Poisoned by “Fake News”.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) This current president coined the term “Fake News” to attack media outlets that were not reporting about his administration in a positive light. Regardless of if their reports were truthful he coined them fake. He implies he could accept criticism if it were truthful verses a lie. The problem with this implication is he seems delusional about that’s real and fake. He’s narcissist to the point that he can’t accept being told Mr. President you are wrong, or you need to be held accountable. We’ve seen this blatant delusion in his campaign and it spilled over into the White House.

The “Fake News” concept has had a negative impact on Americans in a sense it has created a serious paranoia regarding the news. Even though we know that “Fake News” was a ploy to shut down the free press, we have accepted the mental poison of the “Fake News concept. This has taken a toll on us to the point that we question what is blatantly before our eyes.

Americans have been bombarded with negativity, violence, fear of war and global embarrassment. Some are afraid to turn on the TV or log on to social media because the negativity and fear is overwhelming. When the unthinkable happens now we are quick to use the term “Fake News”, and become conspiracy theorists of the worst kind. The black community has been affected also, and to the point that verified murder is “Fake News”. It was unfortunate to see so many question if Mr. Godwin had indeed been murdered on Facebook by Steve Stevens. Regardless of news conferences from verified sources, and the response of the family of Mr. Godwin some of our people still screamed “Fake News”. We must seriously evaluate what we are allowing to happen in our community as a result of what is happening around us. The very president that many of us can’t support is, in a covert manner, directing how we think.

It is dangerous when we aren’t able to acknowledge what is happening around us because we have accepted the paranoia of a president many of us can’t trust. So many are trying to fight the powers that be, but we are allowing the mental manipulation of this administration and society take hold. We couldn’t even acknowledge the passing of an elder…what else are we missing because we now believe everything is “Fake News”? Common sense, and our gut intuition cannot be ignored for psychological infiltration by those that would can’t seem to acknowledge the importance of our lives.

It is not easy, but we must come together and communicate about what is going on in the world around us. Everything is NOT “Fake News”; there are situations stirring globally that could have a serious impact on your everyday life. As a people, we must fight against the urge to become completely desensitized to the point we can’t feel nor acknowledge the world around us. It is important to control how we think, and how we process the world.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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