(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve long observed the state of black children with deep concern. It seems that with all the billions of dollars being spent to educate children in urban areas, this money is going to waste. This waste appears to be a mixture of good old government inefficiency, apathetic parents, and teachers who don’t care much about our children. But spreading the blame doesn’t actually solve the problem. While we are sitting around trying to figure out who destroyed our children, the little ones are left to languish in the stench of inherited ignorance.
Staff Writer; Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition. For more information, please visit http://BoyceWatkins.com.
Interesting article! Reading a book per month is not enough. It should be one per week with a writing report. Kids should also learn how to read earlier. Oprah did at age 3, Toni Morrison also! I did since age 5 and I have many degrees including a law one. Intellectual stimulation is highly important for children, it has to be done early!
Just my $.02. I agree with almost everything you said but I would argue that reading should be focused on the smartest writers. Lao Tzu. Machiavelli etc. I would also argue that the who you are statement as it relates to writers may have some benefit but that it will not work. My son grew up and wanted to read about dragons. Period. If there were no dragons he would not read on his own so I went with Dragons. My daughter? Well, it was Lord of the Rings. I did not try to force a writer or a genre I just tried to get them to read to develop the habit. Then, later, I began pushing the classics that would teach them about life which is where strategy books from whoever wrote them came in. As is obvious I am white. I care little about developing my kid’s white identity. I only care about making sure they are kind, honorable people and that they have as sharp an intellect as they can attain. Limiting myself to white or black or at other color to develop an identity would, to me, be risking failure in obtaining their intellectual interest.
Otherwise I would recommend your article to any parent of any race and in fact did. I sent the link to my niece,
Thanks for writing it.