Planned Parenthood And The Polemics Of Black Genocide! Part 1.

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( WE all should know the name MARGARET SANGER and of her eugenics NEGRO project , her open proclamations of too many black people and the unfit and how they should be weeded out of the general population.

MARGARET SANGER specifically targeted black people in her writings and views , she met with the KKK and other racist organizations assuring them she had the plan to remove black people from the population and got them to fund her enterprise which we now know as first the AMERICAN birth control league and then planned parenthood.

MARGARET SANGER would be happy to know that her project was a complete success because she got black women to abort the lives of about 17 million black children over the last fifty years, this wasn’t a easy task she needed a lot of help and she especially needed black help or else none of this could’ve ever worked , she hired black preachers in her NEGRO PROJECT to sermonize her message of population control.

IF you research this subject you’ll find a very significant role the black preachers played in allowing this satanic practice of abortion into the lives of black women and even still today.

THIS article is not so much about MARGARET SANGER but the role black leadership played into delivering us into the hands of a admitted eugenicist organization that has vowed to exterminate black people from the population and has so far cost the lives of 17 million unborn black children, how did we get involved with planned parenthood?


THE people who are charged with engineering the destruction of black AMERICA know that black women engage in what is called ‘group think’ and they know that all they have to do is get a respected and or powerful person to introduce a idea or practice into a targeted population knowing this person has the credibility to make the idea or practice acceptable, today’s example would be someone like OPRAH or MICHELLE OBAMA, this is what FAYE WATTLETON was in the 1970s beautiful , intelligent and articulate with her forceful persona she made a practice and a organization that had a deservedly bad image in the black community more acceptable.

WITH a friendly black face preaching women’s health and especially poor black women’s health planned parenthood was able to grow exponentially in the inner cities, when FAYE WATTLETON was made the youngest president of planned parenthood in 1978 she was able to expand the organization to nine hundred clinics, by the time she retired in 1990 and the budget grew to a annual 380 million dollars.

FAYE WATTLETON was also from the black church both parents were very religious and her mother retired a fundamentalist minister in the CHURCH OF GOD, its also funny because she was honest about what she was doing she made many public statements that she knew abortion was killing and yet she was able to continue her work, in a 1997 MS. magazine interview she stated ‘everyone knows that abortion kills, I think we have deluded ourselves into thinking that people don’t know that abortion is killing.
SO any pretense that abortion is not killing is a sign of our ambivalence , a sign we cannot say yes it kills a fetus.

FAYE WATTLETON still today fights for what she calls women’s rights and have no regrets about her career at planned parenthood.


WHEN we talk about the marriage between the black church and the democratic party nothing epitomizes this union more the the REV. JESSE JACKSON and for those of us who are too young to know this JESSE JACKSON was the first OBAMA, he was also called the president of black AMERICA and since he also claimed to be a reverend he had great influence over the black church leaders.

MOST people also wouldn’t know this but at one time JESSE and the black church were very anti abortion and publicly called it what is was and that is genocide and it was JESSE leading the charge in 1970 as head of the PUSH program and speaking as a reverend he stated’ I’M conceding unless we put human life second only to GOD in our lives , we’re becoming a SODOM and GOMORRAH,we have a obligation to take sex and life as a far more sacred event as we do now’.

IN 1973 JESSE stated in JET magazine
‘ABORTION IS GENOCIDE ‘, anything growing is living …if you got the thrill to set the baby in motion and you don’t have the will to protect it is dishonest

YOU try to avoid reproducing deformities , but you don’t try and stop reproducing and procreating human life at its best.

IN 1975 JESSE joins BILLY GRAHAMS wife for a constitution amendment banning abortion and part of the signed document read, ‘A deep concern for defenseless human life , including the unborn as well as the handicapped , is consistent element of CHRISTIAN moral teaching from the day’s of the apostles onward ‘.

IN 1980 JESSE said ‘ the idea that life is private and one may do with it as one wishes , was the premise of slavery , you could not protest the existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation because that was and therefore outside your concern’.

IN 1984 JESSE ran for president and all that changed because he hit the big leagues and was told the real agenda because in that same year he said he supported MEDCAID funding of abortions for low income women and in his second run for president in 1988 he was the only candidate to openly support abortion as a women’s choice.

JESSE and the whole black political/religious establishment know full well what planned parenthood intentions are especially the black church because if it was any institution in the country that should have a anti abortion pro life message it would be the black church from which JESSE came out of because they know the truth they know abortion is murder.

THE black woman who spends more time in church than anyone else is also a victim because she lost the protection of her leaders and institution that they should have provided and now she has become the biggest killer of black children in history and she did it while she was sitting in her democrat church ,listening to her democrat preacher.


ITS not just the NAACP who has its annual conventions sponsored by planned parenthood that’s in bed with this organization but also the URBAN LEAGUE and the CBC all have taken the money and received awards from this racist eugenicist organization and engaging in a conspiracy of silence of the murder of our black unborn children.

BLACK AMERICA has been cursed with the worst leadership in the country these people are in alliance with a organization whose stated goal is destroying us and although we’re not the first people in history to be betrayed by its leadership this has to go down as one of the worst cases, because its not just the issue of abortion we’ve been betrayed on its virtually everything else.

BLACK leadership doesn’t see us a asset to be developed and protected they see us as a resource that can be bartered or sold whether its our votes or our unborn, we were warned about this class of leadership for decades but as the saying goes ‘people get the leadership they deserve’ and although I know there are very good brothers and sisters out there fighting for the unborn , its very few and none have national names almost all are unknown and they fight with their own time and money they have no rich JEWISH donors like the NAACP.

Staff Writer; Robert Jordan

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