The White Progressive’s Real Race Problem.

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(ThyBlackMan.comWhite progressives do not yet seem to be ready to fall on their sword to win the Democratic primary. The near religious support of Bernie Sanders is admirable, but it is also implausible to victory. The DNC has pre-selected Kamala Harris aka Kamala Clinton to be their frontrunner for the 2020 General Election. This is a strategic race and gender based selection by the Clintonites who have already seized upon the opportunity to launch racist and sexist accusatory attacks against “Bernie Bros.”. It is as if they decided upon the attack strategy before deciding on their candidate. Unfortunately, my dear white brothers and sisters, this will work. It will serve its purpose in removing any chance that progressives have with black women voters, who are the strongest voting block that the party has to rely on. In selecting Kamala Clinton, they have their blackface corporatist avatar and black women will stand in solidarity with her.

White progressives are considering alternatives to Sanders, but more often than not, they support the extremely unknown Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi Gabbard, who is also white and half-Samoan, will not attract black women Democrats to her ticket. Again, they will stand in solidarity with Kamala. Tulsi Gabbard doesn’t change the progressive strategic positioning one iota from the quandary that Bernie presents. I hesitate to say it, but this leaning toward Gabbard may be a form of white supremacy itself. It is obvious that the one person who can out black woman Kamala Clinton is Nina Turner, yet white progressives are extremely slow to arrive at that conclusion.

I understand that Gabbard is on the right side of the issues, but I also understand the white American’s racial blind spot. The left has a tendency to not admit that race and gender are strategic factors and will at times fall into a cumbaya mentality. It’s time to sober up from this supposed post-racialism. Donald Trump won on a platform of white nationalism.

If it were not for the Democratic Party’s willingness to attack progressives on racial and gender lines, I would completely support a Sanders/Turner ticket, but they have announced their intentions. The DNC has already given away their primary strategy some three years early and that very weakness must be taken advantage of. If the DNC was smart, they would have just prepared their horse and tried to appease us, but they are not smart. They told on themselves and they have allowed us the opportunity to pick a candidate who can short-circuit their attacks and that candidate is Nina Turner.

A Turner/Sanders ticket is the game winner. It ensures that black women are not insulted by Progressives placing a black woman in a secondary position as Vice-President. Black people in general will be very sensitive to that order. We were already offended at an all-white DNC nomination process and ticket in 2016. Black women are ready for and deserve to have real political power. A Turner/Sanders ticket ensures a black woman versus half-black woman battle as Kamala Clinton is half-Indian (South Asian Indian). A Turner/Sanders ticket disables criticism from the right that Democrats only represent the cultural elites. Nina Turner was born a poor girl in Cleveland, Ohio. Nina Turner is the antithesis of a coastal cultural elite. She was not ushered through the best schools in Northern California by educated parents of means. She started from the bottom, and now she’s here.

I make no apologies for recognizing a winning strategy and neither should you. White progressives have to get over the fact that identity plays a huge strategic role in American politics. Nina Turner’s identity as a black woman born poor in the Mid-West makes her incredibly relatable to many Americans of all stripes because her nomination and election would be a classic tale of the American Dream. It would represent democracy at its finest.

Staff Writer; Asani Akida

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