian. Party values are lost on this ingrate, and we should not blindly follow him simply because he comes with the republican label. It is disheartening to see so many educated, and otherwise good hearted Christians, follow this man into the depths of hell. He has a hallow heart and dark soul that is ripping this country apart in a way that shakes my core belief in who we are as a nation. In 50 years history books will reflect the terrible damage this awful man inflicted on the world. Too bad he won’t be around to see he will be forever remembered as the worst president this country has ever seen.
I just do not understand how the author made the quote, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion” into a racist statement.