(ThyBlackMan.com) The 45th President, Donald J Trump, has been in office for almost a month and two weeks, and many of us are still in a state of shock. We were all asked to give this president a chance and some of swallowed the nasty taste in our mouth to oblige. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Make no mistake there’s a calculated method to Ben Carson’s zaniness. There’s absolutely no way he could not know that making an idiotic crack that blacks took what amounted to a busman’s holiday excursion to America and in the process poked around for a few plumb opportunities and then decided ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the most concerning things that we think about on a regular basis is how to protect our homes. For starters, what happens if there’s a flood? Do we instantly run for the hills, or do we bunker up and protect our homes? What about if there’s a fire, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The average lifespan of a smartphone is about two years these days. The need to constantly upgrade means that plenty of fully functioning smartphones are left collecting dust in drawers across the world. But there is no need to forget about your old smartphone or tablet once you stop using ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When future generations read the history of the nation’s first Black President, I believe there will be greater acknowledgement of his administration’s significant accomplishments. For now, however, an undeniable strategic war is underway to dismantle the very progress President Obama achieved. General market media outlets have extensively reported on ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The moment Republicans bought into the notion that Obamacare must not just be repealed but “replaced,” Democrats won. Democrats argue that health care is a “right.” Republicans claim they disagree, that nowhere in the Constitution does the federal government guarantee health care treatment or health care insurance. But Republicans’ ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There once was a convention among American presidents wherein chief executives refrained from disparaging their predecessors, even if there was known enmity between them; this pertained to immediate predecessors in particular. This sort of criticism was considered gauche, if nothing else, and it just wasn’t done. That convention was ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There is so much focus on the health care system at the moment, what with Obamacare getting torn apart and Trump realizing that healthcare is a little more complex than he first thought. But whatever comes out of Washington in the next couple of weeks, the best way to stay ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The NCAA is NOT an “amateur” sports league that they always claim to be because it’s a professional sports league that makes more money during March Madness than the playoffs for The NFL and The NBA combined. These administrators and greedy money hungry coaches like John Calipari and Nick Saban, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Probable Dream or Unconventional Reality? Now that Donald Trump has proved you don’t need experience to become leader of the free world, some celebrities have expressed interest in becoming president. Among the names vying to succeed the real estate developer, only one is generating publicity— Oprah Winfrey.  From a political point of view, imagine one of the ...