Topics that African Americans Won’t/Will not address.

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( In the African-American community there is a cloistered way of silence when it comes to certain topics. We don’t like discussing it for various reasons and at times it’s caused drama because you have that particular family member(s) that tend to run their mouths about stuff that is not their place to say. Surprising by the rise in blacks getting into a tussle about all the stuff that’s happening within the black community. We want to address racism and injustice, but that’s on the outside it’s the inside that’s a whole different ballgame. There are some hot button topics that blacks refuse to talk about and/or acknowledge even if they know it’s right or wrong.

Here are some things that black people won’t and refuse to talk about-

Abuse (sexual, mental, emotional, and physical) As a community we thrive on talking about taking care of our own, but that’s just the frosting on the cake. We actually dismiss and downgrade the victim making them feel like the abuse was their fault and protecting the abuser. Citing it’s because “we” meaning the community don’t want to cause hurt for someone’s mama and/or family. Yet the victim is forced to grow up continuing to see and /or interact with the abuser at family functions and other family related events to avoid embarrassing the family with buying the victim’s silence with threats, intimidation, and manipulation. This is why accountability is not a priority in the black community.

Disabled family-People in the black community who are disabled (learning, physical, mental) are often treated like second class citizens because they perceived as burdens and not exactly productive in the world in the eyes of black people. It also points to how many are seen as an embarrassment to their family and to the community. If that person is slow to finish things they’re viewed in a negative light because some family member are telling others how that person’s ‘doing their best’-A great back handed comment for saying that person is a failure and a screw up.

Scapegoating-Black people like to scapegoat because it’s easier to blame someone to avoid being held responsible for something or to take the attention off them. The innocent person who gets scapegoated in the black community usually spends years trying to clean up a damaged reputation as a result of a family member (s) painting a false negative picture of someone.

Bullying-This is a big one and that is bullying. Black people also think that you can control those through intimidation, threats and manipulation. Black people don’t want to lose control over some things that’s why bullying seems to be a deep seated issue that is swept under the rug. Even speaking out about it can bring about nasty comments from others when the victim stands up for themselves and won’t further subject themselves to abuse and mistreatment.

Excusing poor behavior-Now as most know or have seen within their own families that we want to piss and whine about the injustices of the world towards blacks, but we don’t want to discuss the poor and often times tactless behavior of our people. Yet the minute that someone speaks out they’re attacked for saying something that’s obviously true. We don’t want to address the behavior of ourselves or other blacks. We’re ok with PMing, texting and emailing the hell out of that person on social media saying they’re wrong for what they said. In honesty the family dynamics of African-Americans is jacked up and it only takes one person to start dialogue about a silent problem that gets worse each day and to stop the justification and excuses for someone or somebody.

It’s these things that fuel the negative and often times hostile action within the African-American community. We don’t want to talk about it and will come down hard on someone who steps up and speaks out because the African American community is threatened by the truth when someone speaks out about the injustices within the community involving our own people. When actress and former Fox News contributor Stacey Dash came out with a blog post called ‘Quit using Slavery as a Scapegoat in the Black Community’ received a lot of heat, but let’s take a look at this a little closer the fact that Dash opened the dialogue to discuss the negative elements that has brought down the black community she’s getting flamed for her comments. The fact that ANY dialogue that is raised by those who say it are the ones who get harped on for speaking the truth about what really goes on in the black community in terms of social things. How are we going to progress forward if we can’t talk about certain things that has plagued the black community.

Staff Writer; Nafeesah Abdullah

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