Four Things Black Men Must Do Now.

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( The problem of the twenty-first century for Black men in America is the problem of empowerment, the willingness of our brothers to move against the internal and external forces that stand between us and our freedom. Divergent forces are at work now to undermine, undercut and underserve the pillars of our community.

This assault on our men is rampant in our society and it’s most vicious display is registered in the killing of unarmed young men. Self-destructive habits also are wreaking havoc among many in our community.

In light of the above, what are Black men to do now? It’s important to organize, and protest has its place. But empowerment begins as an inside job. I say we tap into our inner power and equip ourselves to claim our God-given, brand-new future! Here are four steps – among many – toward achieving that end.

Write Affirmations

An affirmation is a confirmation of a truth. When you write them, you confirm what you believe to be true. Writing an affirmation is a declaration of something positive and power in your life – whether its health, wealth or love. Keep your affirmations simple. “I am powerful”. “I am strong”. “I am able to overcome this”.

It’s like seeing something with your mind’s eye, even though circumstances may betray that vision. When you declare or decree something, you tap into a limitless power. As someone well-said, We become what we speak.

Make a Commitment to Financial Freedom

Henry David Thoreau said it best: Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. A lot of people are strung out on debt. Debt is a dream-buster. When we are in debt, we do not fully experience life.

What’s important though is a daily commitment to financial freedom. The end-goal of financial freedom is building wealth. It’s so easy to want to be rich, but it’s a lot harder to work toward being wealthy. One of the best engines toward creating wealth is starting your own business. Take the first step. What skill or talent are you in possession of that you may transmute into wealth? Determine the answer to that question and you’ll create the means to its achievement. Do not expect it to be easy. Understand there will be challenging days, but the end thereof is worth it!

Practice Forgiveness

One of the biggest weights we carry through life is the unwillingness to forgive. Marianne Williamson was spot on when she wrote, There is no peace without forgiveness.

Learn the art of forgiveness. Do not carry around the baggage from past relationships. Too many men are hampered by issues of anger that extend back into childhood. Some brothers are angry with their own fathers – either from issues of emotional abuse or just being AWOL. Holding on to such anger does nothing to move you toward your brand-new future. Let it go. It’s suicide on the installment plan. Our healing begins when we learn to let go of the pain and release bitter feelings.

Exercise Regularly

This is by far the most important of the four pillars. If we don’t take care of our Body Temple, we are already in the hole. We owe it to ourselves and our family to care for our body, mind and spirit wellness. It’s a holistic paradigm, but it begins in the physical realm. Commit to exercising at least ten minutes per day, even if it’s just a brisk walk through the neighborhood. Along with that, make better food choices. Reduce red meat consumption. Drink more water and eliminate alcohol.

Black men have a God-given, brand-new future to claim!

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –

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