Trumps Presidency is Exhausting.

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( By now it should be clear to every rational American that something is seriously wrong with Donald Trump. His presidency is a little over two months old, but it feels like he has been in office for years. There seems to be a different scandal for this administration every day, most of which are self induced. Trump and the clown show he has surrounded himself with are turning some of America’s greatest institutions into a circus.

The majority of President Trump’s cabinet picks are a who’s who of the inept. People, who have no idea how to lead, govern, or they severely lack the experience required to run their Departments. Americans regardless of political affiliation should also be appalled that President Trump chose Steve Bannon, a white supremacist that has consistently demonstrated his hate for this country as one of his closest advisers.

As President, Trump hit a new low this week when he accused his predecessor of wire tapping his residence in New York without offering any facts to back up his accusations. The accusations are bad enough, but to do it via an early Saturday morning twitter rant is truly disturbing and unprofessional. These are very serious accusations. Trump has angry and dumb tweeted his way to the Whitehouse, and will likely continue to do so throughout his presidency; could you imagine if Obama was this reckless with his twitter account?

Donald Trump lacks compassion or concern for anyone but himself. Trump continues to lob unsubstantiated accusations via twitter for his staff and others to go out and defend. To date, no evidence has been produced to substantiate Trump’s claims about the Obama wiretap or many of Trump’s other tweets. Trump has lied repeatedly during his campaign, and as President. Trump should no longer be allowed to tweet and hide. All Americans need to start holding Trump accountable for his lies, and his conduct, and Trump needs to realize he is no longer candidate Trump. Holding campaign style rally’s for affirmation after every Trump administration screw up is really getting old.

What should have been a good week for the Trump administration after his speech to Congress, turned into another week of distractions fueled by another tweet filled meltdown by the so called leader of the free world. What is truly unfortunate are our Congressional leaders, Justice Department, and our free press are having to respond and react to Trump’s conspiracy filled tweets, which is disrupting the governing of our country.

Meanwhile the majority of Trump supporters seem to be sticking their heads in the sand, and giving Trump a pass for all of his absurd un-presidential behavior. I respect America’s political process and Trumps supporters right to vote for him, but I cannot respect anyone who turns a blind eye to the outright lies and the destruction of America because of partisan politics.

I spent 36 years of my life serving this country through military and Government service. I have made sacrifices for my country our President refused to make, so his behavior is somewhat personal. Trump ran for President out of spite, revenge and to push a hateful agenda on the American people and the world. In the process he deeply divided this country. He is now carrying out that agenda with a lot of help from Steve Bannon.

I still believe Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS, and I hope the American people wake up soon, or America will go the way of the Roman Empire. Donald Trump is 50 days into his presidency; it is time for him to lead. Americans should not have to brace themselves daily for the next scandal or national mishap, or irresponsible tweet from his administration. The American people deserve better from their President, and the world deserves better from the person elected to be the leader of the free world.

Staff Writer; Matt Drayton

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