(ThyBlackMan.com) There are so many people facing hurt, anger and grief with no direction. How to manage these hardships is different for everyone, but it is necessary to find a method that is safe and works for you. In black community prayer, and spiritual meditation, have been mainstays. Though some professionals argue against that method we must remember that seeking medical attention for our pain has not always been an option.
Furthermore, due to the history of blacks in this country some do not trust the medical profession when it comes to mental health. Taking the medical route to some is unfortunately seen as admitting one is crazy or deranged. It is important, as a community, to discuss how to handle anger, grief and other painful emotions as they can cause an onslaught of problems for an individual that become family and even community matters.
When we can acknowledge, every individual is different we can suggest different options to those we love. However, before doing such it is very important that we as a people learn to listen. Often times those we love want to come to us and open up, but they know that they will be told what’s wrong with them before they have an opportunity to speak. Sometimes we are so focused on wanting to help that we become a hindrance.
It is important for those that are hurting to know that their perspective matter, even if we do not agree. Discrediting what one believes in is not going to make want to seek additional help. Yes, many of our people believe they can pray, and that prayer changes. The problem with this is based on the experiences in that persons’ life it would be counterproductive to fight them regarding their faith, but offering additional help (faith without works is dead concept) may make them more accepting of professional options.
The same situation applies to the hurting person that doesn’t believe in prayer. Trying to shove a bible down their throat could send them over the edge, or make them shut down. If the goal is helping an individual manage their anger or grief accepting their right not to believe is just as important. The bottom line is we must aid our people based on who they are, not what we believe will work based on our own experiences. Encouraging loved ones, and community members to seek a remedy for their pain is also a proactive measure. When someone decides to harm others to deal with their suffering that is the wrong time to say they need help, especially if someone knew this.
Mental and emotional wellness is important, and it requires us to pay attention to our people. Life moves so fast, and so much reaching out is done via social media…but that it not always the best communication. We must allow ourselves to listen to those we love, and if we are the ones hurting allow ourselves to be heard. Healing begins with care, and concern. We must get back to community, and make the overall wellness of that community a priority. If we don’t anger, pain and grief will continue to fester to the point that utter destruction will be inevitable.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/christian.pierre.9809 and also Twitter; http://twitter.com/MrzZeta.
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